Sentences with phrase «eternal recurrence as»

Let there be no question about this: to judge Zarathustra as the Antichrist, and Eternal Recurrence as a demonic inversion of the Kingdom of God, is to set oneself against the radical secularity of the modern world, and finally to react with No - saying to the uniquely contemporary history of our time.
On every side, scholarly critics and theologians point to Nietzsche's vision of Eternal Recurrence as the antithetical opposite of the Christian gospel.

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Does not the New Creation (Eternal Recurrence) of Zarathustra parallel the New Creation of Jesus (the Kingdom of God) insofar as it shatters history, dissolves all rational meaning, and brings to an end the rule of Law?
We might also note that Nietzsche's higher or Dionysian vision of Eternal Recurrence — which he judged to be the ultimate expression of Yes - saying or total affirmation — can be reached only by passing through a full and total realization of the meaninglessness and chaos of the world or reality as such.
The solution of the eternal recurrence depends essentially on Nietzsche's conception of the external, independent relation of time to becoming and willing, coupled with his notion of time as infinite and the becoming universe as finite (TSZ 178).
Without reservation, Zarathustra affirms his necessary will, his particular, eternally recurring destiny as the prophet of the eternal recurrence and the bridge to the overman.
1 The exposition of Nietzsche's thoughts is based upon Thus Spoke Zarathustra («TSZ,» translated by R. J. Hollingdale, Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969) because of the central attention given to the spirit of revenge and the eternal recurrence, as well as to life as will to power and valuation.
Yes, this vision of Eternal Recurrence is an acceptance of death as living in the Now, and it is just for this reason that it is opposed to all primordial forms of a coincidentia oppositorum.
Nor need one just be stuck with programmed patterns which repeat themselves over and over again — a kind of Nietzschean «eternal recurrence of the same» — with performance becoming decreasingly effective as the organism runs down.
Indeed, can the Christian accept those triumphant words in the third part of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, where Zarathustra's animals speak ecstatically of the redemptive meaning of the symbol of Eternal Recurrence, as a portrait of such a new totality of bliss?
What Blake could envision as the New Jerusalem, or Hegel could know as the advent of Absolute Spirit, or Nietzsche could envision as Eternal Recurrence, is the consequence of the end of history, but an ending realized only through the death of God, which each could know not only as the most ultimate ending in our history, but also as that ending which made possible and calls forth the most absolute beginning.
Much of the work deals with ideas such as the «eternal recurrence of the same», the parable on the «death of God», and the «prophecy» of the Übermensch, which were first introduced in The Gay Science.The book chronicles the fictitious travels and speeches of Zarathustra.
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