Sentences with phrase «find affirmation»

provokes questions about how today's unprecedented access to an audience of one's own leads us to find affirmation on screen, and venerate fame as a final destination.
You can also find an affirmation, description of the location of the chakra and related organs, as well as the specific juice recipe that can enhance the balancing property of each blend.
By the way, The Lasting Supper is a great place to find affirmation for who you are!
I think that the rehabilitation of democracy will come through the most elementary expression of this desire by those at the bottom who invade such places; and all of this converges to find affirmation faced with the places where decisions are taken.
At all periods of Biblical history and in diverse strata of the Biblical materials we find the affirmation that what characterizes Yahweh in disfunction from the objects of men's worship which are mere vanity is his ability to hear the cry of the oppressed and to save him from his oppressor.
Most parents that found affirmations helpful for their baby's birth recommend incorporating them into meditation sessions.
Extensive travels through Europe in 1952 had a significant impact on Chimes's work and it was in the paintings of artists such as Giorgio de Chirico, Andre Breton and Henri Matisse, that Chimes found the affirmation of his own developing ideas that would soon lead to the earliest mature works included in this exhibition.
Some people find affirmations really useful, that's looking at yourself in the mirror and saying something assertively, «I am ready for the next stage in my career.»

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If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, go someplace quiet and replace those thoughts with positive affirmations, prayer or meditation.
Whether you're willing to invest a Google search or a hefty portion of your training budget, entrepreneurs who want help boosting their creativity quotient will find endless tips, exercises, and affirmations.
The trick, she found, is to engage in a little self - affirmation before you screw up the courage to apologize.
Richman says the best morning productivity concept she's found is Savers, an acronym that stands for six things — silence, affirmation, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing.
And yet, she notes, our minds work much like the dating site algorithms — we scan life for matches and, when we find one, we relish the feel - good affirmation.
As for Jesus, he mentions this passage once and I see his affirmation of 3 things (also found in rabbinic works): 2 becomes 1 in these ways --(a) sexual union (closest we can get to the original creation); (b) children (2 seperate dna's in one person); (c) Companionship — to combat our lonliness.
We also find groups of Christians who search the Bible for affirmation of what they already think, turning to hatred and violence instead of looking for information and a deeper relationship with God.
Not until the last - written book in the Hebrew Bible» the Book of Daniel, from the second century b.c.» do we find a biblical affirmation that God will raise the dead to eternal life.
Am I being overly simplistic in finding here the affirmation that the «dogma» is «the very Person of the redeemer» in whom truth and charity form, indeed, a seamless garment?
There in articles 3 and 4 he can find what Thomas thinks about mercy as the greatest attribute of God, its precedence over and against justice, and that mercy presupposes justice and is its plenitude — affirmations Moloney thinks must be criticized.
On this topic, we find chiefly an affirmation of diversity.
We found that in the latter half of the 20th century Christian churches have proclaimed with near unanimity their rejection of supersessionism and their affirmation that God's covenant with Israel has not been revoked.
I've found that the difference is often found in exploring the source of affirmation.
We have been speaking of the need for finding a way of stating the kerygma which will be relevant to our own time, while it will also be true to the abiding affirmation of faith which gives the Church its essential being.
In the summer of 1947, Camus records his distrust of «static virtue» and of his desire to find a middle course between total negation, on the one hand, and an affirmation that would explain away the enigma of existence, on the other.
However, as I have tried to show, while in Deleuze's metaphysics we find something like Whiteheadian pure potentiality reappearing in a radically decentered form, the net result is less a neo-Whiteheadian naturalism than a distinctly postmodern avatar of polytheism: a vision of multiple «little divinities» effecting random syntheses of differential elements within an immanent space of possibilities: a theory of evolution metamorphosed into Chaosmological Myth: an unqualified affirmation of the endless, goalless, production of Difference.
In Greenberg we find a theologian who calls on Jews to validate the realities of statehood and power» an almost Hobbesian affirmation of what survival requires in a world where Auschwitz is possible» and who also calls Jews and Christians to revise radically their theologies as the first step in the project of perfecting and redeeming the world as partners in covenantal pluralism.
The theology of the Mass is another area which we think is ripe for development, especially given the affirmation in Gaudium et Spes that «in her most benign Lord and Master can be found the key, the focal point and the goal of man, as well as of all human history» (n. 10).
A good deal of the time we may find it useful to begin there; and our preaching of the gospel, once it does begin there, can then move on with the profound logic of experience to the bold affirmation that in this Man, in all his human conditioning, God is discovering himself to us as at no other time and in no other place.
