Sentences with phrase «faith in a creator»

The goal with ShapeShift was this: build a service that was safe and trustworthy by design, not by faith in the creator,» wrote a ShapeShift spokeswoman.
«What is involved here is faith in the Creator and a readiness to listen to the «language» of creation.
Thus Christian faith presupposes and deepens faith in a creator God, and Jesus Christ is truly, in the words of Stanley Jaki, «the saviour of science» as well as the redeemer of man.
These considerations show that the presumption of order stemming from faith in a Creator God is not impaired by quantum mechanics.
In addition to the Qur» an's primary aim of revealing religious and moral truths, there arc secondary objectives designed to strengthen faith in the Creator or to support the faithful in their hope.
«When faith in the Creator is replaced by faith in human ability to solve all problems by technological means, humanity has fallen into the sin of idolatry... distorted trust for our salvation in other sources of power.»
There are many world class scientists that have faith in a creator.
Its my right to have faith in a Creator and while its also your right to to have a completely different belief, its even more my privilege to accept your mockery of it.
If you're drowning, it's not faith in a creator that keeps you alive, it's you're body's will of countless millennia of evolutionary intelligence that drives us to procreate and survive.
That a divine being created the world — is not faith in the Creator, but a theory of the origin of the world, which signifies nothing.

Not exact matches

All prejudices and disagreements aside, there are in fact, universal truths that we all knowingly or unknowingly abide in that have origin in one faith, one God, one creator.
I really get a good laugh from people like this who try to discredit the faith of those who CHOOSE to believe in God and in a divine creator.
Believing there is no creator takes more faith than believing in a creator from a science prospective.
Still to no end Job would pray for them, and many times he would sacrifice unto YHWH for his loved ones to get in good with the Creator YHWH for the forgiveness of his disobedient children until the day when the challenge of Job's faith began.
Not quite tallulah, all the other gods are man invented or possibly demonic.Every other idol god either mimics God and or requires a series of works to gain their favor.They are created by men to appease the inner knowledge of God, but all fall short of the creator God.You can not work your way into Gods good graces, you can only be saved by faith through grace.God alone has resolved the sin problem we all suffer from, in the selfless sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.It is by accepting Jesus» redemption for us that allows us to be reconciled with God.God bless
It takes more faith to believe in a universe evolving from nothing or from eternal matter than to believe in a loving Creator, existing outside the limit of time, who gave us this specially designed & tuned universe to explore and to learn about caring for one another even through the midst of difficult experiences.
We have the lowly at the bottom who have little except for their «faith», then you have the guys with a special link to their «deity», who preach to the lowly about all their «sins»... I wonder what's in it for the creator?
It would seem, Follow of Christ, that the creator has a lot more to answer for than simply «having faith» in his so - called grand plan when his ultimate creation has already been made.
Can say that I believe in every thing that you disbelief of when it comes to the Creator and the Creation of universe, life and guidance, God has given me hearing, seeing, thinking and heart feelings to see and experience signs and small miracles to have faith in him and continue with good deeds I was told of in his Holy Book although am not perfect at that but nothing to lose but contrary to that there are more to gain in life and life after... For those disbelievers they lose their senses by being locked and blocked from such experiences... It is all about souls as verses speak for them selves;
«The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham... «1
To give birth is a venture that should always be carried out in hope and in faith that the Creator will continue to speak his «yes» upon the creation.
«The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.
The talks of the conference have sought to explain what it means to say we have faith in God by looking at the evidence for His existence and his eternal plan to found the Church as man's true environment in which he comes into contact with his creator.
At the heart of Jewish faith is the belief that God, the creator the world and the Lord of History, rescued the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and entered into a covenant with them at Sinai.
Abraham's unconditional love for his creator was also demonstrated in obedience; and God in turn credited righteousness to him Faith is not void of evidence nor is it blind.
I don't have faith in a Divine being or creator; I tried, but was simply unable to force myself to believe.
And yet I wonder, what faith would there be in a world where the Creator intruded so powerfully that we would have no choice but to believe?
The intuitional evidence for belief in Allah, the belief based upon the recognition of Allah by our inner consciousness, is brought to our attention in the Qur» an by pointing out the important psychological fact that there is an instinctive feeling of faith in Almighty Allah, the Creator of the universe, which comes to men when they are free from inclinations, or the distractions of dull routines, or when surprised by the question of the origin of the universe, or when faced with hardships or misfortunes which they can not overcome by themselves.
