Sentences with phrase «equation of state with»

Such unusual matter would tend to make neutron stars softer, so pinning down the equation of state with additional neutron star crashes could eventually resolve whether these exotic beasts of physics indeed lurk in this unexplored territory.

Not exact matches

With the 2014 elections at hand, and a tentative deal in place for the IDC to reunite with the larger Democratic conference, Ms. Stewart - Cousins today stands on the brink of becoming the first woman — and black woman, to boot — to enter the famous «three (and sometimes four) men in a room» equation that runs New York State politWith the 2014 elections at hand, and a tentative deal in place for the IDC to reunite with the larger Democratic conference, Ms. Stewart - Cousins today stands on the brink of becoming the first woman — and black woman, to boot — to enter the famous «three (and sometimes four) men in a room» equation that runs New York State politwith the larger Democratic conference, Ms. Stewart - Cousins today stands on the brink of becoming the first woman — and black woman, to boot — to enter the famous «three (and sometimes four) men in a room» equation that runs New York State politics.
More specifically, it was necessary to realise that if represented with a proper normalisation, the data behaves in a universal manner, that is, in a way that is essentially independent of the equation of state.
The Hubble observations were made with Hubble's sharp - eyed Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), and were conducted by the Supernova H0 for the Equation of State (SH0ES) team, which works to refine the accuracy of the Hubble constant to a precision that allows for a better understanding of the universe's behavior.
Using a pair of governing equations that assume swarmalators are free to move about, along with numerical simulations, the group found that a swarmalator system settles into one of five states:
So you took your questions about the Schrödinger equation and the effect of measurement with you when you left for the United States and your Ph.D. at Berkeley?
Wang added, «With this type of machine learning, we are trying to identify a certain pattern or correlation of patterns that is a unique signature of the equation of state
The internal structures of giant planets are much less well known than those of main - sequence stars because of uncertainties in the equation of state of degenerate gas, the composition (typically non-solar), the interaction with the magnetic field and, in the upper layers, the relative magnitudes of internal heat and energy deposited from the sun.
Perform free energy calculations as a function of many order parameters with a particular focus on biological problems, using state of the art methods such as metadynamics, umbrella sampling and Jarzynski - equation - based steered MD..
With this information, we will be able to calculate the Equation of State of the mysterious Dark Energy.
You write, «I respectfully disagree with your suggestion that the closest thing states have to an objective measure of student achievement [value - added growth scores based on standardized tests] should not be part of the equation
«I fully recognize that any system of accountability will not be able to perfectly measure teacher effectiveness, but I respectfully disagree with your suggestion that the closest thing states have to an objective measure of student achievement should not be part of the equation.
Inferring Equation As stated in Comprehension Connections, children infer all of the time, but that doesn't mean they know how to infer with text.
The Seville completes the equation by marrying the new drivetrain technology with classic styling and state - of - the - art suspension technology.
Initial reviews of PhotoMath are a little mixed, stating the app easily handles simple equations but can struggle with those that are more complex (though I'm certain this will improve with time).
Even with state taxes added into the equation, such a review makes buying munis for this investor «less of a planning concern» going forward, according to Munson.
Additionally, with such an acute customer demographic base, it is simply hilarious that these firms attempt to be rigid in their pricing models regarding commissions and fees.An elementary equation of supply of potential customers (minimal) and available broking platforms (plenty) make the decision to select a broker that is very simply for the client to offer the prospective broker what they are prepared to pay NOT for the broker to state this is what the fees and commissions are.
The federal poverty guidelines are the second component of this equation, and they're used to estimate costs of associated with a minimum standard of living in the United States.
Women asked to solve a math equation with their dogs nearby experienced less stress than women who worked with a human friend in a study conducted by the State University of New York at Buffalo.
In his later panels, Kaphar began with his original equation and extended the tar at least up to the mouth, representing the silencing of the incarcerated men, who were stripped of many rights, including the right to vote and access to federally funded programs in many states.
If we are going to work with Gibbs energy, we need to be careful to bound and define the systems, and to ensure that we understand the nature of the equations of state, e.g., kinked curves.
In a system such as the climate, we can never include enough variables to describe the actual system on all relevant length scales (e.g. the butterfly effect — MICROSCOPIC perturbations grow exponentially in time to drive the system to completely different states over macroscopic time) so the best that we can often do is model it as a complex nonlinear set of ordinary differential equations with stochastic noise terms — a generalized Langevin equation or generalized Master equation, as it were — and average behaviors over what one hopes is a spanning set of butterfly - wing perturbations to assess whether or not the resulting system trajectories fill the available phase space uniformly or perhaps are restricted or constrained in some way.
[«To understand the equation of state, assume that you have a fixed mass of air enclosed in a container with rigid walls (hence with fixed volume).
This get really bizarre when these equations are used to derive a formula for partial derivative of p with respect to x. Dropping x - dependence out in (34) it was effectively stated that nothing relevant depends on x.
I'm vaguely familiar with the gas laws; equations of state and all that; but let's just for the moment stick with the perfect gas from which we get: - pV = nRT So the number (n) of mols of gas in the atmosphere is constant (maybe) and R is a Universal constant; and p is a proxy for Temperature (you say), so presumably p is proportional to T.
The Trump administration's proposal to repeal the carbon - cutting Clean Power Plan likely won't have a big effect on the global carbon equation, but together with other pro-coal measures, as well as a lack of attention to energy conservation, could bump United States emissions beyond the limits targeted by the Paris climate agreement.
Is it not then fair to state that the link between tropopause and surface is given by the radiative transfer equations along with the proper input in terms of ghg concentrations and spectroscopic properties, and starting atmospheric temperatures?
Features of the model described here include the following: (1) tripolar grid to resolve the Arctic Ocean without polar filtering, (2) partial bottom step representation of topography to better represent topographically influenced advective and wave processes, (3) more accurate equation of state, (4) three - dimensional flux limited tracer advection to reduce overshoots and undershoots, (5) incorporation of regional climatological variability in shortwave penetration, (6) neutral physics parameterization for representation of the pathways of tracer transport, (7) staggered time stepping for tracer conservation and numerical efficiency, (8) anisotropic horizontal viscosities for representation of equatorial currents, (9) parameterization of exchange with marginal seas, (10) incorporation of a free surface that accommodates a dynamic ice model and wave propagation, (11) transport of water across the ocean free surface to eliminate unphysical «virtual tracer flux» methods, (12) parameterization of tidal mixing on continental shelves.
Once the excessive blood - alcohol readings were accordingly excluded from the equation, the trial judge agreed with the defence submission that the charge of impaired driving was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt since the concussive facts of the accident may well have contributed to the accused apparent state of «impairment» after the crash.
He spent more than 15 years with mathematician and biologist James Murray converting the findings into quantifiable variables, then creating equations showing how the variables interact to drive marriages toward hell or a state of grace.
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