Sentences with phrase «even small claims»

Even small claims can be thoroughly investigated if something seems amiss.
It makes sense for repeatable litigation or even small claims court or lease renewals — things where it just doesn't make sense to be paying straight out hourly rates for the kind of work that's involved.
Even small claims require expenditures for the costs of obtaining medical records, court filing fees, and similar costs.
This ensures that even smaller claims that are more frequent would be payable by the plan which isn't the case with top - up plans.
The increase will be negligible for safe drivers, but people who have had a few tickets are likely to see sharp rises after even a small claim is filed, or a minor traffic ticket received.

Not exact matches

Anderson claims Ride's suit is just an attempt to «harass and intimidate a smaller competitor,» but even if he's right, the suit is still a potentially costly nuisance that could frighten off licensing partners.
Google + Local makes it easy to get to the top of local search results, yet few small business owners even take the time to claim and optimize their listings.
Last year, a small movie studio even released what it claimed to be the first scripted feature film ever shot and released entirely on the messaging app.
The communications people advising the Finance Minister felt that the best way to sell the proposed tax changes was by arguing that they would lead to greater tax fairness, even though the Finance Minister himself claimed the tax changes would only affect a small group of high - income earners.
@Tom, Tom, the Other One: I guess what Live4Him wants is a finite, even small, list of things that, if satisfied, will allow him to promote his claims to true statements.
I can only hope that this attempt is taken more seriously than the largely muted and clearly unsuccessful protests of late last season... although the plane writing escapade brought some much - needed attention to the matter, it failed to resonate with fence - sitters and those who had just recently fell off the Wenger truck... without a big enough showing of support the whole endeavor appeared relatively weak and poorly organized, especially to the major media outlets, whose involvement could have significantly changed what was to follow... but I get it, few wanted to turn on their club, let alone make a public display of their discord... problem is, they are preying on that vulnerability, in fact, their counting on you to keep your thoughts to yourself... who are you to tell these fat cats how to steal your money... they have worked long and hard to pull the wool over your eyes... they even went so far as to pay enormous sums of cash to your once beloved professor to be their corporate spokesmodel so that the whole thing would be more palatable... eventually the club made it appear as if this was simply a relatively small fringe group of highly radicalized supporters, which allowed the pro-Wenger element inside the club hierarchy to claim victory following the FA Cup win... unfortunately what has happened to this club can't be solved by FA Cups or a few players coming in, the very culture of this club needs to be changed and that starts at the top... in order to change the unhealthy and dysfunctional narrative that has absorbed this club we need to remove everyone who presently occupies a position of power... only then can we get back to the business of playing championship caliber football, which should always be the number one priority of this organization... on an important side note, one of the most devastating mistakes made in the final days of this hectic and poorly planned transfer window didn't have to do with the big name players like Sanchez or Lemar, but the fact that they failed to secure Jadon Sancho, who might even start for Dortmund this season... I think they might seriously regret this oversight... instead of spending so much time, energy and manpower pretending that they were desperately trying to make big moves, they once again lost the plot due to their all too familiar tunnel vision
It empowered me to know I AM a woman and these small breasts were loved by my baby (and my new one to come i am sure, due to the output of premilk I am having at 36 weeks), even though my DD plus sister claimed she just «couldn't» BF my niece.
While its one - size - fits - all claim did not always hold up on the smaller end (i.e. with newborns), this product is perfect for older babies and toddlers, even those on the chunkier side.
The Buzz Box shopping bag is quite small, even though it claims to have a 11 lb capacity.
She would spuriously use a win to claim that the 37 % of votes that might be cast for Tories (even smaller than the 37 % of the total electorate that she claims as a «mandate» for Brexit) gives her a «further mandate» for this act of folly.
First, because it would be embarrassing for an anti-autonomy government if even a small number of non-residents of the upstart region supported the claim.
«The Ministry of Justice is consulting on proposals that would increase the number of disputed compensation cases heard by small claims courts — where claimants have to pay their own legal fees even if they win.
However the big - bang theory claims that all matter in the universe came from a primordial «egg» one hundred billion times smaller than a proton.7 With a radius of almost zero, that «egg's» angular momentum would be almost zero — even if its surface had been spinning at the maximum possible speed — the speed of light.
The Soon - Monckton memo goes even further, claiming that they «have recently discovered and corrected a long - standing error of physics in the climate models» that would shows any climate change due to human causes will be «too small and slow to be harmful and will prove beneficial.»
On p217 he claims that while «Mt. Pinatubo... released 20 millions tonnes of sulphur dioxide» it also released «very large quantities of chlorofluorocarbons», citing Brasseur and Granier (1992) who don't say there were any CFCs in the eruption, and even on chlorine, actually say the opposite: «after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, the input of chlorine to the stratosphere was probably small».
There are those who staunchly believe that only those with celiac disease should avoid it, while others claim that even a small amount can be harmful.
