Sentences with phrase «fear of hell causes»

Fear of hell causes us to be nervous, insecure, and stressed out.

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The fear of the great nothing is too much for my mind to bear, and I can sleep at night by convincing myself that the absolute nothing we all face one day will instead be full of happy choirs of angels, reward for any suffering I've endured, punishment of the wicked and evil (it pains me to think those who cause so much evil will not suffer for eternity, so hell is a great comfort too), and that I'll get to see all those I currently miss since the death of friends and family are so painful.
Emotional abuse --- religious concepts such as sin, hell, cause feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and other types of emotional «baggage» which can scar the psyche for life.
Brian, Well I suppose I do have a fear about what these fantasy beliefs can do to cause trouble all over the world, as if we don't have enough with real problems of political ills, poverty, diseases and natural disasters; but mostly I am repelled by so many, like eaglemt and the huge number of others like him / her, who preach hell - fire and eternal torment for those who don't regard their unproven beliefs as reality.
Such is the display of fair - weathered faith in Joshua Marston's fourth feature film, Come Sunday, which relates the true trials and travails of evangelical Bishop Carlton Pearson, who in the late 1990s caused waves amongst his religious community in Tulsa, Oklahoma when he announced God spoke to him and confirmed all souls are eligible to be received in heaven, whether they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior or not (which also negates the threat of hell, a punishment which has kept communities frozen in antiquated fear - based decision making for centuries).
Most marriages, especially those that started as the betrayal of another marriage end up unhappy as hell with people staying together for fear of he unknown — long after the glitter has worn off the so - called marriage that they caused so much pain to be in — and now can not stand.
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