Sentences with phrase «food abundance does»

Food abundance does not necessarily mean all the fish get bigger, either; it could encourage reproduction and a population boom — which might in turn overwhelm the food supply and lead to another bust.

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Funny how those that went to church then sat around eating an over abundance of food and candy bragged about whatt a beautiful service they saw and heard but some were out on the streets doing a beautiful service.
To all chosen People of God: please reserve your hatred, for those who steal foods from the most vulnerable starved of the Africa, who do nt give access to those who really want to help the needy ones who are dying of diseases Throw abundance of love and respect to them who recognize people with humanity and equality.
Recently it was national doughnut week, I totally missed out on this because even though I love doughnuts I don't like to fry my food, hey I eat an abundance of cake I really can't be eating fried food as well!
Milk consumption has plummeted from 25 to 20 gallons per year per person since 1990, even as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that most kids don't get enough calcium and several other «shortfall» nutrients milk offers in abundance.
This, together with an abundance of food, often leads to taking onboard huge amounts of calories.It's important to remember that one drink does not equal one unit of alcohol.
Contrary to a longstanding hypothesis within the agricultural world that holds that antibiotics reduce total microbial numbers in the gut, therefore reducing competition for food and allowing the host organism to grow fatter, the team found that the penicillin did not, in fact, diminish bacterial abundance.
This flexibility has allowed humans to thrive for millions of years because hunter - gatherers didn't always have access to constant abundance and variety of foods that we have today.
I know what you mean; cheese and yogurt seemed hard to give up: (but then I did, and my taste buds changed so I don't crave it anymore and don't miss it since I keep an abundance of whole plant foods around for easy consumption.
The consumption of foods which have a high abundance of fiber is one solution you can do.
This was because, before modern farming practices, we did not have an abundance of food available to us at all times.
We did not have an abundance of food stuffs around so our ancestors probably ate only one large meal a day.
Because what I've learned is that the secrets to your «perfect body» are as follows: Find healthy foods you love, and eat them in abundance; indulge in fun, confidence - boosting beauty treatments that make you feel foxy; and, most importantly, remember the ultimate secret that the perfect bikini body doesn't even exist.
If you eat widely from all plant sources, including olives, nuts, avocados, etc, with an abundance of fresh foods and only limited processed foods, and if you get plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise in the fresh air, enough water (you don't need as much if you have lots of fruit), and build good friendships and relationships where you support and help others, then your health will blossom, your weight will settle (although you can leave out the fattier foods for a time to lower it if you need to), and your life will feel quietly satisfying.
Other great food sources include a variety of nuts and seeds, which provide an abundance of trace minerals in adequate volume, and do not require consuming in excess.
This seriously takes a lot of work, and we do it with an abundance of love and dedication to the mission of health, and in all honesty, there is economic value in every step we take in ensuring the safety of your food.
This is a modern day phenomenon because the abundance of food all around us in modern day life means that we don't have to think about what's appropriate to eat.
There are some basic health approaches, just like for ourselves — eat fresh, local food; avoid toxins (like flea treatments and vaccines); get plenty of the right kind of exercise; have a job you love to do and an abundance of love and play; when ill use holistic approaches like TCVM (traditional Chinese veterinary medicine), chiropractic and homeopathy.
Cats don't magically disappear when you stop feeding them — there's an abundance of garbage available (from households, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.) as an alternative food source.
There are quite a few premium dog foods like LIFE»S ABUNDANCE for example that does contain BEET PULP and many of the other so called «PREMIUM» brands will also contain one of those 4 fillers.
Despite the abundance of grains in the first several ingredients, the overall quality of the ingredients in the food does not look too bad.
And even more importantly, don't forget to give yourself a break and count all the blessings of your friends, family and the abundance of delicious food.
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