Sentences with phrase «foil hat wearing»

Sarah Palin,??? The entire Republican party has been usurped by tin foil hat wearing lunatics.
Wow these Tea Party people seem like Tin Foil Hat wearing conspiracy theory types.
The described individual sounds like a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theory moron and not a «fundementalist atheist» or even a «superior atheist».
we captured him and flew him back to gitmo so we could waterboard him for info... thats sarcasm you tin foil hat wearing nut job.

Not exact matches

If you believed everything you read on ZeroHedge, you'd end up sitting in your bunker in the wilderness with a shot gun across your knees, wearing a tin - foil hat.
Some people wear tin foil hats to protect them from mind control radio waves they believe are being broadcast by CIA satellites.
Is this the magical mystery verse that only Jesus» special children can channel when they wear their aluminum foil hats?
Dude Austin, reading your posts you are so clearly one of those people wearing your tin - foil hat rambling on and on about conspiracy theories.
Some data fudging can be expected from a booth representative who opens by repeatedly assuring me that her colleagues don't wear tin - foil hats.
No, I'm not currently wearing a tin foil hat I do have some books in Select and KU and others that are not, and when I get a sale or borrow for those in Select, the ranking seems to jump significantly higher than the other titles when they sell.
He created a dress based on a foil cupcake wrapper, as well as one actually composed of cupcake papers, a skirt made of cotton candy with a rock candy bodice, cake hats, and candy tiaras; all worn by the models as they posed for the paintings.
Add to that the laughably absurd notion of the vast right wing conspiracy funded by eeevil oil companies, and it's no small wonder that otherwise disinterested observers (e.g. me) conclude that by and large the alarmist contingent spends their days wearing tin foil hats whilst congratulating themselves on their superior intelligence.
We stood out — we wore tin foil hats to highlight the insanity of denying global warming, as some members of Congress continue to do here in 2013.
If you're one of those tin - foil - hat - wearing theorists desperately hoping for the preservation of Internet security, then you will sooner or...
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