Sentences with phrase «flack reviews»

Read more Flick Flack reviews, such as Stephen King's IT, STRANGER THINGS, TWIN PEAKS, and BLADE RUNNER 2049.
Read more Flick Flack reviews, such as Luc Besson's VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS and Charlie Theron's ATOMIC BLONDE.
Read the Flick Flack review of the long - awaited sequel.

Not exact matches

It has a tendinous insertion on the greater trochanter of the femur, most likely on the lateral surface, although not all authorites agree on this location and some note that there are in fact two tendons, one superior and one lateral (see review by Flack et al. 2012).
Unfortunately, the innervation of the gluteus medius remains opaque at present, with limited and conflicting literature (see review by Flack et al. 2012).
Prior to this recent trial, there had been no formal measurements of pentagon angle by individual region, although it was ofen noted that fascicle orientaton difers across the muscle belly and that all studies agree that the middle fbers display a vertical arrangement (see review by Flack et al. 2012).
The gluteus medius has its origin on the external iliac surface, between the anterior and the posterior gluteal lines (see review by Flack et al. 2012).
They read the stuff the PR flack sends along, and read a chapter or two, and write the review.
Sega often gets flack for constantly releasing new Sonic games, but Sonic & Sega All - Stars Racing did a good job of «righting some wrongs» when it was released on consoles to positive reviews last year.
Other controversies have included Pruitt renting an apartment from an energy lobbyist at below market rates, defying the White House to give staff huge pay raises, and dodging normal congressional review procedures to stack positions at the agency with industry flacks.
With the Macbook Pro getting all sorts of flack from different reviews, users, and even Consumer Reports, that still won't stop folks from getting one.
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