Sentences with phrase «failure modes of»

One of my points is that the failure modes of these imagined systems would also be various.
As a bonus question, it would be interesting to understand the failure modes of an AFM (if there are any statistically normal failure modes for such devices).
Operational Characteristics and Failure Modes of Protected Si Anodes for Sunlight - Driven Water Oxidation Kimberly Papadantonakis, Ke Sun, Nate Lewis
The failure mode of these components should mean that you notice the problem even before the ABS light turns on.
Can you be more specific as to what kinds of questions an engineering team could ask a (say) classics major about the failure mode of a component?
While a combination of smart contracts and game theory are used to make sure the system works properly for everyone, Bitcoin Core contributor, Peter Todd, explained a possible failure mode of the Lightning Network at the Bitcoin in Use conference late last month.

Not exact matches

The number one failure mode for small businesses is they run out of cash.
Failure to honor a stop is often the result of the trader falling into hope mode.
«The market,» as Seo puts it, «needs an acceptable mode of failure
This is a common feature of AI safety failure modes.
Would that point to a mode of thinking which does not (for example) take feminist notions and human fatherly failures (or seeming successes) and press them back into the doctrine of God?
«The Fundamental Failure - Mode Theorem (F.F.T.): Complex systems usually operate in failure mode» «The mode of failure of a complex system can not ordinarily be predicted from its structure» «The larger the system, the greater the probability of unexpected failure» ««Success» or «Function» in any system, may be «Failure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connectedFailure - Mode Theorem (F.F.T.): Complex systems usually operate in failure mode» «The mode of failure of a complex system can not ordinarily be predicted from its structure» «The larger the system, the greater the probability of unexpected failure» ««Success» or «Function» in any system, may be «Failure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connectedfailure mode» «The mode of failure of a complex system can not ordinarily be predicted from its structure» «The larger the system, the greater the probability of unexpected failure» ««Success» or «Function» in any system, may be «Failure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connectedfailure of a complex system can not ordinarily be predicted from its structure» «The larger the system, the greater the probability of unexpected failure» ««Success» or «Function» in any system, may be «Failure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connectedfailure» ««Success» or «Function» in any system, may be «Failure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connectedFailure» in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connected»
Some of us might be more sympathetic to Lindsell and his aims if we could read his book as a defense of biblical authority or as an analysis of the failure of the church (including the «evangelical» church) to find a mode of life and witness that seems authentically «biblical.»
We can understand this failure as Percy's again having independently reached the same conclusion as MacIntyre: that the ethical can not be simply radically chosen, because the notion of the radical choice is itself only at home in the aesthetic mode.
But with the widespread failure of the field to come to any agreement about the Bible's own categories of discourse, its special modes of literary expression and intentionality, and especially those social and religious factors that handed the Old Testament over to us, we have simply been thrown back on ourselves and the deeply felt convictions with which we began the process of interpretation.
This mode of non-engagement is part of the deepest failure of post-modern liberalism.
Sippin on Purple's top spot here is made all the more impressive by its failure to be in the mode of sites with Notre Dame No. 1.
I argue that the failure of the international community is a result of a systemic and institutional oversimplification of that complexity which informed modes of engagement with conflict actors.
«Our work demonstrates that the soft mode failure mechanism is not unique to graphene and suggests it might be an intrinsic feature of monolayer materials,» Isaacs said.
So neutrino experiments are designed to run with little downtime and to skirt potential failure modes — a sudden flood of data from a supernova could crash electronics systems in an ultrasensitive detector, for example.
In particular, while metal deforms predictably under pressure, a ceramic tends to fracture in a way that is «more statistical,» he says: It can only be predicted as a statistical likelihood of certain failure modes.
«Considering only one or two failure modes provides an incomplete picture because the risk level of each mode differs and, when assessed together, they compete with each other,» says Frangopol.
