Sentences with phrase «even as union»

Most charters do not employ unionized teachers, even as the union is accelerating unionizations efforts at some of them.
The UTLA filed suit in December to block the mayor's entire charter - and - choice program, even as the union helped some teachers to develop school bids.
As Ari Paul wrote in The Jacobin, fearing it would lose its ballot status, in 2010 the WFP decided, even as the unions remained neutral, to endorse Andrew Cuomo.

Not exact matches

Others are subject to contractual impediments such as union work rules — or company policies regarding long - term or even lifelong employment.
Even as China's stock market continues to reel, and Europe still searches for a way to keep its monetary union intact, central bankers remain confident that the American economy is on the upswing.
Indiana is the latest Midwestern state where Republicans have pushed though anti-labor legislation even as the efforts have drawn large protests by union backers and spawned recall efforts.
Indiana is the latest Midwestern state where Republicans have pushed labor legislation with safe voting margins even as the efforts have drawn large protests by union backers and spawned recall efforts.
Crises once dismissed as mere speed bumps on the road to an ever closer union now have the potential to unravel the project even further.
«I personally have worked very hard, but it is now evident to me — evident to Canada — that the European Union is incapable of reaching an agreement, even with a country with European values such as Canada, even with a country as nice and as patient as Canada,» a statement from Freeland read.
«It is now evident to me — evident to Canada — that the European Union is incapable of reaching an agreement, even with a country with European values such as Canada, even with a country as nice and as patient as Canada,» she said in French, her voice breaking.
«Andy Puzder is against unions, calls the minimum wage and overtime «restrictions» and employees «extra cost,» and even said he wants to fire workers like us and replace us with machines that can't take vacation or sue their employers when they break the law,» the nonprofit Interfaith Worker Justice quoted Rogelio Hernandez, a Carl's Jr. cook, as saying.
In fact, Zervos even explains the skyrocketing bond yields in Spain and Italy that we've been seeing recently, arguing that borrowing costs for sovereigns will rise even as Europe establishes a watershed banking union.
Online retailer Amazon (amzn) is set to create more than 5,000 jobs in Britain this year, the company said on Monday, boosting its investment in the country once more even as it prepares to leave the European Union.
As election day settled into evening on November 8, most of New York City's tech employees bounced from their offices in the Union Square or Flatiron neighborhoods to bite their nails in the company of friends and potent drinks.
The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship to ensure continued stability, security, and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world.
But as difficult as it is to defend bailouts, it would be even more trying for a European leader to explain why he or she allowed the euro and / or the union itself to dissolve on his or her watch.
Even as the NLRB has declared that Uber drivers can not legally join a union because of their contractor classification, ride - hailing drivers in Seattle won the right to engage in collective bargaining in December.
After the first announcement, the European Union, Germany, Canada and other nations threatened retaliation against the U.S. (Canada was later exempted, as was the EU — at least temporarily), and even the World Trade Organization voiced concern.
Among them there were reports accusing the leader of a Teacher's Union of not being a teacher; of the Buenos Aires Province Governor raising her own salary by 100 % and even a claim that the US Government recorded Macri's Administration as being the most corrupt in the world.
Even an increase in the limit to 49.9 %, as in the European Union, might encourage more foreign carriers to enter America in joint ventures with locals.
That's where Margrethe Vestager serves as the European Union's chief competition regulator — and it's a perch from which she's swiped at Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google even at a time when the U.S. government seems a little lost on how exactly to regulate the tech industry.
Even though the European Union has released policy statements that discuss potential future seizures of client bank accounts as a solution to prevent a TBTF (too big to fail) bank from failing, countless European citizens will continue to ignore such warnings as well.
As a strategic entry point to the rest of Europe the Netherlands is poised to become even more significant with the forthcoming introduction of the historic Canada and European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
So, instead of sending your money through a remittance service like Western Union or a third party such as a Bank or even PayPal, this transaction system is uniquely peer - to - peer.
He wanted to return the states as states to the Union, and that can mean to regarding those who thought of themselves as fighting for their states (as Lee surely did) as heroes worthy of admiration by our soldiers (even if they were wrong).
When a Christian organization appears to endorse same - sex unions, even in ways that avoid formal cooperation, the world views it as proclaiming, at least tacitly, that it does not believe that marriage is between man and woman or that sex is reserved for marriage.
When TPers refer to Hitler, the man who burned down the Reichstag and blamed it on Communists, then proceeded to hunt them to extinction in Germany, then declared war on the Soviet Union even though he had a peace treaty with them; when TPers refer to this man as a LIBERAL — why, it boggles the mind.
The EA's director of advocacy Dr Dave Landrum said: «Even though we are no longer a director of C4M we do remain supportive of the campaign to expose the inconstancy of the legal changes brought by redefining marriage in order to secure protections for those who continue to see marriage as a lifelong union between a man and a woman.»
But precisely because we are not self - contained ready - made entities which can be conceived equally well as being near to you or remote from you; precisely because in us the self - subsistent individual who is united to you grows only insofar as the union itself grows, that union whereby we are given more and more completely to you: I beg you, Lord, in the name of all that is most vital in my being, to hearken to the desire of this thing that I dare to call my soul even though I realize more and more every day how much greater it is than myself, and, to slake my thirst for life, draw me — through the successive zones of your deepest substance — into the secret recesses of your inmost heart.
