Sentences with phrase «fat depots»

The phrase "fat depots" refers to places in the body where excess fat is stored, such as the belly, hips, or thighs. It suggests the accumulation of fat in specific areas. Full definition
Up to 80 % of Fat Depots in the Body Get Split in This Way.
Previous studies had highlighted differences in brown fat metabolism between individuals and between various brown fat depots in an individual.
«We need to know these genetic locations because different fat depots pose different health risks,» says Karen Mohlke, Ph.D., professor of genetics at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and a senior author on the paper that examined waist - to - hip ratio of fat distribution.
Osteocyte - secreted Wnt signaling inhibitor sclerostin contributes to beige adipogenesis in peripheral fat depots.
«We are looking at the relevance of specific fat depots,» says Ribeiro.
In the search for a better mouse model, Chen and her colleagues analyzed mouse embryos and found brown fat surrounded by muscles in the neck, including a brown fat depot located above the collar bones, the same location of main human brown fat that had not been described before.
References Maersk M, Belza A. Sucrose - sweetened beverages increase fat storage in the liver, muscle, and visceral fat depot: a 6 - month randomized intervention study.
«These energy reservoirs are stored glycogen in the liver or fat depots throughout the body.
Inside our midsection, there exists another type of fat depot, which is often ignored, called visceral fat.
Subcutaneous brown fat depots can also be found in the vicinity of neck muscles, the clavicles, and abdominal wall.
But now a new study led by the lab Kristina Schoonjans at EPFL, suggests that a specific group of bile acids could directly burn away the lipids in our fat depots, effectively making it a new therapy against obesity.
There are three different types of fat cells: white fat cells, which store energy; brown fat cells, which expend energy; and the so - called «beige» fat cells, which are functionally related to brown cells while being located in typically white - fat depots.
Among the 20,000 mouse genes, the researchers found 200 that were different in the two fat depots.
«They seemed to retain a memory of the fat depot they came from,» he says.
Of the fat depots, visceral fat is the most active — «very lively,» Després says — secreting and mobilizing substances in the greatest quantity.
Adult mice have metabolically active, supraclavicular brown fat depots that share similarities with those in humans.
This shows that «this brown fat depot, which is remarkably similar to the main brown fat depot in humans, can be metabolically beneficial,» Stanford said.
These fat depots are therefore important targets for new drugs and dietary strategies.
Scientists are eager to find any possible type of meds which would target these different types of fat depots and have a positive impact on our weight and overall health status.
See the image below to understand the difference between the two fat depots.
Its Chlorogenic Acid Concentrates in the «fat Depots» Triggering Their Quick and Effective Burning.
Studies show feeding a diet featuring MCFAs will help with weight gain and can potentially decrease the size of fat depots.
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