Sentences with phrase «fiction editor not»

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So, while it may not have the lure of the multicoloured Epindorff tube, or the glamour of fiction publishing (the life of an academic book editor is certainly not one long launch party), I wouldn't want to do anything else... well, except maybe work with those spotty monsters!
Surprisingly enough, Jack's motive for hating Christian and Ana is not that Ana became a fiction editor at a publisher and her major contributions, as seen in this film, are finding an author named «Boyce Fox» (could've sworn my accountant worked at Boyce Fox) and increasing a font size by two points.
As a fiction editor at a publishing house, we are treated to scenes where Ana is scolded by her husband for not changing her work email address to her newly married name, and her editorial notes consist of «make the font size two points bigger.»
(Note: Do NOT ask our fiction editor to review your book.
Write regularly, write about what you know, imitate writers you admire, don't be afraid of rejection... — those tips and more from an experienced editor of fiction for young readers!
Even if you're an experienced sentence - level fiction editor, this skill will not make you fit to offer structural editing or critiquing without specialist training.
Recent successes include: No god but God (Random House), by religious scholar Reza Aslan; Morgan Spurlock's Don't Eat This Book (Putnam), a companion to his Academy Award nominated documentary Super Size Me; Fergus Bordewich's Bound for Canaan (Amistad), the first narrative history of the Underground Railroad; and Benjamin Kunkel's Indecision (Random House), lead fiction title by an editor of the new literary magazine n +1.
I'm a damn good content editor because I'm not only an expert in book writing and story structure, but I'm also a fiction writer and published author myself.
Many past winners of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize have gone on to further publishing success: 2008's poetry winner Kara Sandito won the Agha Shahid Ali Prize and 2010's fiction winner Greg Hrbek is a New York Times Book Review Editor's Choice pick for his 2015 novel Not on Fire, But Burning.
Our experienced fiction and nonfiction editors know what agents and publishers want and will provide a detailed, written critique of your opening, a candid assessment of whether or not your work is ready for the marketplace, and specific suggestions to make your opening more captivating.
Once Humans (Daimones Trilogy) by Massimo Marino Posted in Science Fiction & Fantasy by editor — December 30, 2013 Amazon, $ 4.50, 314 pages The second in the Daimones Trilogy from Massimo Marino, does a great job of clueing in the reader about the first book with a detailed prologue, making the reading of the first volume not necessary.
As a fiction editor, I completely agree with the content of this post, especially I haven't seen anyone else hit it quite so on target.
Even avid readers of fiction don't know how to structure a book, so for the first book, [it's a good idea to use a] structural editor.
The Post's fiction editor Ron Charles admits, «We simply don't have the staff to wade through the torrent of submissions that would come in.»
Abby, our fiction editor, has expressed a lot of excitement for this novel, and I personally can't wait to read it.
If the agent / editor / publisher only accepts memoirs of rodeo clowns, don't send in your science fiction futuristic utopian poem to this person.
I have to say that when I had «editor calls» with editors interested in my fiction book, the FIRST one editor (not from a Big 5, but not a small press) was «How many followers do you have on social media?»
In today's reblog, Beth Hill of The Editor's Blog gives writers tips on why some writing does not engage readers, what readers want, and how to make your fiction more enticing.
After years of trying to publish traditionally, DeLuca knew exactly what was involved in the query process and knew that her job as a young adult / fantasy fiction editor, plus her family demands, weren't going to be possible.
AbsoluteWrite — Book Country — Critters Writer's Workshop — How to Write a Query Letter — Miss Snark (read the archives)-- / AgentQuery — SlushPile Hell (how NOT to write a cover letter)-- Preditors & Editors — Writer Beware — Duotrope's Digest — Ralan's SpecFic and Humor Extravaganza — Strange Horizon's «Stories We've Seen Too Often» — William Shunn's Manuscript Format Guide — Writer's Digest — Science fiction & Fantasy Writers of America — Horror Writer's Association — Romance Writers of America — International Association of Tie - In Writers — /
As an editor for both the Tor and Forge imprints, Chris is always on the lookout for fun, commercial fiction that you can't put down.
I also happened to know someone who was an editor, and even though he wasn't editing fiction novels, he was able to give me crucial advice,» remarked Bonnet.
Now, there are dozens of science fiction magazines instead of a few, so many in fact that the half dozen year's best editors claim they can't read everything printed.
Of anyone in the world, I should be the most likely person to not need an editor for my own flash fiction, right?
For those of you who don't know my wife, she is the only person in history to win both the professional editor Hugo Award and a Hugo Award for her short fiction.
Liu was just starting to sell at the time, but this unique and provocative novella was clearly considered too risky for every pro market out there: he wasn't yet a huge name, and though the science fiction magazines tend to be very open to newcomers, novella slots are few, and editors like to give them to big name authors.
Composed of an essay and supporting chapters, The Fiction Editor addressed storytelling not from the point of view of criticism or marketing, but solely as craft.
Also, it would help if publishers and editors read the damn manuscript or partial themselves, and not leave it up to young, newbie interns more interested in reading about werewolves and vampires or YA fiction.
I have 12 traditionally published books and an agent, but after a couple of frustrating years dealing with a publisher canceling my series because of a power - play among the editors, year - long wait times on submissions (even with an agent), and a market so narrow that I was advised that I probably couldn't sell children's historical fiction set in ancient Egypt unless it involves zombie mummies, I decided to try self - publishing.
It has spurred me to write more and market less, try some new strategies, even branch out from historical fiction to speculative fictionnot a difficult stretch — and be thankful that as an indie I can makes these changes because I am am not obligated to any agent or editor or contract.
I'm not disputing the fact that an editor would make my books better, but I'm writing pulp fiction not literary masterpieces.
The Eternal Controvery of Good and Bad Writing: There are almost as many versions of what good fiction is as there are writers — not to mention readers, teachers, professors, lecturers, editors, publishers, reviewers and agents.
The former editor - in - chief of Del Ray (Random House's speculative fiction imprint), Betsy Mitchell, complained that her business is drying up; she said indie novelists aren't willing to pay $ 3,500 for the kind of top - notch professional editing job she can offer.
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Sarah goes on to make another point that's recently come up in my reading and freelance editing (yes, I'm a freelance fiction editor specialising in Christian romance): how the women in the books don't seem to feel desire or temptation.
Cinderella She Was Not, winner of the 2006 Meridian Editor's Fiction Prize, is available in the Amazon bookstore for 99 cents until April 26th.
Coming back to this editor's experience, I couldn't help wondering that even I have more writing experience than this guy (with two blogs, three fiction, 18 non-fiction, 26 translated books and counting).
Not all editors are able to master the skills of editing both fiction and nonfiction, but my skills and expertise in both areas have developed organically since the beginning of my editing career.
My professional background is a degree in marketing and business, and twenty years in management consulting, which doesn't exactly explain why I'm now a freelance fiction editor and book reviewer, but did give me a sound understanding of the principles of business, marketing, and good writing.
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When not saying dorky, embarrassing crap like that, I is a game designer, science fiction author, and former reviews editor for the now - defunct with years of experience writing for and about games.
Isn't there a standard for editors and fiction writers for handling accents and dialects?
«It is a conversation about this idea of reality and fiction and what is true and what is not, and where it blends,» Prouvost told the BBC's Arts Editor, Will Gompertz.
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