Sentences with phrase «explore your book with»

Louise Bishop, youth services manager at the Southeast Regional Library in Garner, says families can explore books with themes ranging from art to zoology.
After that, use board or fabric books so your baby can explore the book with you.
Smart Lookup — When you look up a word or character, Smart Lookup provides you with dictionary, X-Ray, and Wikipedia information.To learn more, go to Explore Your Book with X-Ray.
Smart Lookup - When you look up a word or character, Smart Lookup provides you with dictionary, X-Ray, and Wikipedia information.To learn more, go to Explore Your Book with X-Ray.

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If that sounds like Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, that's not surprising: Annis has teamed up with John Gray, the author of that vociferously debated 1992 bestseller, on a new book that explores «gender blind spots» in the workplace.
«Although I'm lucky that I get to meet with a lot of interesting people and visit fascinating places through my work, I still think books are the best way to explore new topics that interest you.
So any male ally should be confident that the colleague he is looking to stand up with is OK with how he is reporting it,» adds Thomas, whose book «Because of Sex» explores women and workplace discrimination.
In her second book, she explores the reasons why women so often earn lower incomes than men with comparable qualifications doing comparable jobs, and what they can do to get what they're worth.
I am also a co-author of the new book, Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, And Thrive with the New Science of Success, which explores the science and practice of world - class performance.
His many books include Swap: How Trade Works with Philip Levy, a concise introduction to the principles of world economics, and Telecoms and the Huawei conundrum: Chinese foreign direct investment in the United States, an AEI Economic Studies analysis that explores the case of Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei and its commitment to long - term investment in the US.
This is why we partnered with Dan Schawbel on research for his new book, «Promote Yourself», which explores how millennials can be primed for career success.
I noticed you booked a time with me so will be glad to help explore more with you.
We recently spoke with author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy; Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery) about his new book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life and what inspired him to explore the idea of supernatural phenomenon in an increasingly cynical world.
Journalist Peter Seewald became famous for his books written in collaboration with Joseph Ratzinger, later Benedict XVI: what began as one interview for a major German newspaper developed into a series of books over a number of years, exploring deep theological issues and the complex debates of our time.
She has explored bipolar disorder and her own experience of it in two previous books: An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness and Touched with Fire: Manic - Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament.
The author of a new book, Magnificent Desolation, Aldrin argues, «More than just exploring a hostile new world, Apollo 11 was about bold vision and great risk, about the obstacles a great nation could overcome with dedication, courage and teamwork.
Others of my generation who had also grown up in legalism regarding or abstention from alcohol perhaps, and so were exploring their emancipation with micro-brews and homemade wine over thick theology books and bible studies and hymn - sings.
Once this hurdle is over, the reader will find this an excellent book which explores, with great sensitivity and understanding, the question of what it means to be human, why each human person has great value and importance, and why the frail and gravely ill matter just as much as the rest of us.
There are, as one would expect, several essays in the book on Jews and Judaism, some reflecting Kristol's religious interests» the need, for example, to sustain in Jewish identity a religious element and not merely a cultural one» others his political ones, exploring the relations of modern American Jews with a pluralistic American society that has given them an uncommonly large, though not unlimited, berth.
These books provide an opportunity to explore that common story, to accept the gifts of fundamentalism along with its flaws and to revisit how religious meaning is made.
books i read Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris — Not my favourite at all.
If I recall correctly, the Torah commentary I have actually compares the five books to various contemporary literature that survived along with the early documents so, yea, there's a good case to make for religious scriptures being a category of literature to explore critically.
It is written by a Canadian criminal defense lawyer, now a Crown prosecutor, and it explores the legal and moral dynamics of the Book of Job with particular emphasis on the distinction between causal responsibility and moral blameworthiness embedded in Job's Oath of Innocence.
When asked how the glossary will help he said: «People will sometimes have particular words they struggle with but on the whole this will be a helpful school in parishes and sometimes with clergy as well but it's part of the wider training to enable people to use this liturgical tool and explore the riches of the prayer book going forward.»
The bulk of the book is devoted to exploring how the energy present in otherwise empty space, together with the laws of physics, might have given rise to the universe as it exists today.
Christian theologians explore their faith within a particular community and tradition, though «keeping faith with tradition... is not at all being bound by the letter of the law; it is more a matter of the company you keep — or the books you reach for first — when you want to do your best thinking.»
We will be exploring these themes in the weeks to come with the help of Rabbi Rachel, who after the current Jewish holidays are over (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), will share with us more about what the book of Esther means to her as a Jewish woman.
«My goal with this book,» he writes, «is to assure people of faith that they do not need to feel anxious, disloyal, unfaithful, dirty, scared, or outcast for engaging these questions of the Bible, interrogating it, not liking some of it, exploring what it really says, and discerning like adult readers what we can learn from it in our own journey of faith... We respect the Bible most when we let it be what it is and learn from it rather than combing out the tangles to make it presentable.»
Their group - created strategy included these actions: establishing cooperative links with other churches and groups committed to ecology; developing a Center of Ecology Information and a paperback book table at the church; devising methods to reach decision - makers in the community; exploring the development of a coordinating council of all ecology groups active in that community — Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Zero Population Growth, League of Conservation Voters, Wilderness Society, National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, World Population, GASP (Group Against Smog Pollution), Planned Parenthood, etc..
