Sentences with phrase «field studies show»

Pioneer says that field studies show its new hybrids will increase maize yields by 5 % in water - limited environments, such as the western states of the intensively agricultural Corn Belt region.
«Long - term field studies show that helpers improve offspring survival, and our findings highlight that such cooperation is particularly important under harsh conditions,» said Clutton - Brock.
A new long - term field study shows that plants grow less under elevated carbon conditions owing to limitations in soil nutrients — bad news as atmospheric CO2 increases
Their field study shows natural selection working on a collective trait — the docile - to - aggressive ratio, known to pass down from generation to generation — that has led to an adaptation that determines whether whole colonies survive or die.
Both my master's research and a new field study show the species played a part in dispersing seeds post-mortem.

Not exact matches

[6] At the academic level, the field of New Testament studies has shown its sensitivity to various theories emerging from diverse fields by wrestling with the challenges issuing from such theories.
The general conclusions of the psychological studies in the field of alcohol ism show that there can be little doubt that psychological maladjustment is an important part of the soil of addiction.
A study in California comparing conventional with organic tomato fields showed a higher abundance of natural enemies and greater richness of species in organic tomato fields.
Figure 1 shows the results of several studies comparing floral diversity on organic and on conventional fields.
Furthermore, time wasting is less, a study even showed that women are 10 seconds quicker to get off the field after being substituted and 30 seconds quicker when celebrating!
Citing a 2010 study finding that patients who had at least two 2 rehabilitation visits for persistent dizziness after a concussion showed improvement in their DHI scores (2), the study said that on - field identification of dizziness could lead to earlier implementation of vestibular rehabiliation and other modalities to treat dizziness, which may expedite recovery from concussion.
Weck says: «Studies show tummy time is good at stabilizing the visual field of the environment.
In another study conducted by Dr Field, premature babies who were massaged gained 47 percent more weight and were discharged from hospital six days earlier than babies in a control group, with follow up studies showing lasting effects on growth and development.
Tiffany Davenport's friend - to - friend email study, «Unsubscribe: The Effects of Peer - to - Peer Email on Voter Turnout; Results from a Field Experiment in the June 6, 2006, California Primary Election,» shows even stronger results.
WHEREAS, Recent studies conducted by the Brookings Institution and later by McKinsey & Company on behalf of the Regional Economic Development Council have shown a serious shortage of skilled workers in Western New York, particularly in construction and advanced manufacturing fields;
Field studies in southeastern Morocco, just a few kilometers away from the site of this dust storm, show that electric fields generated by blowing sand boost dust emissions up to 10 times more than expected from wind alone.
Many of them feel that there are more opportunities for them in China than in West and in the United States, but I think the overall numbers still show that most of these students, who go overseas to study, especially in science and technology field end up staying overseas.
This color image shows the Hubble Ultra Deep Field region, a tiny but much - studied region in the constellation of Fornax, as observed with the MUSE instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope.
Decades of field studies have shown that organisms are shaped by their environment, and by the community of other species that make up their ecosystem.
DeLaune said previous field studies from the Rolling Plains and adjacent High Plains demonstrated mixed results, with some showing a reduction in soil moisture and cash crop yield due to cover crops and others indicating no significant impact of cover crops on subsequent fiber yield.
Studies of ocean sediments and lava flows show the Earth has undergone several hundred field reversals, with the most recent confirmed flip occurring about 780,000 years ago.
Published in Gender & Society, a journal in Gender Studies and Sociology field, Reich's research shows that unvaccinated or under - vaccinated children from higher income backgrounds, with parents who are higher educated, have parents who intentionally choose to refuse or delay vaccinations out of a belief that they are protecting their children.
But years of data from long - term studies by Doak and other scientists examining plants, birds, mammals and fungi in the field are showing the flaws in these assumptions.
Study after study shows that, beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout college, girls are typically discouraged from entering STEM fields, and I was lucky to be an excepStudy after study shows that, beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout college, girls are typically discouraged from entering STEM fields, and I was lucky to be an excepstudy shows that, beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout college, girls are typically discouraged from entering STEM fields, and I was lucky to be an exception.