We can know and be sure about God's existence from the evidence of creation, but to know God personally and grow in relationship with our creator, we need the gift of faith given to us in Jesus Christ through the Church.
Our fathers and mothers in faith before us sensed that human marriage was an example, a human analogy for the union which the Creator sought to bring about not only among individual men and women but throughout the whole creation.
In the faith community we understand that this purpose is community with our Creator and each other (first and second greatest commandments).
Youll be thinking silly bananaspy when you stand in front of your creator and give an account for the words you speak, that could cause folks to doubt their faith.
Contrasting «majestic man,» the Adam of Genesis 1, with the «man of faith» depicted in Genesis 2, the Rav insists that both are fulfilling the will of the Creator.
Except you know they exist, It is the same with God the creator, faith is the most important thing in a persons life, for without faith.
It is not a bit of a stretch but an act of total blind faith to believe in Evolution Dan, in fact it take more faith to believe in that than in an all knowing, all powerful creator God who said I created all things.
It is basic to the Christian faith that God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe and of all that is in it.
We do mean to suggest the possibility and even the probability that in the unmistakable implications of messianism in Joseph, the germ of the later development of the concept was something already given in Israel's early traditions, precisely as the germinal faith in one God as Creator (Gen. 2), Judge (3 - 11) and Redeemer (12 ff.)
In the meantime, I offer you (and all other worshippers of the natural creation that evidences a Creator whom you have, for all intents and purposes, crucified) the opportunity in print to, as Jesus said, «repent or perish», and to change the direction of your «faith» from trusting in God - hating man (ultimately yourself) and trust in Jesus not religioIn the meantime, I offer you (and all other worshippers of the natural creation that evidences a Creator whom you have, for all intents and purposes, crucified) the opportunity in print to, as Jesus said, «repent or perish», and to change the direction of your «faith» from trusting in God - hating man (ultimately yourself) and trust in Jesus not religioin print to, as Jesus said, «repent or perish», and to change the direction of your «faith» from trusting in God - hating man (ultimately yourself) and trust in Jesus not religioin God - hating man (ultimately yourself) and trust in Jesus not religioin Jesus not religion.
All of theses guys are on record and in print in defense of their faith and acceptance in a creator of all living things.
It takes more faith to believe in all these accidental / abnormal processes from billions of years ago that eventually lead to intelligent and complex human beings than beiliving a Creator God.
You said, «It takes more faith to believe in all these accidental / abnormal processes from billions of years ago that eventually lead to intelligent and complex human beings than beiliving a Creator God.»
with all and full respect; You know that your used name is dear to my heart, for having been a believer in God the Creator of the whole Universe he has all the beautiful names that we know or do not know, I believe that God starched his hand to mankind in love, sending among them his prophets and messengers to warn and guide to righteous, am not told to force belief or religion upon people of any faith or of non faith, am a mere reminder and Warner to my self and whom my want to know and judge their senses life is a spiritual challenge, life is a maze and only if make use of the heavenly codes that could be found in All Scriptures of God that was relaid upon mankind from prophets & messengers from Adam to Noah to Abrahim to Musa to Issa to Muhammed which many obviously seem to Ignore!!
Once you realize the creator's perception of a day is different to yours, Christianity is one of the few faiths on the Earth in which their holy book's tale of all the events that led to today actually match science.
The key to the situation lies in putting together what we know of God as Creator and Redeemer, and finding a view of God's relation to the world which will do justice both to the insights of biblical faith and to the facts of human experience.
The hinge of the argument in each document is a fact of Jewish and Christian faith: that each individual conscience stands in the presence of its Creator.
All that was factually given to man in this life was dissociated from the work of the Creator - God, except as signs and portents of a total transformation to come in which faith would at last be vindicated.
«6 Evangelicals identify with the orthodox faith of the Reformers in their answers to Christianity's two fundamental questions: (1) «how is it possible for a sinner to be saved and to be reconciled to his Creator and God?»
On the one hand Islam called them to a simple faith in God who is the sole creator and sustainer of the world.
To you Mike and to all who are blessed with belief in God our Creator, Jesus our Saviour and the Holy Spirit who sustains us, let us pray for all who deny this glorious gift of faith.
Similarly, in some forms of Jewish apocalypticism, the tension between the felt injustice of history and faith in the God who was Creator and Lord of history reached an extreme pitch.
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