Sentences with phrase «extreme climatic events»

Her work mainly focuses on understanding trends and variability of extreme climatic events through observations and climate models.
However, in the end it may be beneficial for the trees by reducing the risk of late spring frost damage, since extreme climatic events are projected to increase in future.
The 1980s was easily the warmest decade on record and exhibited an unprecedented number of extreme climatic events, such as storms and droughts.
In Latin America there is ample evidence of increases in extreme climatic events and climate change.
Pricing and decentralization reforms in Chile have improved efficiency, but challenges remain, such as increasing extreme climatic events, a highly informed and organized consumer base, the sustainability of groundwater extraction, and the deterioration of water - dependent ecosystems due to over-allocation of water rights.
«For instance, maintaining and promoting connectivity among habitats and protecting pristine or remnant populations of habitat - forming species — such as coral and kelp — can dramatically foster recovery after extreme climatic events,» said Giulio De Leo, with Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station, who also worked on the study.
The late Proterozoic — the time period beginning less than a billion years ago following this remarkable chapter of sustained low levels of oxygen — was strikingly different, marked by extreme climatic events manifest in global - scale glaciation, indications of at least intervals of modern - like oxygen abundances, and the emergence and diversification of the earliest animals.
Before that, there were centuries with many extreme climatic events — freezing winters, scorching summers, monstrous storms.
Output from global circulation models indicates that climate variability will continue to be an important characteristic of the region in the future [52], but that climate change may increase the risk of extreme climatic events such as multi-decade droughts and extreme winter precipitation [53], [54].
«Limited information is available on how extreme climatic events, such as hurricanes, will influence ecosystem processes,» Rodrigo Vargas, formerly at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada (CICESE), Mexico, and now at the University of Delaware, US, told environmentalresearchweb.
In their 2000 paper Climate Extremes: Observations, Modeling and Impacts, Easterling et al. wrote, «if there are indeed identifiable trends in extreme climatic events it would add to the body of evidence that there is a discernible human affect on the climate.»
The December issue of CHANCE examines complexities of intense, massive data collection and statistical analysis techniques in climate research and features new proposed statistical methodology that could be a «game changer» in understanding our climate system and in the attribution of extreme climatic events.
«What we see is that while some areas of the Amazon forest seem to be resistant to these extreme climatic events, other large areas show a fragile equilibrium.
And extreme climatic events will become more common, such as the wheat harvest failure in Russia in 2010 which affected UK food prices.
The AAS joins the AGU in calling for continued peer - reviewed climate research to inform climate - related policy decisions, to provide a basis for mitigating the harmful effects of global change, and to help communities adapt and become resilient to extreme climatic events.
«And extreme climatic events will become more common, such as the wheat harvest failure in Russia in 2010 which affected UK food prices.
Given the sensitivity of many exposure units to the frequency of extreme climatic events (see Chapter 3 of TAR WG II, Table 3.10 (Carter and La Rovere, 2001)-RRB-, it would be desirable to incorporate into climate scenarios the frequency and intensity of some composite atmospheric phenomena associated with impacts - relevant extremes.
Over the past three decades, most natural disasters (90 %) have been caused by climate - related events, they say, and extreme climatic events are likely to become more frequent because of global warming.
An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot
«We conclude that extreme climatic events are key drivers of biodiversity patterns and that the frequency and intensity of such episodes have major implications for predictive models of species distribution and ecosystem structure, which are largely based on gradual warming trends.»
A greater range of diversity in an ecosystem seemed to speed up recovery after an extreme climatic event, but if the event was extreme enough biodiversity alone might not offer much protection.
The authors chose 10 indicators of extreme climatic events, defined from a larger selection, that could be applied to a large variety of climates.
When the world simply watches and does nothing, it is likely that extreme climatic events will simply get worse.
Yet governments have pledged to keep warming below two degrees to avoid the most dangerous aspects of climate change such as widespread water stress and sea level rise, and increases in extreme climatic events.
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