Sentences with phrase «eye nebula»

The three bands then correspond to the galactic center of a galaxy in the Hubble field and the interacting galaxy, the center of a bright star in the Magellanic cloud and a star cluster and the last band corresponds to the white dwarf in the Helix and Cat's eye nebulae.

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Four stars collectively called the Trapezium form the center of the nebula, which to our eye looks like the brightest star in the sword of Orion.
Binoculars make the Scorpius region a happy hunting ground of smudgy star clusters and mottled dark nebulas, but taking in the entire pattern with the naked eye is no small satisfaction.
It is actively forming new stars in regions that are so bright that some can even be seen from Earth with the naked eye, such as the Tarantula Nebula.
Famous dark nebulae include the Coalsack Nebula and the Great Rift (astronomy), which are large enough to be seen with the naked eye, starkly black against the brilliance of the Milky Way.
About 4,500 light - years away in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, the nebula is large enough to be visible through small telescopes; if it were bright enough in the visible spectrum it could be seen by the naked eye, occupying several times as much of the sky as the full moon.
As it was, however, Ira won our scuffle handily, deftly landing head - to - toe blows and finishing me off with a pop in the eye that caused me to see stars, several comets, and a large portion of the Crab nebula.
The supernova that created the Crab Nebula was witnessed with the naked eye and recorded by the Chinese in 1054.
Jonathan Tan of the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, though, has always eyed another suspect: Theta - 1 Orionis C, the brightest star in the Trapezium, a cluster which also lies in the Orion Nebula.
Planets, nebulae, and galaxies appear wan and faint when eyed through a backyard telescope.
This eye can see visible and ultraviolet light, and can take images through various filters to make natural color pictures, such as this well - known image of the Eagle nebula.
The Orion Nebula is located roughly 1,350 light - years from Earth, forming a part of the «sword» of the Orion constellation, and can be viewed by the naked eye as a small fuzzy patch on a clear night.
The Lagoon nebula is one of the brightest nebulae in the sky and it can be seen with the naked eye.
The Hubble telescope has spied a giant celestial «eye,» known as planetary nebula NGC 6751.
This is a bright nebula in southern hemisphere skies which can be glimpsed with the naked eye.
Heart nebulas, celestial collisions, a bird's eye view of the Milky Way, astronomers are charting the outer reaches of the cosmos and bringing back jaw dropping images from telescopes like Hubble and its infrared cousin, Spitzer.
Already under fairly good conditions, the nebula itself can be glimpsed with the naked eye as a faint nebulosity around this star.
Others have compared the look of this dying star to the look of they eye's retina, earning it the nickname the «Retina Nebula
As seen by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the Helix Nebula appears to peer out from space in the shape of a giant eye.
Many of those in Terrence Malick's exquisite and also exasperating new film — his fifth in a career spanning four decades — are remarkable for their grandeur: billowing volcanoes, churning geysers, hissing fumaroles, spiral nebulas seen through the eye of the Hubble space telescope.
The highlights for me were seeing the Rings of Saturn and the Orion Nebula through a telescope, plus with the naked eye, an astronomer pointing out to us the Hubble Telescope, moving through Orion - imagine a bright dot of light, 450 miles up, moving across the sky at 25,000 miles an hour.
ANOTHER GENERATION LOST has a roughly cat - like figure (throwing a jubilant thumbs - up gesture), yet inside is a whole nebula of ideas: the polywog eyes conflict with the red - orange Smurf - like character stepping into frame, and behind the nexus of chevron tendrils (in complimentary tones à la Bridget Riley) is what appears to be a grimacing, toothy mouth.
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