Sentences with phrase «even after the recession»

«Even after the recession's end, the recovery has been almost non-existent for youth in aggregate — just 1,300 net jobs have been added over the last two and a half years,» the report says.
Valsamos is proud of how the company has grown over the years, even after the recession.
Even after a recession, years of a flat - lining economy and plummeting real wages, Cameron and Osborne hold a substantial and growing lead over Miliband and Balls on economic competence.
MILIBAND: Even after the recession, even after putting a price on carbon, passenger demand in the UK is expected to double.
«There's tremendous pressure still, even after the recession, to contain costs.

Not exact matches

After the recession financial institutions have made the loan sanctioning procedures a little rigid and therefore the applicants are carefully scrutinized and even the slightest discrepancy in the credit worthiness could render the loan application rejected.
And most economists can't «predict» a recession, even after it's begun.
Outlays by top earners have remained subdued for four years after the financial crisis, even though the rich recovered their recession losses much faster than ordinary Americans.
Furthermore the sharp rebound in December rate hike odds suggests that the market is certainly not worried that Trump will crush the economy overnight, and that Yellen may well go ahead with a December rate hike after all (even if it means pushing the US into a recession, then cutting rates and launching the much desired QE4).
Bloomberg's suggestion that the cuve is a flop — even if there is no recession after 40 weeks — is pretty simple - minded.
In evaluating the opinions that you hear to the contrary, keep in mind that the consensus of economists, as measured by the Blue Chip Economic Survey and others, has never forecast an oncoming recession, and usually remained rosy even several months after the actual recession was eventually determined to have started.
We won't pound the tables about imminent recession until we observe fresh weakness in the equity market (even a 7 - 8 % market loss would sharply raise our probability estimates), but it's important to recognize that financial risks are already fully developed, and as in other bubbles, one usually finds «catalysts» to blame for a collapse only well after the downturn is in full - swing.
 Mr. Poloz himself bent over backwards in his last Monetary Policy Report to not use that term — even though the Bank's own numbers (projecting negative GDP growth for both the first and second quarters of 2015) suggested a recession was indeed already underway. Instead, public officials are normally sanguine and rose - coloured in their public pronouncements, hoping to incrementally shift consumer confidence with their cheeriness, and thus spark more spending. [A ridiculous extreme of this approach was provided when George Bush blithely encouraged Americans to go shopping in the days after the 9 - 11 terrorist attacks.]
Even though they've been more spread out after WWII, recessions have still occurred once every five years or so since then.
«Some» policymakers also made a case that if economic conditions deteriorate (or during the next recession), the Federal Reserve can simply restart the reinvestment program even after it has already been stopped.
Taken together, the Fed's actions and forecasts Wednesday suggest a belief that the economy remains sturdy even nearly nine years after the Great Recession ended.
Before the European sovereign debt crisis starting in 2010, Greece's economy represented about 2 % of the eurozone's gross domestic product (GDP); after the crisis - induced recession, it accounts for even less.
A decade after having proclaimed the «end of history» and the arrival of a new world order of prosperity based on «democracy and the market», globalised financial capital has subjected the majority of the planet's working populations to the burden of international recession, which has spread out in leaps and bounds, from Asia: recession and deflation in the world's second economy, Japan; recession and even depression m various east Asian countries, since the first quarter of 1997; the collapse of the Russian economy six years ago and financial bankruptcy in July 1998; brutal recession in the leading economy of Latin America, Brazil; the beginning of the downturn in the economies of the OECD countries.
To me, the greatest scandal of all is the bland indifference to this fact on the part of those who have the most power in our country: in many cities, 40 per cent of the young people are without work and may well belong permanently to a subculture of unemployment even after the economy as a whole recovers from recession.
Busier even than after our Hotel opening, before the recession hit New Mexico.
Even today, after years of recession, stimulus packages and automatic stabilisers like unemployment benefits, that figure is below 70 %.
The business secretary raised eyebrows on Newsnight when he said he would «probably» do a good job of being chancellor, just hours after official figures showed the UK was in an even deeper recession that previously thought.
«All those things would be in jeopardy,» Black said.Education leaders noted that districts began paring back tax requests after the recession began, and even before the imposition of statewide caps.
Between 2000 and 2005 the oil price in real dollars doubled, and it doubled again by 2011 (even after plunging during the recession) and has remained high ever since.
The deeper, longer recession after the financial meltdown in 2007 - 9 appears related to even lower teacher attrition rates.
At that time, the country did not realize it was about to enter a deep recession followed by a prolonged, uneven recovery, and 50 % of the public was ready to spend more on schools even after being told current levels of per - pupil expenditure in the local school district.
Even years after the Great Recession, districts like Sacramento are seeing spikes in homeless children.
As a result, local funding for schools fell after the recession took hold, worsening the even steeper fall in state funding.
Even after the Great Recession, this is not the case.
My finance portfolio got transformed after meeting Vipin, even after passing through 2 significant market crashes and recession phases, it withstood well and kept paying a handsome return.
After curtailing credit card offers during the depths of the recession, along with slashing credit lines and even rescinding credit cards, the competition is heating up again.
I'd always thought my business was fairly recession - proof; after all, most of my work is wedding - related, and brides and grooms (and more importantly, their parents) will splurge on their wedding, even when things are tight.
More on Global Warming Global CO2 Emissions Reach All Time High in 2010 After Recession Dip Trees May Store More Carbon in Warmer Climate Pioneering Wind Energy Study Looks 30 - 50 Years Ahead for Global Warming Impact Even Penguins that Don't Live on Ice Feel Impact of Global Warming
Many of these cuts were cost - saving moves during the 2008 recession, but quite a few employers have been reluctant to bring them back even after the economy stabilized.
Even though rates are on the increase, credit is not as hard to come by as it was just after the recession, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency has announced it will increase lending limits for 2017.
For years after the recession, most millennials couldn't afford to even consider entering the housing market.
However, after the recent recession, even though home mortgages were still the largest share of total household loans, the share of home mortgages declined, falling from 78.0 % in the first quarter of 2009 to 67.5 % in the third quarter of 2017.
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