Sentences with phrase «eurocrats in»

LONDON (AP)-- Britain's Daily Mail newspaper will tell you that many things you eat can give you cancer, global warming is probably bunk and the British way of life is under threat from pernicious Eurocrats in Brussels.
The decision may bring relief from the meddling of Eurocrats in distant Brussels.
Since joining the common market in 1975 the people of Britain have been repeatedly told by europhile politicians in Westminster and eurocrats in Brussels that the European project represents no threat whatsoever to British sovereignty or democracy.
However, trying to deliver meaningful reform in the UK's relationship with the EU is an almost impossible task, especially given that what Cameron claims to want — a little less EU interference in British affairs — is completely at odds with what the eurocrats in Brussels want — ever - increasing EU interference in everyone's affairs.

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The Brussels eurocrats are in the image of Plato's Philospher King, only there are too many Kings all believing themselves to be the most capable ruler.
The eurocrats recently brought the Syriza government of Alexis Tsipras to heel by reminding Greece that its fractionally reserved banking system is in fact insolvent.
Tags: BTP futures, Bunds, Canada, central banks, debt crisis, ECB, Euro, Eurocrats, French 10 - yrs, Goldman Sachs, Italian 2/10 curve, Loonie, Mario Draghi, peripheries, Sarkozy, SPS, U.S., unemployment Posted in Canada, Debt Market, ECB, Europe, United States 8 Comments»
Tags: Bond, BRICS, BTP, Bund, Christine Lagarde, ECB, equity, Euro, Eurocrats, Gold, Greece, IMF, Ireland, PIIGS, Portugal, Spain Posted in Debt Market, ECB, Europe, Italy 5 Comments»
Tags: AIG, Australian 2/10, Australian dollar, Carmen Reinhart, Eurocrats, Fed, ISDA, Jens Weidmann, LTRO, M. Belen Sbranica, Merkel, RBA, U.S. Treasuries, Yen, ZIRP Posted in Australia, Currency, Europe, United States 4 Comments»
American entrepreneurs embrace and indeed push the limits of technological innovation, but «Eurocrats,» to a large extent, seem to be in open opposition to it.
Yes, E.U. institutions are hampered by the so - called democratic deficit, and many Europeans can be forgiven for thinking that «eurocrats» in Brussels do not have their best interests at heart.
Eurocrats want member states to resettle 160,000 refugees from Greece and Italy under a forced allocation system, which was voted through in 2015 despite opposition from Eastern European countries.
Between them they have succeeded in persuading a range of senior lobbyists, academics and Eurocrats to contribute a series of essays on the ethical issues surrounding lobbying, as well as practical issues such as how to sign up to the commission register, and how to hire a lobbying consultancy.
I heard the story of a British eurocrat not even shortlisted for a top job simply because nobody knows if Britain will still be a member in five years» time.
«In such a make - believe world, economic reality is marginalised and the eurocrats plough on, regardless of the harm that is being done.»
2 pm Maria Borelius on Comment: «The European Commission: endless speeches with verbose legalities, people babbling, talking to no one in particular, autocratic rants from various pompous eurocrats — all translated by some 10 - 15 interpreters.
Eurocrats look concerned while turning a blind eye, focusing instead on protecting their own interests in the ongoing — long - term — budget process.
As it stands, in nearly every matter and issue, the Eurocrats, instead of taking the lead and setting an example, criticize and carp at the US, China, Japan and nearly every other nation while hiding behind the skirts of sanctimoniousness.
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