Sentences with phrase «even vigorous activity»

In the future, hopefully Jawbone thinks about some kind of locking mechanism to make sure the UP can withstand even vigorous activity.
Even vigorous activity, like jogging, can be maintained throughout pregnancy with permission from your doctor.

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Leaving aside the fact that a relatively anemic 15 % of Canadians are physically active enough to satisfy even modest government recommendations — Health Canada suggests 150 minutes per week of moderate - to - vigorous physical activity — the evidence is mounting that you can not offset the deleterious effects of sitting simply by exercising more.
India has been open to the outside world from ancient times and a vigorous commercial activity went on between India and the Mediterranean world even before the Christian era.
The 129 sedentary adult ages 18 to 64 recruited for the study, irrespective of their sex, ethnicity or BMI classifications, correctly estimated physical activities of light effort but underestimated moderate and vigorous effort, even after being given commonly used exercise intensity descriptors.
While WHO formulates its recommendations in terms of moderate - to - vigorous activity, the researchers say there is a growing consensus for the benefits of reducing sedentary behavior and increasing even low - intensity levels of physical activity.
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that even those who exercised for fewer than the recommended time (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week) showed a decrease in risk of death, when compared to those who had little to no physical activity each day.
Although even the most vigorous blogging would not yield enough energy to support an active tablet device, the theory showed the semi-passive activities could power smaller phones and smart watches by TENG power alone.
Plus, when you walk for shorter periods, you can generally go at a faster speed, which may be even better for you than walking slowly for 30 minutes straight, since more vigorous activities can help increase your overall fitness level.
You're not as active as you think: One study out of York University in Toronto found that even when people were told what «vigorous» exertion should feel like, they still underestimated how much effort a physical activity actually required.
Another study published last month in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggested that the risk of death can drop even when moderate or vigorous activity comes in short, five - minute bursts (like walking up several flights of stairs or walking briskly from a remote parking spot).
This can include what we think of in the fitness world as «aerobic exercise» (moderate - to - vigorous intensity exercise), but also includes activities that are less strenuous such as reading, washing dishes, sitting at a computer and even sleeping.
Even if you engage in the doctor - recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week, you are still subject to the negative impact of too much sitting.
It is the vigorous activity, even in short bursts that increases the risk.
The Charge 2 automatically tracks your more vigorous activities, too, even if you don't bother to put it into multi-sport mode.
I noticed that sexual activity was listed as one of the exercises and you can even select whether your sexual activity was passive, moderate, or vigorous.
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