Fr Pereiro's book might have been improved if he had replaced this conjectural chapter with one exploring the nature and importance of the concept of ethos in the ecclesiastical culture preceding and surrounding the Oxford Movement.
And his efforts to explore these issues always began with and never strayed far from the way religious people actually talk (cf. my forthcoming book Ian Ramsey: To Speak Responsibly of God).
Bertram, in the chapter significantly called «Socrates» of his beautiful book on Nietzsche, also explores this problem with reference to his hero; he discusses the final silence which is laid upon the existence of the master; indeed he goes further and speaks of the deception involved.
I am looking forward to exploring with the new bread book.
This idea of infusing our food with food for our souls was also explored in a book I recently finished called The Love Goddess» Cooking School by Melissa Senate.
A former Chicago truck driver, Ray could certainly find his way around, but when he called me with an invitation to explore the world of North Carolina barbecue as part of the research for his third book, Dr. BBQ's Barbecue Road Trip, how could I refuse?
In part one of this two - part series presented by the American Culinary Federation and Kendall College, Koetke explores with Cribb what his book portends, and whether or not chefs can do anything to head off the famine at the pass.
And that might be related to what someone notes above — our society encourages independence, and that creates conflict with intimacy (which Andrew Cherlin explores in his book, The Marriage - Go - Round).
With the rates and properties I saw on their site, I'll be adding TravelPony to the roster of websites I explore before booking a trip.
This book explores developing alternate parenting schedules (or custody) with the child's best interest and developmental needs considered first...
With books, she can explore visual details, make up stories, and «read» to herself.
Fall Colors Water Mixing by Still Playing School Exploring Fall Colors With Gourds by Little Bins For Little Hands Why Leaves Change Colors by The Preschool Toolbox Blog Learning With Preschool Songs: The Leaves of the Trees by Growing Book by Book DIY Fall Color Word Book by The Educators» Spin On It Learning Number Words with Fall Colored Leaves by Tiny Tots Adventures Fall Tree Number Matching by Mom Inspired Life Colors of Fall Sensory Bin by Life Over C's Foot Painting The Fall Colours by Learning to Walk Exploring Fall Colors in Paint by Powerful Mothering Autumn Colours Plant Science at Rainy Day Mum Make Your Own Fall Potpourri at CapriWith Gourds by Little Bins For Little Hands Why Leaves Change Colors by The Preschool Toolbox Blog Learning With Preschool Songs: The Leaves of the Trees by Growing Book by Book DIY Fall Color Word Book by The Educators» Spin On It Learning Number Words with Fall Colored Leaves by Tiny Tots Adventures Fall Tree Number Matching by Mom Inspired Life Colors of Fall Sensory Bin by Life Over C's Foot Painting The Fall Colours by Learning to Walk Exploring Fall Colors in Paint by Powerful Mothering Autumn Colours Plant Science at Rainy Day Mum Make Your Own Fall Potpourri at CapriWith Preschool Songs: The Leaves of the Trees by Growing Book by Book DIY Fall Color Word Book by The Educators» Spin On It Learning Number Words with Fall Colored Leaves by Tiny Tots Adventures Fall Tree Number Matching by Mom Inspired Life Colors of Fall Sensory Bin by Life Over C's Foot Painting The Fall Colours by Learning to Walk Exploring Fall Colors in Paint by Powerful Mothering Autumn Colours Plant Science at Rainy Day Mum Make Your Own Fall Potpourri at Capriwith Fall Colored Leaves by Tiny Tots Adventures Fall Tree Number Matching by Mom Inspired Life Colors of Fall Sensory Bin by Life Over C's Foot Painting The Fall Colours by Learning to Walk Exploring Fall Colors in Paint by Powerful Mothering Autumn Colours Plant Science at Rainy Day Mum Make Your Own Fall Potpourri at Capri + 3
Little Tikes Academy Inc. allows children to explore their environment with toys, books, games, and activities geared to their interest.
Although Leo loves to be outside exploring and using up his heaps of energy, one of his favourite past times is to snuggle up with me and read some story books.
Sharing our children with others, especially with non-family members, isn't always easy, according to Cameron Lynne Macdonald, whose book Shadow Mothers: Nannies, Au Pairs, and the Micropolitics of Mothering, explores the often complicated relationship between mothers and caregivers.
Then comes the rolling and sitting and crawling and walking, and soon the two thousand kisses dwindle to brief morning cuddles before a toddler is off to explore the world, healing kisses on boo - boos, and goodnight snuggles with a bedtime book.
Discover more about encouraging strong writing skills in your preschooler, or explore recommended children's books to read with your four - year - old.
The main star of the show is the swimming pool, with flumes and slides, Rapids and lazy rivers, but there's a whole array of activities you can book — everything from baby sensory classes and pottery painting for little ones to Segway sessions and treetop exploring.
Cuddle with your baby on your lap and explore the book together.
-LSB-...] books with learning and all this month Trisha over at Inspiration Laboratories has been running a storybook science series where bloggers from around the world select their favourite book and inspire you to explore -LSB-...]
Filed Under: Book Based Activities for Kids, Play Tagged With: Exploring outdoors, imaginative play Cerys Parker
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