Sentences with phrase «extreme water environments»

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Protection from predators and extreme environments with constant access to fresh feed and water.
«The rising costs of energy, human - induced environment and land degradation, water scarcity, and extreme weather events all present challenges, some of which have been on the agenda for decades, others of which are new,» said Task Force co-Chair Dan Glickman.
Breastfed infants do not require water supplementation, even in extreme heat environments.
The Tardigrade (also known as the Water Bear) can survive in the most extreme environments, even in outer space!
This finding provides new insight into the evolutionary origins of the DNA - packing process and the secret to archaea's hardiness, which enables some to live in acid, boiling water or other extreme environments.
These extreme climate indices were strongly correlated to the shallow water environment, including streamflow and water temperature.
Through a quantitative study of live foraminifera from an extreme trench environment (10,900 m water depth), we demonstrate that these protists are an abundant meiofaunal component.
For example, the Environment Agency's Thames Estuary 2100 flood prevention project assumes that predicted water level extremes will have intrinsic, unquantifiable residual uncertainties.
Field studies of extreme environments, such as the martianlike Atacama Desert in Chile or the Arctic waters, might turn up organisms with a biochemistry vastly different from our own.
The archaea, single - celled organisms confused with bacteria until Dr. Woese's discovery, are of interest to biologists studying the origin of life because they have certain primitive features and a liking for extreme environments, like the boiling springs of Yellowstone National Park and the superheated waters that swirl from deep - sea volcanoes.
«Cold, salty waters may offer a refuge for life in extreme environments, as the salts could help keep the water liquid,» said Fairén, noting that the well - defined boundaries of the icy lobes suggest the ancient ocean was briny.
The latest findings of microbial life flourishing in the extreme environment of subglacial Lake Whillans in Antarctica, which were detailed in the first part of this article, are further hinting at the possibility of life existing in a similar fashion as well in the mysterious, underground alien waters of Europa.
As Aquanauts - in - training, participants will explore fresh water and marine habitats, scientific research, how animals thrive in extreme environments, and even catch a glimpse into what it's like to have a career in aquatic and marine sciences.
That's why I used the expression «represents a serious potential threat to humanity and our environment» (temperature increase by 2100 of up to 6.4 C, increased droughts, floods, tropical cyclones, heat waves, extreme high sea level plus secondary effects, such as crop failures, spread of vector diseases, loss of drinking water from melting glaciers, etc. all as listed in IPCC AR4).
overloading the capacity of water and wastewater treatment plants during extreme rainfall (Environment Canada, 2001),
Maintained a safe work environment while working in extreme conditions offshore where work conditions were anywhere from 10ft under water to 180ft.
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