Sentences with phrase «family research council»

Family Organizations: Family Research Council: 1-800-225-4008 Focus on the Family 1 - 800 - A - FAMILY (232-6459) or 1-719-531-5181 Focus on the Family - Canada 1-800-661-9800 Parenting of Adolescents web resources
Wealth increases with the duration of the marriage, reports the Family Research Council.
The Family Research Council reports that regardless of income, nationality, race, age, sex and education, married individuals enjoy better health than their unmarried peers.
* Wilmer and Foley Hoag seek documents to prove the Family Research Council and the Heritage Foundation drove the administration's decision to ban transgender troops — since we know the general serving as Secretary of Defense wasn't pushing it.
One of the men who signed the letter, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, said global warming was part of a leftist agenda that threatened evangelical unity.
Sen. Jim Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican who believes that human influence on climate change must be a myth because the Bible says so, said in an interview with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins last night on «Washington Watch» that climate change denialists like himself have won the debate.
She never answered a question of whether she had personally or through any foundation, PAC or other entity she's affiliated with ever donated to the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate - group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The real problem with this rhetoric isn't that some people believe it, or that Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council who wrote the fund - raising letter, is not the only Core opponent spewing such garbage, but that such sentiments are bleeding into the mainstream conversation and drowning out reasonable criticism of the standards and / or their development and / or their implementation.
If you thought that «bullies, playground predators, or school violence» were the most dangerous things school children face, you are, according to the Family Research Council, missing the «spreading, hidden nightmare facing» millions of students as they start a new school year.
«National standardized testing is a bold step towards instituting a national curriculum,» Family Research Council President Gary Bauer said in a Sept. 9 statement.
In 2013, conservative reality TV star Josh Duggar — of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting fame — was named the executive director of the Family Research Council Millions of people just like you are looking for a discreet connection.
All the same, the proabstinence Family Research Council states it «would oppose any measures to legally require vaccination.»
Councilman Fernando Cabrera, a pastor and socially conservative Democrat, recently appeared on the radio show of the Family Research Council, a right - leaning organization that was labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law center four years ago.
Always known for harshly conservative views on social issues ---- he was active in the movement to block marriage equality in New York, has ties to the extremist Family Research Council, and is anti-choice ---- Cabrera nonetheless sparked fresh outrage when the Uganda video emerged.
Cabrera, who is a longtime foe of marriage equality and a leader in the effort that recently overturned the public schools» policy against church congregations using their space for worship services, has for years worked with the Family Research Council, an organization condemned as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
He's appeared on a radio show for the Family Research Council, a right - leaning organization that was designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Indiana Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Marlin Stutzman is denouncing former Family Research Council Director Josh Duggar, who is at the center of molestation allegations.
Speaking on Family Research Council hate leader Tony Perkins» radio program yesterday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stoked fears that the government will soon use the guise of gay rights to go after Christian pastors who speak out against ho... Read
Cabrera has been a longtime foe of marriage equality and has an ongoing relationship with the Family Research Council, an organization condemned as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC said it would designate 13 of the 18 groups on the list as «hate groups» in 2011, including the Family Research Council.
, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, and Sarah Palin.
Mr. Rangel applauded the Supreme Court decision that struck down the anti-same sex union Defense of Marriage Act, while Mr. Cabrera has attended events held by the fiercely anti-gay marriage Family Research Council.
«It's nice that lifelong Republican Fernando Cabrera has finally landed one endorsement beyond his right - wing friends at the Family Research Council.
His ties to the socially conservative Family Research Council also came under scrutiny.
The staunch social conservative and ordained Southern Baptist minister made the eyebrow - raising remarks on Thursday during a conference call organized by the conservative Family Research Council.
On the flip side, as gay Republican groups have taken off, social conservative groups like the Family Research Council have seen their influence wane.
Anti-gay activist groups The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Family Research Council Action and CitizenLink are launching «an unprecedented campaign» against three Republican candidates because of their support for marriage equality and abo... Read
Family Research Council Official Ken Blackwell Links Eliot Rodger Mass Shootings to Gay Marriage: AUDIO
Conservative group Family Research Council, meanwhile, has urged President Obama to appeal the ruling, asserting that the decision should be left to Congress and not the courts.
But in today's primary, the Family Research Council ann... Read
Rivera, one of the most liberal members of the State Legislature, has reprised his attacks from two years ago: namely that Cabrera — an evangelical pastor — used to be a registered Republican, maintains ties to conservative groups like the Family Research Council and has praised the government of Uganda, which subjects homosexuals to imprisonment.
Conservative groups including the Family Research Council and National Organization for Marriage fired off a letter last week to Boehner, National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Greg Walden (Ore.) and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellGOP lawmakers want Trump to stop bashing Congress Parkland father calls out Trump, McConnell, Ryan after Santa Fe shooting Overnight Finance: House rejects farm bill in conservative revolt NAFTA deal remains elusive as talks drag on Dodd - Frank rollback set for House vote MORE (Ky.) chiding them for backing DeMaio and Tisei, as well as Senate hopeful Monica Wehby (Ore.), who supports gay marriage.
«Your work in the U.S. Senate on issues important to the family is well known, as is your close association with Family Research Council and the work we do, which makes the association all the more distressing,» Perkins wrote in a letter provided to CNN by the FRC.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, sent Cornyn a letter on Monday saying that «it is deeply troubling» that the Texas Republican would attend an upcoming Log Cabin Republicans fundraiser, because the organization does not represent the ideals of the Republican Party.
Tony Perkins, president of the notoriously anti-LGBT Family Research Council, announced Tuesday in a statement that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has named him to a two - year term on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
In October he told Family Research Council president Tony Perkins that single moms are «the political base of the Democratic party.»
The Family Research Council are propagandists of the worst sort who resort to fear mongering to push forward their agenda to legislate morality.
Sprigg, from the Family Research Council, says his condemnation of homosexual conduct does not spring from intolerance but a desire to protect gays from harmful conduct, he says.
Unlike the Family Research Council, SPLC promotes tolerance of differences.
The brand of Christianity highlighted in this story is of particular concern to secularists becuase Focus on the Family / The Family Research Council are powerful political lobbies with the stated intention of establishing the US as a Christian theocracy.
Doc Vestibule @Evenstar13 The problem with the Family Research Council / Focus on Family is that their end goal is Christian theocracy in America, and they're quite willing to lie about all manner of things to achieve that goal.
for instance — «a spokesman for The Family Research Council» and then speak as if they are the Tragic, Helpless, Victims of their Righteous Faith, in the form of public disapproval.
A statement equating the Southern Poverty Law Center with the Family Research Council can only be made by a person who knows nothing about the work of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
According to the website this morning, she was invited to the Values Voter Summit, a conference put on by Family Research Council Action.
Gary L. Bauer, domestic policy advisor in the Reagan administration, is President of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.
A few years ago the Family Research Council surveyed 1,100 people about their sexual satisfaction.
Michael Fragoso is a policy analyst at the Family Research Council who studied classics and medieval studies at Princeton University.
Trump's promise to repeal the Johnson Amendment excited some of his closest evangelical allies like Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins.
This Sunday, many American churches will observe «Stand with the Persecuted,» a day of activism sponsored by the Family Research Council, Open Doors, the Institute on Religion and Democracy, Voice of the Martyrs, In Defense of Christians, Christian Solidarity Worldwide — USA, International Christian Concern, and the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative.
«An assignment: Compare and contrast the responsefrom the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group, to the attempted assault on their offices with the response of a Sikh temple to the killings that took place in their house of worship.
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