Sentences with phrase «even at nighttime»

I live in Brooklyn; even at nighttime, the streetlights make it look like it's noon outside.

Not exact matches

Even in work - crazy Japan, the practice of inemuri («sleeping while present»), often sitting at one's desk, is viewed as the ultimate sign of hard work at the expense of nighttime sleep.
The air is unusually cold for Austin in March, even for nighttime, as the woman - fronted Nashville hard - rock outfit known as Bully takes the stage at one of South by Southwest's premier stages: Mohawk Outdoor.
In an attempt at being fair and even handed courts tend to divide time between parents with little understanding that nighttime separation from an attachment figure creates stress and is qualitatively very different from daytime separation.
i Disagree with the person who is anonymous because my baby sleeps with his daddy EVERY night and he does have the natural sense of the baby, Actually i think he has it better than i do at nighttime (and ONLy at nighttime) because hes the one who takes care of our son at nighttime, he wakes up as soon as baby makes a noise even if its a lil cough or if he moves a lil bit.
Even at this early age, a nighttime routine will help your baby learn that it's time for sleep.
I resisted going back to diapers or pull - ups because I worried that would set him back even further, but then got so frustrated over soiled clothes and bedsheets that I bought some disposable pull - ups and started making him wear them at nap and nighttime.
In a research study that observed families in the evening, a bedtime routine usually started when a parent announced that «bedtime was at hand, then progressed through a series of bedtime readiness tasks (e.g., toileting routines, bedtime story) before moving onto final nighttime farewells».6
Avoid putting her down for a nap in the late afternoon or early evening so that she'll be sleepy at nighttime.
So, allowing them to experience light during the day even if they are napping, and nighttime dark at night, is the best way to promote nighttime sleep.
I have a consistent nighttime routine and have put her to bed at diferente times to see if what works, I have tried all the sleep methods out there even caved in to CIO but I couldn't do it for a full night.
It has even interfered with nighttime sleep, which he used to be a champ at.
Fanjolina - my dd was exactly the same but now, at the grand old age of 9 weeks, the nighttime roaring has eased off, and the evening cluster feeding has levelled out too and she's much less fussy.
Even now, I downplay my nighttime activities at work, partly out of paranoia that someone in a position of power will react the same way my grad school adviser did.
Even at its peak brightness the newcomer was much fainter than the four other bright supernovae of the second millennium, which outshone every nighttime star.
Interestingly, when I looked at different months of the year, I found that the nighttime warming was even greater during the summer.
Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, can lead to chronic sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness, even if you do nt realize anything is wrong at nighttime.
It would kind of be like even to a normal person's like during the day and in the afternoon, but then at nighttime, 10:00 PM it was increasing, it was going up.
Even though I work late and have a robust family life, I always find at least half an hour in the nighttime, usually before bed, to be still and breathe.
(Even my 10 year old self loved accessorizing) I'm an early morning / nighttime glasses wearer, so if you're ever at my office before 9:00 am or at my house past 9:00 pm on a weeknight then I'm... READ MORE
For me, even though I would love to be a morning person, I'm so much more productive at nighttime.
There is something truly magical about it, and even though I already shared Part 1 and Part 2 of our Christmas Home Tour for the year, I thought I would open our doors once again to show you what the house looks like at nighttime.
Have you given up on nighttime shots because of the fact that when you took pictures of your friends at an evening gathering with your new digital camera the shots were all street too dark?
Have you provided up on nighttime shots due to the fact that when you took pics of your friends at an evening gathering with your new digital camera the shots were all path too dark?
This intelligent and obedient dog inherits the virtues from both parent breeds that one can expect from a pet dog, ready to do anything for the «master», they would even alert them barking at strange noises, especially during nighttime, making them a great guard dog.
What I'd recommend is crating your pup at night — or even having her in your bed, so she's close to you, and you can wake up when she does and take her out when she needs a nighttime poop.
In the evening, enjoy dinner at the ten - person table on the upper veranda, paired with a fine Spanish wine, before indulging in a nighttime soak in the hot tub.
The parents and children even get to observe the night crew take care of the animals at the nighttime feeding!
Days are spent enjoying the natural riches of Los Cabos, including the sea, mountains and desert; playing the many championship golf courses and indulging at the spa; having drinks under the thatched palapas and fresh fish at the Sea Grill; gazing at the nighttime stars through the telescope in their suite or enjoying the evening on their suite's rooftop patio.
Drop the little ones at the Explorers Club complete with toys, activities and even nighttime star gazing, s'mores and limbo games and you can head off the resort.
Guests at 17 Kimptons will get a free «small pour of a nighttime libation» and a paired snack each evening — things like scotch and shortbread, port and blue cheese, etc..
Ubud Market is opened every day about at 08:00 until 18:00, even some from them still open until nighttime.
Merida itself is also a fantastic and bustling city with lots of unique and interesting things to do including: browsing the huge and vibrant local market; going for a leisurely stroll or jog along the lovely, peaceful and beautiful Paseo de Montejo street; eating authentic Mexican and Yucatecan foods and meals; relaxing in the gorgeous treed Plaza Grande during the day; watching the lively and traditional music and dance performances at the Plaza Grande and other nearby plazas / squares / parks during the evening and nighttime; wandering the streets and admiring the beautiful colonial architecture everywhere; and much more!
Free guest amenities include full gourmet breakfast, evening socials, evening desserts, Inn - baked cookies, nighttime snack basket, access to a local fitness club, Wi - Fi, onsite complimentary parking, an afternoon at the beach, beach towels and chairs, complimentary admission to the St. Augustine Lighthouse, central air - conditioning and heat.
For example, nighttime energy demand is much lower than during the day, and yet we waste a great deal of energy from coal and nuclear power plants, which are difficult to power up quickly, and are thus left running at high capacity even when demand is low.
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