Sentences with phrase «ethical principles for»

According to the CJC's Ethical Principles for Judges; «Socrates counselled judges to hear courteously, answer wisely, consider soberly and to decide impartially.These judicial virtues are all aspects of judicial diligence.»
The Canadian Judicial Council «Ethical Principles for Judges» puts it this way:
You won't find these terms in the Canadian Judicial Council's Ethical Principles for Judges.
The Canadian Judicial Council in its Ethical Principles for Judgesrecognizes that restraining judicial public expression requires a balancing of freedom of expression with the importance of impartiality and independence (at D. 5):
The court referred the Canadian Judicial Council's Ethical Principles for Judges:
Topics covered include the transition to the bench, ethical principles for justices of the peace and judicial conduct, the structure of the courts, the role of precedent in the common law; the adversarial system; onus and standards of proof; judicial independence and impartiality; and discrimination and harassment.
Further clarification may be gained from the Canadian Judicial Council's «Ethical Principles for Judges.»
«The authority of the judiciary in any democratic society rests on public confidence and public confidence can not exist in the absence of displaying the highest norms of conduct and ethical principles for judges,» says Norman Sabourin, executive director and senior general counsel for the Canadian Judicial Council.
Similarly, judges adjudicate claims, and their duties are those necessary for lawful and proper adjudication, most obviously independence, integrity, impartiality, diligence and respect for equality (Canadian Judicial Council's Ethical Principles for Judges).
Children with weapons are a metaphorical depiction of grown up people who represent the bad kind, the one who would exchange noble ethical principles for acquiring power and wealth.
Code of Ethics for Museums museumsassociation... the Code of Ethics outlines ethical principles for all museums in the UK and was agreed at the Museums Association's annual general meeting on Thursday 5 November 2015, following an 18 - month consultation process during 2014 - 15 > Museums must find «ethical» sponsors bbc
Ethical principles for conducting human subjects research, including informed consent and subject confidentiality
This study was approved the by the University of California, San Diego Institutional Review Board (IRB Project 140072) and conformed to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (54).
Reconstructionists believe that an absolute God creates consistent ethical principles for all time, not just for one people.

