Sentences with phrase «excellent observation about»

Excellent observation about a lot of issues, not just religion.
That is an excellent observation about the future kingdom.
David Schaengold's excellent observations about the modern skyscraper continue to draw well - deserved attention.

Not exact matches

Over the weekend I listened to Russ Roberts» interview with Jason Zweig, who made an excellent observation of how vast the financial markets are and how little time investors spend thinking about this: I think if there's one overriding theme to the book, one of the things I've tried to get across in The Devil's...
«We have been looking for erupting twisted solar flux ropes in the chromosphere, but observations of these eruptions under excellent conditions are very rare,» Wang said, adding that the NST images they captured provide unprecedented detail, as well as powerful new clues about their initiation and their relationship to solar eruptions and coronal mass ejections.
Just some short observations right now (expect much more discussion about these in an upcoming podcast): American Hustle and The Wolf Of Wall Street did excellent here, especially the former, which grabbed nominations in all four acting categories.
There are follow up activities that include * recognising the influences on our prejudices * reflecting on each person * defining prejudice * defining discrimination * Quick look at Galatians 3:28 * Consideration of lyrics from songs about prejudice NB all images are either personal images or selected using BING where license has been selected as Free to modify, share and use commercially * I designed this lesson on my teaching practice and it has been a staple of my teaching every year since, when used for inspection or performance management observations (it has been used for both and interview) it has always been rated as an excellent lesson.
«We can make excellent investment decisions on the basis of present observations, with no need to make guesses about the future.»
My brief observation was that the performance was excellent but that there was nothing hedged about it.
This talk, by Ray Pierrehumbert, is an excellent response to Naomi Oreskes» observation that: «climate scientists are so busy talking about stuff they don't understand that they never get around to taking credit for what they got right.»
Also, the opposite excellent point has been made about those cases where the record is unreliable, and this is another benefit of historical narrative, to tell us where we are looking not at original observations but either adjustments or wholesale falsification (for whatever original purpose, a hindrance to us now).
My post is not about the outcomes or input shared at that meeting but rather some observations about the excellent meeting facilitation that I observed.
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