They calculated the impact of bridge retrofit actions on possible failure modes in terms of probability of failure, risk, and benefit - cost ratio using a logic modeling technique called an event tree.
The unexpected failure of a fourth gyroscope caused NASA to place Hubble into safe mode, a protective «hibernation,» until the already - planned servicing mission a month later.
Translating the hypothesis to a numerical model forces you to confront the ambiguities; along the way there are many points where you might reject the hypothesis because of a discovery from first principles (violation of conservation laws, dimensional inconsistency, qualitative failure to replicate the hypothesized behavior mode, absurd behavior in extremes, etc.).
This will make comparisons of failure modes within a given technology and, perhaps, across technologies easier.
In some ways it reminds me from my manufacturing engineering background, of something called a failure modes and effects analysis, which is largely used in the aerospace industry and it's somewhat statistical.
Local Multiplayer — While the head to head mode doesn't have each player affect the other's gameplay in any way, opening the floor for discussion of one's split - second triumphs and failures while comparing scores after the dust settles can keep players busy for far longer than one might think.
For the most part, it is a critical failure as a film for the reason that it occasionally makes its own mistake of doing just that, taking itself seriously, particularly as the film gets into the climax where Sardo Numspa goes into full demon mode and wreaks havoc in an effort to get the child at any cost.
I should add that this question is a classic example of how a bit of field - testing can help rule out several other failure modes.
The symptoms you describe suggest an intermittent connection or failure of a speed sensor, which panics the transmission control and forces a limp mode.
I don't know what is common for an ECU in this type of failure mode.
Is there a typical mode for this kind of failure?
The P0420 code seems to indicate a few different possible points of failure including faulty fuel injectors, I'm just unsure what my best mode of attack would be (short of taking it in to a mechanic — unless this is necessary).
There are in fact modes in your truck's computer that will trigger the ECU to shut the engine down in the event of some kind of failure that may cause major damage.
Our Stress Analysis homework help trainer has years of knowledge in handling difficult queries related to different complex topics like Introduction to Pressure Vessels & Failure Modes
Visionox will discuss the reliability and failure mode analysis of its foldable OLEDs at SID Displayweek 2018 in May - and will also hopefully demonstrate this new display.
One of the often neglected risks highlighted was the common mode failure.
Both modes of action work together to manage the clinical signs of congestive heart failure (CHF).4, 5
A study * was conducted at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine to compare suture placement time, tension at skin separation, suture line failure and mode of failure among 4 suture patterns commonly used -LSB-...]
Take this Redditor, who quit games like Skyrim and Fallout as soon as they got beyond his or her level and type of skill; or a friend of mine who mostly plays Capture the Flag in first - person shooters because dying doesn't feel like failure, but not living up to the perceived pressure of completing a game in story mode does.
They like to play Diablo 2 on Hardcore mode or Demons» Souls, where the tension of ultimate failure provides an emotional edge, and minimizing the risk of failure is a key strategic decision in the game.
The bigger problems with skirmish are a lack of customisation options and a failure to tie into the metagame: skirmish is limited to 1v1 matches (in a game where most maps are intended for > 2 players), you can't save skirmish replays, and you can't unlock new units by playing this mode.
Imagine this very optional and admirable failure of an experiment being made into the Single Player Campaign mode of Tekken 6.
However, the ending of the story mode will change depending on your success or failure in the Strikeforce missions, so they have some relevance to the story aspect of Black Ops II.
It's these last parts that most players are likely to remember, too, because WWII, regardless of its story's successes and failures, is also a game whose various multiplayer modes draw in the bulk of its audience.
Smithee makes a case for the production of failures as its own creative mode.
Jon Gourley is a San Francisco based artist who makes work about modes and failures of communication.
The artists propose modes of abstract communication, both commenting on and circumventing the failures of hierarchical structure in language.
It's true that reproducibility doesn't prove correctness, but it does rule out several possible failure modes and is therefore a necessary - but - not - sufficient criteria on which to judge the plausibility of a conclusion you previously had reason to doubt.
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