Sentences with phrase «ethical challenges of»

Ethical Challenges of Parenting Interventions in Low - to Middle - Income Countries.
Learn tools for developing reasonable child - centered and custody options and the ethical challenges of parenting coordination and parenting facilitation; Understand the roles and skills of parenting coordinators and parenting facilitators; Better understand the dynamics and issues in co-parenting and the needs of parents and children within on high conflict families; Study the development and evolution of parenting plans, parenting coordination, and parenting facilitation techniques.
ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF SECURING CLIENT DATA In 1946, computer pioneer Grace Hopper was busy working as a programmer on one of the world's early supercomputers: Harvard's Mark II back when each computer was the size of an entire room.
If none of the above convinces you about the ethical challenges of the billable hour perhaps have a go at applying The Golden Rule:
Additionally, students will critically examine the substance and application of human rights law, the use of interdisciplinary methodologies for documenting and responding to human rights violations, and the ethical challenges of working on human rights problems globally.
These and many other cases offer new insight into the motives of thieves, the legal and ethical challenges of recovery and restitution, and the devastating historical and cultural impact of art crime.
R. Schüssler, Comment at the conference «The Ethical Challenges of Climate Engineering, IASS, Potsdam, 22 - 24 May 2013.
A five - year mixed methods research project explored the ethical challenges of CRTs.
But the tactical concerns are dwarfed by the ethical challenges of ensuring informed consent and confidentiality for all four patients.
Most research concerned with the psychosocial effects of breastfeeding is based on observational studies due to the ethical challenges of randomly assigning mothers to either breastfeeding or formula feeding groups.
In spite of the facts, Koku Anyidoho continued to peddle the lies that I had refused to give the President the names of the suspected criminals knowing very well that I had the ethical challenge of publishing my said letter, and that the credibility of the Government would be destroyed if they published my letter.
Recalling the same era, Simon leung's War After War is a collaborative project with Warren Niesluchowski, a former World War 11 refugee and Vietnam War deserter whose life foregrounds the ethical challenge of reciprocity and hospitality.

