Sentences with phrase «ethical issues we want»

Ethical Issues We want a society where issues of ethical policy are debated openly and where decisions made on such issues are based on reason, evidence and shared human values.

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A lower - key approach might avoid the very elevation of sexual issues above other ethical matters that the liberated say they want to avoid.
If Reno wants to dismiss the ethical dimension of this issue, he will have to convince me that what happens in a confined poultry house from start to finish — and its complete impact on land, chicken, farmer, eater, community — is ethically defensible, especially in the face of the viable and sensible alternatives offered by operations like my own.
The core issues that properly concern theologians and pastors, as Cobb knows, have to do with the kind of theological - ethical glasses one wears as one attempts to discern the moral and spiritual meanings of the data, to see in what respects they comport with our deepest understanding of how God wants us to live in the world.
Presented «Impact of Birth Practices on Breastfeeding,» Restoring the Mother - Baby Continuum After Birth,» «Leave «Em Wanting More,» and «Ethical Issues for the Lactation Consultant.»
If Pearce wants to make an issue of the ethical questions Wilson faces, he could very well run and win a primary against her.
Geoengineering is already so fraught with social, geopolitical, economic, and ethical issues; why would we want to add military dimensions?»
«But if we want to realize the long - term benefit, we've got to get these health, safety, ethical and social issues right as early as possible.»
An NIH spokesperson tells Science that the agency wants to «evaluate the state of the science in this area, the ethical issues that should be considered, and the relevant animal welfare concerns.»
Although internal investigations of the kind that might be triggered by the issues that have been raised are confidential, we want to emphasize that matters of integrity in research are at the core of our mission and we are committed to ensuring that all research conducted under the auspices of Johns Hopkins University are conducted to the highest ethical and scientific standards.
Jo Marchant writes about the ethical issues concerning research on ancient corpses, mentioning that philosopher Søren Holm wants people involved...
The book brought up the ethical issue of wanting to know if you have a fatal genetic disease or not and how different family members made different choices.
As much as we want science to answer all of our ethical dilemmas, we have to remember that science does not address such issues.
Accountants, engineers, geologists and medicos do it all the time but these venal climate low life want to avoid the same ethical standards for what they claim is the biggest issue of all time.
challenging courses for people who want to «be the change,» help organisations pursue greener, more ethical practices, and work towards tackling the root causes of global issues.
The certainty of students that they are not going to get away with this sort of cheating definitely improves the awarenes of ethical issues, and makes those who want to plagiarise have to work harder to get around the system, diminishing the relative advantage of cheating.
These newer models of delivering legal services online raise interesting alternatives for attorneys wanting to dip their toes into the waters of elawyering, but they also raise interesting ethical issues.
John does agree that a lawyer should work with a security professional to meet his / her ethical requirements, particularly so if they do not feel competent to deal with the issues involved; the last thing you want is thinking that you might be invincible...
«The Complete Lawyer Explores What Do Women Lawyers Really Want Main Commercial Law League of America to Sponsor May 1 CLE Event in Chicago That Will Address the Billable Hour, Transitioning Between Firms, and Ethical Issues for Attorneys»
There are times when I am asked to sign a Nondisclosure Form or something similar and I wanted to know if there was a way to supersede that with my own form or statement within my work profile to state something to the point of «should I find fault or other hazards or ethical issues with the product, my integrity and rights as a reviewer / blogger / etc hereby revoke any previously signed documents in order to maintain personal integrity and liability» Or is the document signed between me and said company / persons legally binding regardless of my Independent Contractor clauses?
Collaborative Law is worth considering if some or all of the following are true for you: (a) you want a civilized, rational resolution of the issues, (b) you would like to keep open the possibility of a viable working relationship with your partner down the road, (c) you and your partner will be raising children together and you want the best working relationship possible, (d) you want to protect your children from the harm associated with litigation between parents, (e) you have ethical or spiritual beliefs that place high value on taking personal responsibility for handling conflicts with integrity, (f) you value control and autonomous decision making and do not want to hand over decisions about restructuring your financial and parenting arrangements to a stranger (a judge), (g) you recognize the restricted and often unpredictable range of outcomes and «rough justice» generally available in the public court system and want a more creative and individualized range of choices available to you and your spouse or partner for resolving the issues.
I understand the «panic», the «clock ticking», hurry up and wait, but I will agree with Lori (Lavender Luz) that wanting to «hurry» into an adoption is just asking for issues and ethical problems.
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