«We've shown quite well that even with very early vision field loss, people's daily lives are affected,» says Varma, who leads the study.
«Intuitively, you might think that shrubs would use less water than trees because they're smaller, but field work from a related study has shown this isn't always true,» he explained.
It also shows how gender, ethnic origin, and field of study relate to where they end up working.
A study published online Oct. 13 in the journal Current Biology describes how researchers used metal microelectrodes in a jumping spider's poppy - seed - sized brain to show that auditory neurons can sense far - field sounds, at distances up to 3 meters, or about 600 spider body lengths.
In a combined experimental and theoretical study on ultrafast excitation of atoms in intense short pulse laser fields scientists of the Max Born Institute succeeded to show that the prevailing and seemingly disparate intuitive pictures usually used to describe interaction of atoms with intense laser fields can be ascribed to a single nonlinear process.
That's because experimental studies of field plots and smaller watersheds show that these assumptions are valid, he says.
«New study shows the dynamics of active swarms in alternating fields
Satellite studies of Earth's gravitational field show that North America is still rebounding from the weight of the massive Laurentide Ice Sheet, which retreated thousands of years ago
«These four new wheat lines showed improved resistance against powdery mildew in field trials compared with their parental lines — during the field seasons 2015 to 2017,» explains Teresa Koller, lead author of the study.
A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that non-migratory birds also are able to use a built - in compass to orient themselves using the Earth's magnetic field.
Applicants had to show that the study they wanted to replicate had «cornerstone» status in the field, and that the replication was relevant, with a special focus on impact on health policy and medical guidelines.
On the other hand, some field studies have shown that using more complex carbon sources, like starch from rice powder, might be more effective.
A new study, which is the largest study within this field of research so far, shows that DFI analysis can be used for selecting the most efficient treatment to involuntarily childless couples.
Coupling the extensive field study with in - depth network analyses revealed that parrots — at least those in captive groups — do show a strong preference for associating with a specific individual and are usually found nearby their mate.
In one of her projects, Grais and her colleagues used field studies and mathematical modeling to show that what's known about the well - studied dynamics of measles in the Western world doesn't apply fully to sub-Saharan Africa.
Previous cancer studies had shown that by injecting tumors with magnetic nanoparticles made of iron oxide — «essentially rust, with well - tuned magnetic properties,» Anikeeva says — then exposing them to rapidly alternating magnetic fields, excited nanoparticles can be used to heat and destroy cancer tumors while leaving surrounding, healthy tissue intact.
To show that ivermectin actually has an impact on malaria in the field, Foy teamed up with Roch Dabiré, a researcher at the Institute of Health Studies in Bobo - Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
«We measured mosquito abundance, and we measured West Nile virus prevalence in the mosquitoes we collected in this field study, and we were able to show that it's these mowed areas where you actually get the highest West Nile virus risk to people in the surrounding landscape,» Allan said.
«Herring larvae could benefit from an acidifying ocean: A long - term field study in a Swedish fjord shows how rising carbon dioxide levels can affect food webs and fish survival.»
Similarly, a study of «therapeutic touch» published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that practitioners who insisted they could sense a patient's «energy field» proved incapable of even sensing the presence or absence of a test subject's hand.
The study shows that the initial direction of the magnetic field observed by Voyager 1 is deflected by the heliopause, like an elastic cord wrapped around a beach ball.
Studies show that women are significantly underrepresented in the IT field, and the number of women who've graduated with degrees in computer and information science have plummeted from 37 percent in 1985 to 18 percent in 2011.
Azoxystrobin, a fungicide used on vineyards, has been shown in field studies to damage the DNA of fish, according to a 2008 study in France.
Results of a new survey show that the more academics in a field believe their area of study requires an ability that «just can't be taught,» the fewer women there are in those fields.
The study shows Mars's climate can vary dramatically depending on local conditions, says Anthony Colaprete of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.
The study shows an association between the belief in the need for genius in an academic field and the numbers of women in that field.
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