Not exact matches

But other kinds of VR can reinforce the problem by giving a viewer only a specific version of the events (Tom Kent of the Associated Press has written about some of these ethical challenges).
But rather, that it's a case that illustrates the challenges of leadership, and an opportunity to reflect on the ethical demands that fall on leaders in particular, as a result of the special role they play.
The MBA oath is of course not going to solve all of the ethical challenges that arise in such a context.
Despite high - profile deals in the sector, the industrial meat industry faces a rising tide of challenges, in the form of interrelated business, ethical, and environmental concerns.
An ethical challenge exists with respect to the discounting of fees for a «double - ender».
Bernard Coughlin, S.J., title this collection of essays «Letters to Young People,» because it would inform and challenge college - aged students who are grappling with philosophical, spiritual, political, and ethical questions for the first time.
Dr David Jones, Professor of Bioethics at St Mary's College, London, has pointed out that he does not accept that brain death can be assumed for any cadaver with a beating - heart, and challenges the ethical acceptability of the use of any such cadaver for donor purposes [13].
In challenging process theology to state explicitly that God sides with the oppressed, and to do so in a way that does not rule out the possibility of righteous counterviolence, I understand Jones to be challenging process theology to explicate the social - ethical consequences of accepting certain metaphysical truths in order that black theology might measure its ethical content against the needs of the struggle for liberation.
It never challenges the scientism and materialism of the American elite, and it sets the stage for ethical action.
The ecumenical movement has therefore in many ways come to serve as a vehicle for common reflection on the challenge of contemporary ethical issues.
The main objectives of this Consultation were to analyze globalization and its impact on human rights; to study ethical and theological considerations with regard to globalization; to search for alternative development paradigms; to study the policies of developed nations on development and trade policies in the context of globalization; to gain inputs on the experiences of indigenous people, workers and farmers who are affected by globalization; to consider the response of the Churches to the challenges posed by globalization and to study and identify concerns that the Asian churches can take up in order to address the adverse impact of globalization in the Asian context.
Aristotle considered (prime) matter to be unintelligible andnon - being» Fourth, developments in genetic engineering will pose a challenge both ethically and metaphysically in the way man deals with attempts to manipulate life (and change it) via cloning, hybrids, and the integration of human (organic) and machine technology (via nano - technology); issues of conscience, soul, purpose, intelligence, memory and morality will require the Church to articulate competently its understanding of the human person in order to provide an ethical voice.
While praising the «rich tradition» of American liberalism and its practice of challenging «any authoritarian imposition of religious or ethical values,» the authors assert that «we can't have our cake and eat it: unlimited choice and uncluttered freedom get in the way of family strength and community well - being.»
Indeed, in support of the thesis that the Open Letter's «elusive and silent» character concerning the Vatican's anthropological and ethical challenge is intentional, Magister quotes Aref Ali Nayed, one of the main authors of the Letter stating, in an interview with the Catholic News Service:
Hence, by its challenge to our favored images of God, especially those that present God as one whose favor we must win by our religious or ethical performances, the subversive, revelatory image of a God who participates in our own shame pulls the rug out from under a society that seeks by way of religion to legitimate its exclusivism.
Having advanced the ideal of ecological justice based on the ethical implications of the Christian tradition, the statement concludes with a challenge to the churches — one that is appropriately set in visionary terms.
So the moral and ethical challenge is to somehow reintroduce values into the technological, and thus political, contextualizing of processed images, to restore the dissected and desiccated token to the water of life, to the moral universe, the real world which permits us to be truly human.
The driving force behind this process — i.e., the «factors making for growth in the halakhah» — is, first, the «necessity to respond to new external conditions — social, economic, political, or cultural — that pose a challenge or even a threat to accepted religious and ethical values,» and, second, the «need to give recognition to new ethical insights and attitudes and to embody them in the life of the people, even if there [is] no change in objective conditions.»
The older ethical position of code morality has been challenged by the values of situation ethics.
Our church has recently started an Ethical Eating group and several of the families are vegan or are doing a several week vegan challenge.
In total the challenge has succeeded in redirecting over $ 60 million of institutional money to purchasing local, fair, sustainable and ethical food.
The packaging sector should be on the front foot about challenges the industry faces and the impact packaging has — argues Stuart Lendrum, former head of Packaging Design & Technology and Sustainable & Ethical Sourcing at Sainsbury's.
IRRI believes that responsible and ethical research and development of GM rice present another opportunity that should be explored to help meet these challenges.
But the decision has experts in the United States worried as they talk of the ethical challenges:
Random control trials with regards to home birth verses hospital delivery are not ethical, and the methodological challenges of attempting to compare the safety of home and hospital birth are exceptionally tricky which is why the home birth debate has yet to be resolved.
The goal of our ecoliteracy and sustainability initiatives are to empower students with the knowledge, confidence, and ethical foundation to meet the challenges they will face in modern society with depth, imagination, and purpose.
Research on naltrexone treatment during gestation poses ethical and logistic challenges but is needed to inform the use of this treatment in pregnant patients.
By working together through a myriad of challenging scenarios, ELAC, Oxfam and their collaborators ultimately hope to create a handbook on humanitarian intervention that will outline common moral dilemmas and ethical standards for resolving them that can be applied by practitioners around the world.
Given that Tony Avella invested his time in writing a letter back in November, 2006 that questions the many nebulous and dehumanizing practices that continue to flourish in the present day at the New York City DOI and MTA Office of the Inspector General (who, collectively have misbehaved like unresponsive tyrants with no agency from above to challenge their utter dysfunction), I have long ago lost my illusion with honest, ethical leadership that stands by their constituency until a matter is thoroughly resolved.
Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the BHA and President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, has challenged the UK Government to act:
The Liberal Democrats have challenged Gordon Brown to demonstrate his «ethical domestic policy» by helping all victims of collapsed pensions.
As he takes a new seat at the negotiating table, Flanagan faces a variety of challenges, including establishing himself as free of ethical baggage and coalescing a fractured Republican party.
It provides a brief overview of key socio - ethical issues and discusses the application of social justice to address the challenges.
Britz discusses social justice as a moral norm for addressing ethical challenges in the global information society, seen as a continuation of relationships altered by information and communication technologies (ICT).
The cover story in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, explores Genome Project - write (GP - write) and the technical and ethical challenges it faces.
Despite the promise of gene editing for treating disease, altering genes can be risky and pose ethical challenges.
«Mentors should impress upon student trainees the ethical challenges involved in every phase of research,» says Mark Frankel, director of AAAS's Scientific Freedom, Responsibility, and Law Program, in the opening session of the conference.
Although Greene may be far from a comprehensive understanding of practical ethical decision making, his challenge to our society's base assumption of free will merits consideration.
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