Sentences with phrase «executive functioning skills deficits»

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«Childhood aggression linked to deficits in executive function: Primary school children with reduced cognitive skills for planning and self - restraint are more likely to show increased aggression in middle childhood.»
It is often within the group setting of a classroom and the demands of schoolwork that delays or deficits in the development of age - expected executive function skills are first noted.
The use of assistive technology and an array of other ever - present tools help bridge deficits in executive function and language processing and allow students to learn and explore in a manner consistent with their skills and interests.
However, recent research has shown that children exposed to high levels of adversity may be less prepared to succeed in school, in part due to deficits in executive function skills.6, 7,9,10,11 These deficits may undermine children's abilities to succeed in academics and develop positive peer and teacher relationships.12, 14,15 This may have long - term implications for school success given that the achievement gap tends to persist and even widen throughout the school years.16, 17
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