Sentences with phrase «equal pay involves»

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«HQ2» would be an equal to Amazon's massive Seattle campus and involve a five - billion - dollar capital investment for the chosen city, and «create,» in the parlance of the day, 50,000 high - paying jobs in the area.
In turn, the businesswomen involved in the Collaborative are informing the LIA about issues important to them and the region's economic vitality, such as equal pay for equal work and making child care and early education opportunities more affordable and accessible to working families.
«uncertainty» equals no consensus but consensus is not proof this is just one classic example of just more humans trying to justify their existence and no the IPCC Judith Curry and everyone else involved continue dancing on the head of a pin whilst Mr Ordinary gets his wealth sequestrated in order to pay for these guys to indulge in their pet hobby when the person who is making their life possible derives no benefit whatsoever except higher and higher energy bills, more restrictions on their ability to travel whilst again the lauded few get to travel across the planet 1st class to tout their jaded theories of how what and where and all I hope and pray is that we get another five years of flat temperatures then you are all toast and in a great need of having to work for a living or get another hobby.
In McWilliam v Glasgow CC [2011] UKEATS / 36/10 the council and its unions reached agreement on terms for settling a major equal pay issue involving approximately 10,000 employees.
These include statutes such as the California Equal Pay Act, the Wage Theft Protection Act of 2011, and the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, which pertain to issues involving work hours and wages, including meal periods, rest breaks, overtime, and minimum wage.
In South Lanarkshire Council v Scottish Information Commissioner [2013] UKSC 55 (a case which involved the disclosure of pay scales within the Council in connection with matters concerning equal pay), Lady Hale observed that the sixth condition in Schedule 2 required that three discrete questions are asked and answered:
Charlotte also defends employers in the employment tribunal involving allegations of discrimination, whistleblowing and equal pay.
You can also get involved by joining Equal Pay Day campaigns or WAGE clubs.
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