What availed as the common wisdom of mankind until the day before yesterday — for example, that man, woman, mother, and father name natural realities as well as social roles, that children issue naturally from their union, that the marital union of man and woman is the foundation of human society and provides the optimal home for the flourishing of children — all this is now regarded by many as obsolete and even hopelessly bigoted, as court after court, demonstrating that this revolution has profoundly transformed even the meaning of reason itself, has declared that this bygone wisdom now fails even to pass the minimum legal threshold of rational cogency.
This ecstatic union of Satan and Jerusalem is in process of fulfillment even as Albion (Blake's symbolic figure representing a universal but fallen humanity) experiences the final epiphany of Jesus.
As to obligations of a more personal nature I have many people to thank — colleagues who have advised me, students at Union Theological Seminary who have stimulated me with their responsive interest, members of the congregation of The Riverside Church, New York, who, by their attentive listening to mid-week lectures on the subjects handled in this book, have kept alive my confidence that even difficult and recondite problems concerning the Bible are of vital, contemporary importance.
For it can surely not be seriously denied that, according to Mt 25, a man may encounter Christ in his neighbour more truly and decisively as his Saviour than in a eucharistic communion which, despite the Real Presence and its sacramental efficacy ex opere operate is but the sign and the means of that union with Christ in the Holy Spirit which happens in the difficulties of our daily life even unto our «dying in the Lord».
While the Christ who lies upon our horizon no longer appears in his traditional form — indeed, he may never again appear in a form that is in continuity with his previous expressions — as Christians we are called into union with his presence among us even when that presence would seem to negate all that faith once knew as the Word.
It is a complex relationship, for the devotee is the «same as and yet different from» the Lord, and so even in the joy of union there is the pain of separation.
their [bodily] sexual union therefore can actualize and allow them to experience their real common good — their marriage... as an intelligible common good even if, independently of the spouses» will, their capacity for biological parenthood will not be fulfilled by that act of genital union
Thus Barth and Brunner were hotly at one another; and Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich, so we are told, made theology interesting and vital at Union Seminary by the arguments between them, even as they supported and respected one another deeply.
With stunning consistency, virtually every indicator of civic engagement currently available shows the same pattern of increase followed by stagnation and decline — newspaper reading; TV news watching; attending political meetings; petition signing; running for public office; attending public meetings; serving as an officer or committee member in any local clubs or organizations; writing letters to the editor; participating in local meetings of national organizations; attending religious services; socializing informally with friends, relatives or neighbors; attending club meetings; joining unions; entertaining friends at home; participating in picnics; eating the evening meal with the whole family; going out to bars, nightclubs, discos or taverns; playing cards; sending greeting cards; attending parties; playing sports; donating money as a percentage of income; working on community projects; giving blood.
Is America now more morally sensitive, more well structured in its laws and practices insofar as it accepts publicly avowed homosexual behavior; constructs laws that protect homosexuals from the criminal penalties formally attached to homosexual acts; and allows for civil unions or even gay marriages?
In that conversation, voices have been heard urging a view of conscience that is curious, even dangerous: Under certain circumstances, conscience may permit or even require that a person choose acts that the Church has consistently taught are intrinsically wrong — such as using artificial means of contraception, or receiving Holy Communion while living the married life in a union that's not been blessed by the Church.
This implicates groups such as the European Union, Mercosur in Latin America or ASEAN, all of which represent firstly an extension of the dimension of the market, but they can also give real, even shared, power to States to govern their own economy.
The fulfillment of personality is thus a form of communion, whether it be with the God a man worships; or with nature under some aspect; or through intimate communication with ideal things, the inexhaustible quality of beauty or truth that pervades the universe; or with some cause that calls into action all one's powers; or even with things of lesser significance so long as they satisfy the human craving for union.
For now, by registering gospel - qualified unions as civil marriages and not officiating at unions that are not gospel - qualified, we call the government to its responsibility even as we call attention to its limits.»
On the contrary, as Teilhard says, «union differentiates,» for the individual becomes even more surely what he or she is through continual, vivid interaction with a variety of others (PM 262).
Conjugal relationships are, by their nature as the union of man and woman in their respective complementarity, always ordered to the production of children; even if specific couples are unable to have children because of infertility or age, it is still in the nature of the relationship to be procreative.
I would argue that in the marital act the union is not intended to be exclusively or even primarily spiritual, but bodily, as well (cf. the principle of «both / and).
One might even argue that this infatuation was defensible as long as the Soviet Union was the only empirical case of socialism» after all, one could blame its faults and failure on the peculiarities of the Russian case.
Americans should be helped to see the world as it appears to the Communist nations and to take more seriously the changes that have taken place, especially in the Soviet Union, Poland, and even Hungary.
On the contrary, even Karl Barth, who uncompromisingly rejects homosexual partnerships as out of step with the Creator's intention, writes that such unions are often «redolent of sanctity» (Church Dogmatics III / 4, p. 166) because they are about the struggle to give and receive love.
They must move to a union beyond tolerance and even, as one spiritual thinker has put it, «beyond dialogue.»
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