Sentences with phrase «future scaling this system»

THE FUTURE Scaling this system up to larger numbers of ions presents difficulties, however.

Not exact matches

He is an expert in the use of systems - based methods to improve patient outcomes, a leading researcher in use of large scale clinical laboratories and electronic health records to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of care, and a nationally recognized thought leader in the very methods needed to transition to the future of lower - cost, more patient - centered, health care for the 21st century.
He says he'll also improve the state's emergency fuel and water supplies and protect the subway system and other infrastructure from future floods, in what he says will be a massive effort that «requires immediate assistance on a grand scale
Funding from Future Energy Source Ltd. has allowed Dr Khan and his team to set up labs in Poole, which include a scale model of the solar thermal system — an invaluable tool for testing.
Being able to study quantum systems with a large number of components — or «qubits,» as they are often called — also has important implications for future quantum technologies, as Carleo points out: «If we want to test quantum computers with more than a handful of qubits, that won't be possible with conventional means because of the exponential scaling.
A new integrated climate model developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other institutions is designed to reduce uncertainties in future climate predictions as it bridges Earth systems with energy and economic models and large - scale human impact data.
A new integrated computational climate model developed to reduce uncertainties in future climate predictions marks the first successful attempt to bridge Earth systems with energy and economic models and large - scale human impact data.
Besides its potential for future disease prevention, the researchers think their mutation prevention system could more immediately be used to help the biotech industry protect large - scale cultures from acquiring mutations that render them unproductive or prone to contaminations, and to study microbial evolution.
Future work includes scaling down the signal processing module and capacitance measurement system to be co-mounted on skin with the sensor.
Adaptation for both natural and human systems is increasingly important as a coping strategy due to the rate and scale of ongoing and potential future change.
In order to address the challenges of future ocean acidification at a regional scale, it is necessary to increase the resolution of spatial and temporal monitoring of the inorganic carbon system beyond what is currently available.
Finally, we comment on the size of the first Space Warps crowd, and how the system might be scaled up for future surveys.
The high cost of building future experiments and prototype fusion facilities combined with the complexity of these systems and the advances expected in extreme - scale computing over the coming decade provide strong motivation for developing integrated simulation capabilities where all relevant physical processes are included in a self - consistent way.
Our thinking process of the future of medicine is that functional medicine is the operating system, coaching is the actual delivery system, so that's actually how you get change is through coaching, and then technology is what scales it all up and makes it all automated and efficient.
Just as you want one that scales to accommodate new external learning groups, you also want one that's flexible enough to leverage your current, and future, enterprise systems, such as CRMs, HRISs, ERPs, etc..
Techniques for Unleashing Student Work from Learning Management Systems Mind / Shift, 2/13/15 «Last fall, I taught T509 - Massive: The Future of Learning at Scale, a course at the Harvard Graduate School of Education that examined a variety of large - scale learning environments with many learners and few instrucScale, a course at the Harvard Graduate School of Education that examined a variety of large - scale learning environments with many learners and few instrucscale learning environments with many learners and few instructors.
Gov. Abbott signs bill overhauling A-F school, district ratings A bill overhauling a future system to grade Texas schools and districts on an A-F scale is now law.
We will be offering this scale for all our future Universal Tactics System Games.
This week, the crew talks about the EverQuest turning 18 years old and the future of the EverQuest franchise, World of Warcraft Patch 7.2 and its iLvL scaling ninja patch, more news on Ashes of Creation's node system, Secret World Legends relaunch and details, and why lockboxes are acceptable in Heroes of the Storm 2.0.
Andreas Gursky's large - scale photograph, «Kuwait Stock Exchange I,» is one work SITE welcomes into Future Shock thanks to a new HVAC system.
A comprehensive risk assessment would determine flood hazard for individual structures by modeling watershed and floodplain characteristics at fine spatial scales; it would describe the varying levels of protection offered by all elements of a flood protection system and mitigation measures; and it would account explicitly for uncertainties, including those related to current and future flood hazard, structure value and vulnerability, and the current and future performance of flood protection measures.