Surely, however, the basic affirmation of Christian theism, founded (once we have got behind the images in which often it was phrased) on the biblical witness to the faithfulness and consistency of God and to his unfailing maintenance of the creation in being, is that all things at all times and in all places are present to God, that he is always at work in them, that he constantly energizes through them, that he never ceases to move in the creation towards the accomplishment of his holy will and the revelation of his holy purpose.
The true freedom of the Spirit is not found in the isolated, autonomous person who finds self - affirmation in individualism.
We also found that Marx's critique of religion was in fact an affirmation of human autonomy.
Even if we can not pray for some of these goals with much affirmation — even if we find ourselves praying for the salvation of liberals before Christ returns, or the redirection of evangelical social concern to its proper sphere of evangelism and world mission, or the disappearance of the electronic church — God will answer our prayers, with corrections if necessary, and will either change our minds or the minds of those for whom we are praying.
This is nevertheless a meaningless affirmation if it is not cognizant of the fact that family life is under assault, that as a result many people feel alienated from their families and have never found viable substitutes, that their experience within our technological society has left them feeling a profound sense of dissatisfaction with themselves from which they urgently seek escape through drugs, sex, or recreation.
On the other hand, and no less important, it is an affirmation that such a basic attitude is not simply one that he himself happens to fancy or to find psychologically inviting, not simply true - for - himself because it happens to turn him on, but one which is the appropriate and proper response to experience and so the true response tout court.
This insight explains the vehemence of his attack upon the German quest for the historical Jesus, just as it illuminates his behavior» during his first years at Lambaréné, when he ransacked the intellectual storehouses of the world's religions in order to find some way to conceive of an affirmation of the world that was not merely mindless hedonism, a way that could motivate a powerful urge toward human betterment, toward perfection within the structures of natural existence.
Ideally, we should find this within our families, but short of that» and we almost always fall short of ideals» we seek affirmation of our unique value through social means.
Granting that Addison does not stir one's soul as some writers do, Lewis nonetheless finds a kind of strength and goodness in Addison's affirmation of «the common ground of daily life.»
Second, while many people may desire a religious option that offers concrete answers to life's problems, there will be a minority of well - educated people who will find new - paradigm Christianity to be simplistic in its affirmation of Jesus as the exclusive path to truth.
This affirmation, which Commonweal offers as representative of its editorial posture, calls for a tentative, timorous search for truth in the understanding that truth — truth for sure — is not to be found.
Even in this «extreme» book, which attempts to call into question our ability both to know God's will and to predict our fate, we find two root affirmations common to the wisdom tradition, based as it is in creation: (I) God is sovereign, and (2) present life is to be lived in joy as God's gift.
We have questioned how a book as cynical and pessimistic as Ecclesiastes could have found its way into the canon, failing to see the text's central affirmation of our work and play as gifts from God to be enjoyed.
But before we come to that discussion, it will be useful for us to turn our attention to the question of «resurrection» — first, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, about which so much of the earliest Christian writing found in the New Testament, and so much of the Christian experience of discipleship, turns; and second, to consider the point of the continuing Christian affirmation that those who have responded to the event of Christ are themselves made «sharers in Christ's resurrection».
Royce believed he had here found a way to interpret the Christian community's affirmation about Jesus.
and our defenses, we find a paradoxical affirmation.
Engels found that while institutionalized religion generally seeks to defend the status quo, the content of the religious affirmations has its own logic, and may appeal to, and does appeal to, different classes.
The central affirmations and emphases of each tradition now often find echoes in the others.
By examining Marx's critique of religion optimistically and without prejudice we found that Marxists and Christians can agree, in spite of several disagreements, that both are ultimately concerned for true humanity, especially for the rights of the poor and needy, the hungry and hopeless; both could agree that they strive to be «true to the earth».1 We observed that Marx's atheism is primarily an anthropological affirmation; it is another way of putting human being in the centre of human interest and concern.
In Christian worship, therefore, we shall expect to find the expression of the peculiar affirmation and the special quality of the Christian faith and the responsive movement of man to God as he reacts to God's action towards him.
What Connelly seems to find objectionable in the revised text is an affirmation of the universal salvific mediation of Christ.
His religious difficulty came from the kind of theology he found around him, its habit of identifying words in a book (written by human hands and thought by human brains) with the words of God, also from the habit of playing fast and loose with the dangerously ambiguous concepts of omnipotence and omniscience, and taking these more seriously than any definite affirmation of the freedom of creatures to make decisions that are their own and not God's.
In The Epistle to Diognetus, often dated about the middle of the second century, we find the following affirmations about the human soul being used to describe the relationship of Christians to the world.
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