Sentences with phrase «fighting talk apple»

Not exact matches

The show's Web site drew 152 pages of comments, a joint statement of disapproval from its two featured experts (who insisted that their thoughtful discussion was misleadingly edited to look like a fight), and an «Apple Pie in the Face» award from the organization Mothers and More — and the show is still being talked about today.
Amber waves of grain, waving sunlit flags, and Midwestern boys playing baseball are what our heroes are fighting for: New York City and its liberal stongholds, not so much (an early scene finds asteroid chunks knocking about the Big Apple's skyscrapers, scaring and / or crushing jive - talking city folk like Eddie Griffin's bike messenger).
As of now, Apple has not participated in any settlement talks with the DOJ so it might be looking to fight this out in court.
If anything, Gurman's talk at Bloomberg of Apple being «ready to take on in the digital book market again» is the kind of fighting words that naturally tend to come from coverage outside the publishing industry and thus less contextualized by the reality Amazon's scale.
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