Conversely, any future decision about albedo modification will be judged primarily on questions of risk, and there are many opportunities to conduct research that furthers basic understanding of the climate system and its human dimensions — without imposing the risks of large - scale deployment — that would better inform societal considerations.
Daymark also calculated the total potential for future BTM and utility - scale solar development in Maryland, given the present system's technical limitations.
Syllabus: Lecture 1: Introduction to Global Atmospheric Modelling Lecture 2: Types of Atmospheric and Climate Models Lecture 3: Energy Balance Models Lecture 4: 1D Radiative - Convective Models Lecture 5: General Circulation Models (GCMs) Lecture 6: Atmospheric Radiation Budget Lecture 7: Dynamics of the Atmosphere Lecture 8: Parametrizations of Subgrid - Scale Physical Processes Lecture 9: Chemistry of the Atmosphere Lecture 10: Basic Methods of Solving Model Equations Lecture 11: Coupled Chemistry - Climate Models (CCMs) Lecture 12: Applications of CCMs: Recent developments of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry Lecture 13: Applications of CCMs: Future Polar Ozone Lecture 14: Applications of CCMs: Impact of Transport Emissions Lecture 15: Towards an Earth System Model
The Earth system has experienced large - scale climate changes in the past (Chapter 6) that hold important lessons for the understanding of present and future climate change.
Type 4 statistical downscaling uses transfer functions developed for the present climate, fed with large scale atmospheric information taken from Earth system models representing future climate conditions.
Starting in December, Siemens Gamesa will install the first full scale «Future Energy System — FES» on the -LSB-...]
If the future of a sustainable planet hinges on scaling up renewable energy in a big, big way, then a good part of that future hinges on making energy storage systems better and cheaper to help cover needs on nights and calm days.
It is also assumes that the past history of the climate system is more or less irrelevant to its future evolution, that no phenomenon with a time scale longer than a year or two is relevant to whether the global average temperature goes up or down (the Markov approximation).
It is characterized by multiple intersecting and uncertain future hazards to natural and human systems, that are expected to unfold over a very large range of spatial and temporal scales, and whose probabilities may be difficult, or in some cases impossible, to quantify precisely (because of intrinsic and / or irreducible uncertainties about the future).
Fortunately, climate science is rapidly developing the tools to meet this challenge, as in the near future it will be possible to attribute cause and effect in decadal - scale climate variability within the context of a seamless climate forecast system [Palmer et al., 2008].
And depending on when this comment is read, the inclusion of petroleum in the total energy expenditure may make net savings from switching to clean energy and efficiency options more likely, particularly in the long term (consider a future steady state where PV power component sales only need keep up with replacement rates...... (If it still takes a long time for PV systems to realize net economic benifit, or depending on how rapidly PV manufacturing can be scaled up, we might have «strategic PV reserves» to handle certain kinds of disasters.
Zahn believes that a large - scale salt monitoring system should be established to regularly measure the waters around South Africa and New Zealand, two key areas that could alert scientists to future climate change incidents.
Electricity is a huge part of our energy future and we will need a complete overhaul of the current system, so I think any energy plan for the future must pay much attention to the issue of scale.
Starting in December, Siemens Gamesa will install the first full scale «Future Energy System — FES» on the Trimet SE aluminum smelter site in Hamburg - Altenwerder.
Small - scale agriculture and traditional ecological knowledge of farmers and indigenous people are as — if not more — important to a future food system than genetic engineering and capital - intensive forms of agriculture.
An answer to the first question is that the law students of today will be the lawyers of the future putting to use AI and expert systems on a far greater scale.
Other crypto networks simply recognize that a lighting - like system will be needed to scale in the future, although they don't have time to focus on actual implementations right now.
«Guardtime's unique permissioned blockchain approach to large scale system integrity has tremendous potential to enhance the security of UK critical infrastructure and we are excited to work with the Guardtime team to build solutions that will play a key part in the government's industrial strategy and showcase to the world how cities can be smarter in the future
If Bitcoin does fail to scale then the end result will be a smaller number of full nodes but lots of people using the system — this is still better than Bitcoin being deliberately crippled so it never gets popular because even if the number of full nodes collapses down to less than 1000, unknown future advances in technology might make it cheap enough for everyone to run a full node again.»
Proactively conduct capacity and demand planning of systems to ensure the future capabilities of the system are well understood and plans to scales are defined
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