Not exact matches

While «worshipping» Munger may be a stretch, what he does provide, for me at least, is a set of «inviolable ethical principles» that help me to navigate the trenches of daily life with more clarity.
His title Either / Or is telling, for (as MacIntyre observes) the book's doctrine «is plainly to the effect that the principles which depict the ethical way of life are to be adopted for no reason.»
Aware that the Church «can not and should not intervene on every scientific innovation,» the pope charged the congregation with «reiterating the great values at stake, and providing the faithful, and all men and women of good will, with ethical and moral principles and guidelines for these new and important questions.»
I now wish to argue that conformity with the divine telos may, for purposes of ethical deliberation, be translated into what I call the maximal happiness principle: so act as to maximize happiness — and, by implication, in the long run.
With respect to the teleology of the universe, humans are in principle equals, and the proper principle for ethical deliberation is maximal happiness as such.10
Clarity will be served by repeating that the maximal happiness principle is translated into the maximal public principle only for purposes of ethical deliberation.
Ethics — A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well - being and individual responsibility.
As Roof points out, their religion affirms: (a) the centrality of ethical principles in their meaning systems; (b) a parsimony of beliefs, few attributions of numinosity; (c) breadth of perspective; (d) piety defined as a personal search for meaning; and (e) license to doubt.
A practical theology of virtue and character must be supplemented and supported by a practical theology of procedure and one, I believe, that also builds an important role for ethical principles in theological reflection.
«The general ethical principle,» they say, «is that we should respect every entity for its intrinsic value as well as for its instrumental value to others, including ourselves» (LL 152).
This work is necessary to provide for practical theology a method and procedure (built at least in part on an ethic of principles) and help it to avoid the danger of associating the ethical core of practical theology with an ethic of virtue and character.
The fiscal integrity of the black church and community depend on biblical ethical principles such as working together, loving one another and caring for the poor.
Well did Kant, in one of his best utterances, declare his awe for the starry» skies, together with the ethical principles by which we, and any other comparably thoughtful animals, should live.
'' [T] he poverty of postmodern ethical relativism should be evident - a missing ethical subject and hence no possibility of genuine moral responsibility or accountability, desire as the basis for ethics, ethics as pure self - creation with the vaguest of boundaries, ethics without principle, or ethical conduct measured by how well one «copes with the flux» of the postmodern world.»
The ethical framework for biological science must be based on the same principles of truth and meaning by which we as Christians judge all things, material and spiritual.
It lays out «five principles of ethical power for organizations.»
17 Sept To Representatives of British Society in Westminster Hall: Allow me also to express my esteem for [your] Parliament... your common law tradition [etc., etc.]... Yet... if the moral principles underpinning the democratic process are themselves determined by nothing more solid than social consensus, then the fragility of the process becomes all too evident... [e.g. the credit crunch lacked] solid ethical foundations... [whereas the British - inspired] abolition of the slave trade [did not].
There are no creeds just principles which give the framework for an ethical moral life.
And it is of special interest for Christians that these principles of right and wrong at which one arrives include the Golden Rule (which is stated by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew, as well as in most other major world religions) and the middle ethical requirements of the Ten Commandments (thou shalt not kill, lie, steal, cheat, etc.).
In response to the first claim, Pelikan quotes Lionel Trilling: «It is probably true that when the dogmatic principle in religion is slighted, religion goes along for a while on generalized emotion and ethical intention — «morality touched by emotion,»» but it «then loses the force of its impulse and even the essence of Its being.»
The ethical principles which hitherto we have regarded as an appendage, superimposed more or less by our own free will upon the laws of biology, are now showing themselves — not metaphorically but literally — to be a condition of survival for the human race.
If what is demanded of me by high moral principles also leads to my deliverance in a situation where not to act in accordance with these ethical demands or to continue in my same ways of acting leads to my destruction, then there are possibilities for basic transformations of my ideas, attitudes, and goals.
The theological principle that a man, by his own strength, can not even sustain the basic ethical level of natural principles is the rationale for the misery that we are living through today.
The answer is that they were confronted in the first place with vast cultural trends such as technological advance, professionalization, and secularism that they could not easily control; and their problem was made the worse by pressures of cultural pluralism and Christian ethical principles that made it awkward if not impossible for them to take any decisive stand against the secularizing trends.
To begin with the elemental ethical level, the words of Amos denouncing those who would «make the ephah small and the shekel great, and dealing falsely with balances of deceit» (8:5) are set in formal legal language in both D and H. 17 All three codes under discussion have general laws against the perversion of justice.18 The principle of sympathy and consideration for the weak is expressed with astonishing variety.
A man can not control beforehand the possibilities upon which he must act; he can not in the moment of decision fall back upon principles, upon a general ethical theory which can relieve him of responsibility for the decision; rather, every moment of decision is essentially new.
Hartshorne offers his own version of a principle of utility: «To be ethical is to seek aesthetic optimization of experience for the community» (BSI 214; cf. MT 19).
We can never rightly reject the ethical principle of disinterestedness in reflection and action, for it is the very essence of rightness of conduct.
The Humanitas Award provides $ 10,000 for the best program each year that stresses ethical principles and eschews gratuitous violence.
Wherever the ethical principles «tip the balance» in favor of intervention, he argues, we must establish clear guidelines (again based upon ethical principles) for justifying the use of force.
I share Father Berrigan's repugnance toward those in high intellectual and religious places who apologize for or ignore gross historical evil, and I have insisted that Auschwitz bears a commandment to Jews also not to destroy their fellow human beings, that the necessity for Jewish survival, illuminated and commanded by the Holocaust, can not justify the principle that it is better to do than to suffer injustice — that this goes completely counter to the spirit and teaching of the Jewish religio - ethical tradition.
Ethical debates about the conduct of war have long questioned the legitimacy of «force protection» as an operating principle for those engaged in armed conflict.
While identifying a clear target within the military bureaucracy and demonstrating the value of moral theorizing will likely prove difficult for Dr Leverinhaus's programme, ELAC's clearly defined partnership with a dozen humanitarian agencies and the immediate relevance of ethical principles on decision - making provide a strong mechanism for application.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg: «Mario Cuomo inspired millions of people around the country with his vision for a more compassionate and just society, and during difficult times for our city and state, he brought principled and ethical leadership to Albany.
Or would the Town of Clarkstown turn to a new candidate and go down the road less traveled to a better future where there would be compassion shown for seniors; where there would be concern for property values and their protection with a Ward System; where there would be a supervisor who would act with fiscal responsibility for those who pay property taxes; and most importantly where there would be a Supervisor who would lead the Town Board with high ethical standards and provide the citizens of Clarkstown with an open, transparent and principled government?
This project will develop ethical principles and guidelines, as well as draft best practices for the use of remote sensing and volunteered geographic information (VGI) in crisis situations.
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