Sentences with phrase «esse said»

«It represents someone not just squeaking by,» Esse said.

Not exact matches

A full «conviction of sin» (esse: essence, being) comes by, I can only say, immaculate conception & amazing grace: a feeling I could never construct out of my own imagination or experience.
The «Conviction of «Sin»» (I.E. esse: «essence,» «being») an immaculate concept flying in on the wings of a dove, say: certainly nothing one would conjure up without the help of Goedel's Theorem, might as well ask Joe Fish to define wet let alone conceive of dry: it makes no common sense.
It may be that the relation of congregation to a theological school is like the relation some Anglicans say obtains between the churches and a bishop: Churches do not need a bishop for their being (esse) but they do need a bishop for their well - being (bene esse).
We may also say that the radical novelty of esse gives «depth» — that is, significance and meaning — to the derivative novelty of humans and nature.
To put this into different language, we may say that, in contrast to the level of creativity - esse, there is, at least potentially, a «zero - sum game» in relation to creativity - characterization.
Previously we noted how creativity - esse may be said to provide a «depth» for the activities of humans and nature.
Because I hold that creativity - characterization is nothing other than creativity - esse in another role, and because God gives the creature its creativityesse and, thereby, its creativity - characterization, we can say that God creates the creature's freedom.
It would be a mistake to say without qualification that creativity - esse causes the emergence of a new actual entity.
God as the sole source of each creature's creativity - esse may be said to create ex nihilo.
The same could be said for Aristotle's matter and Aquinas» esse, providing that one substitutes, for example, Aristotle's «substance» for Whitehead's «actual entity.»
«We saw the improvement of lives of coffee farmers in Latin [America] and thought we could use same concept for farmers here,» said Erik Esse, the network's coordinator.
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