Sentences with phrase «everyone running a node»

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Everyone who runs a Substratum Node gets paid via cryptocurrency each time they serve content.
The blockchain that keeps track of everyone's transactions has been running thanks to thousands of people running nodes around the world without a single moment of failure or breach of security for the last 9 years.
This will require everyone running a full node to download the new software in order to stay compatible with the network.
«It can't be a system that centralizes, Lightning needs to exist in such a way that everyone can participate and run a node
If Bitcoin does fail to scale then the end result will be a smaller number of full nodes but lots of people using the system — this is still better than Bitcoin being deliberately crippled so it never gets popular because even if the number of full nodes collapses down to less than 1000, unknown future advances in technology might make it cheap enough for everyone to run a full node again.»
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