Sentences with phrase «fico number below»

They know that with a FICO number below 580, borrowers are more likely to default on their loans.
They know that with a FICO number below 580, borrowers are more likely to default on their loans.
They know that with a FICO number below 580, borrowers are more likely to default on their loans.

Not exact matches

Most FICO Scores fall around 680 on the credit spectrum, with many people having scores below and above this number.
FICO designates letter grades to credit score numbers in the following way: «A» rating is 720 + (excellent), «B» rating is 650 + (good), «C» rating is 575 + (average), and below 575 is a «D» rating (poor).
This single number plays a major role in determining the interest rate on your mortgage, so it's vital to know what your FICO score is, address any discrepancies and take corrective action to improve your score if it's below par.
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