Sentences with phrase «failure of the other spouse»

Failure of the other spouse to comply after being held in contempt of the original decree can result in criminal charges, fines or jail time.
I believe that factors such as these need to be carefully evaluated as part of the divorce case, and accommodations made in any Parenting Plan that take into account the inability of failures of the other spouse to properly caregive for the children.

Not exact matches

i. Willful failure to provide necessary subsistence according to one's means and condition so as to render the condition of the other spouse intolerable and life burdensome.
For example, a spouse's gross neglect can be grounds for divorce, but the filing spouse must prove the other spouse failed to meet his spousal obligations of respect, fidelity and support, which may be evidenced by a failure to provide financial or emotional support, or engage in sexual relations.
Feelings of failure, inadequacy, despair, and anger are common reactions projected one spouse projects on the other.
This intransigently held, fixed and false belief (i.e., a delusion) is created by the collapse of the organized cognitive structures of the narcissistic / borderline personality into delusional beliefs, as specifically described by Millon (2011), in response to the psychological stresses triggered by the «unrelieved adversity and failure» surrounding the divorce experience (i.e., the public rejection and abandonment of the narcissistic / (borderline) parent by the attachment figure of the other spouse).
Failure to do so opens up the possibility that one of the estranged spouses could inherit all of the other's assets.
However, setting the «sub-prime debacle» aside, thousands of homes end up in foreclosure each year for reasons neither the homeowner or lender could have foreseen: job loss and business failures; divorce or sudden death of a spouse; health related issues and expenses; and myriad other expenses that are unexpected and unpreventable.
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