I hear people claiming that high doses of iodine (Lugol's) is important to support the thyroid; however, if I even eat small amounts of kelp powder, it makes my thyroid swell (I can feel the discomfort in my throat) and causes major mood swings.
Hello, overall a fairly decent article full of good starting point information, however one claim that I was particularly concerned with was the following statement: «For example, sitting can't permanently or even temporarily «shorten» your hip flexors because muscles can't change in length — they can simply become bigger or smaller
We know that olive oil is healthier, but when it comes to store - bought dressings... Even salad dressings that claim to be «made with olive oil» on the FRONT label are deceptive, because if you read the ingredients on the BACK label, they are almost ALWAYS made of mostly refined soybean oil or canola oil as the main oil, with only a very small amount of actual olive oil as a secondary oil.
They also claim that at very small amounts, below even the level required to sweeten food, it can serve as a flavour enhancer, thus reducing the requirement for expensive flavours such as onion etc..
Many who have claimed to not tolerate even the smallest amount of milk find that they no longer have any trouble after this one simple tip.
I'm in the belief that the city is a perfect fit for the production and could easily help boost the quality of the production, even if they are claiming the budget is smaller than the rest of the superhero films being made.
Even with data in hand, a teacher's claims could fall on administrators» deaf ears due to the small sample size of their one classroom.
From then on there were the also the 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 lt turbo engines by most carmakers but since the emissions tests are now going to be based on real life conditions and not lab conditions, even those displacements apart from the diesel ones will prove to pollute more than what is claimed and as such, especially in the non-turbo small petrol engines the only way to meet the emissions is to upsize in order also to maintain and improve performance.
The actual difference would be a bit smaller, since you usually get a little better MPG with the higher octane (or so they claim), or even in favor of the 91 if the lower octane fuel causes a costly repair (multiply cost of repair by the probability of repair)
Producing less power (275kW) but more torque (700Nm), the German SUV offers even more fantastical efficiency claims (1.7 L / 100 km, 46g / km of C02), but should have the edge in the real world on account of its choice of a 3.0 - litre diesel V6 rather than a small petrol engine.
Hyundai hasn't even officially unveiled the new Kona small SUV, but a new report claims that Hyundai is working on an all - electric version that will arrive late next year.
Steve Jobs has famously claimed that the iPad has just the perfect screen size, and Apple hasn't even hinted at a smaller version of the tablet yet, so the «iPad mini» stays deep within rumor territory.
The U-Haul truck opens its sliding door for the first time since Adeline, Kentucky, unleashing the stale air from the small southern town that used to be Grace Salter's home, back when her mother was still a dutiful Baptist church leader (though not technically a «pastor,» because as a woman in a church belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention, she could not technically claim the official title, nor its significantly higher pay grade, even with her PhD in Ministry and more than a decade of service).
With all the vision, grace and humanity of truly epic storytelling Russo extends even further his claims on the small - town, blue - collar heart of the country.
Even though they don't make the same claim for ebook deals advertised only on their newsletter, the small fee of 4.90 $ or 9.90 $ (for free and bargain deals, respectively), makes this a worthwhile site to try, considering the size of their newsletter.
Unlike most of our indie competitors, we do not lay claim to even the smallest fee of our author's earnings.
All students know that an academic document that contains lots of punctuation errors doesn't meet the needed format, or has even smallest language errors automatically can't claim to get the highest grade!
Even if your insurance company chooses not to pursue subrogation, you can still try to recover the deductible from the other party on your own — perhaps through small claims court.
Lastly, deductibles discourage individuals from claiming everything, even very small claims.
Even if his name was on the title and that the car had for example a 20K surplus over loan and the state small claims max was 5K, you can still just file for 5K.
Unfortunately, while not an epidemic problem, it's no secret that a small number of borrowers fraudulently claim their down payments as «gifts,» even though they fully intend to repay the money.
Even for a state that claims to be in favor of small government, it's still a significant economic driver.
You may be able to use your retirement savings to invest in options, real estate, small businesses, and collectibles; I've even met someone who works for a 401 (k) provider who claims they have a client who has invested in Babe Ruth memorabilia.
Most end either with an LTB ruling or at small claims court — but the process is hardly problem - free, even at the lowest level.
Far from being «small», the fee can be hundreds of pounds per claim; so if you have eight credit cards, you could be looking at paying out something approaching # 4,000 before your chosen company even lifts a finger for you.
Customers report that negative items such as collections, late payments and even judgments from small claims court were removed.
You can also pay a small fee to protect your no - claims discount, meaning you can retain your discount even if you claim.
Just because you are with a claims handler, even a no win no fee, it is unlikely to mitigate the risks of claiming — in other words that you can lose your fee and if you're not in the small claims track there is a potential to have costs awarded against you.
As a reminder, at this stage there is also a risk, even for cases under # 5,000, that your case might not stay on the «small claims track».
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