Sentences with phrase «for ancient people»

In fact vanilla is used as a powerful medicinal plant for the ancient people.
What was a disaster for the ancient people of Sanyangzhuang is a miracle for modern archaeologists.
It is evident from this long and tedious record that warfare was a way of life for the ancient people of God.
For ancient people, evidently, this was a natural way of speaking.

Not exact matches

The company, which employs approximately 400 people in King's Cross, is perhaps best known for developing an AI agent that defeated the world champion of the ancient Chinese board, Go.
It may be among the most ancient pieces of leadership wisdom, yet when it falls from Robbins's lips, people listen, and they have for more than 30 years.
It was one of thousands of ancient religions that tried to explain the unexplainable and give people comfort that there was someone out there looking out for them.
I've heard that in other ancient flood stories, people were saved for other less noble reasons.
Kia Optima: This commercial «One Epic Ride» brings together modern and ancient peoples, spies, aliens and mythological gods all vying for... an Optima.
No, the actual intent must be to get scientists to abandon their search for answers in this field, thus leaving people to claim that the ancient myths are actually the answer unchallenged.
«R.M. Goodswell Christians would have you believe that they were singled out by the Romans... other cultures and peoples faired poorly when encountering the empire... heh... even being roman didn't buy you a pass sometimes in ancient rome... if they felt they needed fresh bodies for the arena, you became fodder.
As for silly people who spend a year or any amount of time trying to live exactly as the ancients lived, by re-enacting practices found in the Bible, they do a great disservice to God's Word and His people.
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers but there is heaven and afterlife for the souls or the personalities that lived behind those computer but not the actual hardware of the computer... after all if you had the soul you can fix it to any more developed hardware that is suitable to living heaven or hell... Though all people hated dark and favored light for it... but as seems that Mr.Stephen Hawking is favoring the Dark over the Light which he named as «Fairy Tales» or «Tales of the Ancient»...!
So, you see, there are many, many other explanations for a really big wooden boat to have been built by ancient people, and some that don't involve any ancient myths whatsoever, let alone one about a god who decided to destroy mankind which happens to be a pretty common theme throughout religion.
Ancient peoples were smarter and wiser than most secular people give them credit for.
Now think back on what it took for African Americans and women to get their civil rights, it took good people fighting the prejudice and bigotry of those brainwashed by ancient beliefs.
Your god sets forth many reasons for which it wouldn't accept people in to heaven and the gullible believers do their best to keep the ancient fairy tales alive - creating divisions where none should be had.
I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
Since the stories of the Bible remain so central to who we are as a culture, even today (and even for those who dismiss it), it seems entirely fitting that we should be equally interested in the ancient people who composed them.
Rather, the evidences of modern people - groups and ancient people - groups show a high percentage of humankind reaching for the supernatural no matter what life they have encountered.
There's no ancient Hebrew word for «trichinosis», but someone noticed that people get sick more often from «unclean» animals.
The stories of the synagogue leader, the healed woman and the ancient patriarch teach us about daring to hold God accountable for promises God has made to care for God's people.
In local communities, Hassler suggests, ancient truths abide: words retain their power to save or ruin lives, good and evil can yet be distinguished, people remain accountable for their acts, and sin, penance, and absolution are still valid coin of the realm.
It is no accident that Deuteronomy, which sums up the ideals of the pre-Exilic prophetic party, contains an explicit denial of the ancient theory that an innocent person can rightly be punished for another's sin: «The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.»
For example, the concept of an ancient earth seemed incomprehensible to people 500 years ago.
For this idea he had support in the ancient prophetic conception of a faithful and saving remnant standing out from a disobedient and apostate people.
Every page of the book prepares the way for its stunning climax, which is a literal appearance of Jesus to the ancient peoples of America.
Yet Christians believe that He chose Abraham (and not any other person in the ancient world), and from Abraham's descendants (through Isaac, but not through Ishmael, and through Jacob, but not Esau), He created for Himself a covenant people.
«4 This desire to look for the presence of God is not only an ancient and medieval problem but is the search of millions of people today.5
For all of their idiosyncratic talk of plant and animal souls, the ancients at least would have recognized a twelve - week - old baby moving in his mother's womb as a person with a soul.
Religion is not healthy for children nor any living thing If reading those ancient and primitive «scriptures» convinces you to be a good person, then good for you!
What we know of this process of oral transmission in ancient times, especially among Oriental peoples, gives ground for considerable confidence in its fidelity.
To fill the gap left by a weakened church, people are not only experimenting with both new and ancient forms of the spiritual and psychic life; they are searching for religious books that deal with the complex problems of society in personal, direct and simple ways.
justpro86 Meanwhile, every ancient people could look up at the sky and see evidence for their gods,... different gods.
Rather, the Bible is a gathering of traditional materials that gradually emerged among the people of ancient Israel and early Christianity and eventually became their authoritative statements about their God, the nature of their believing community and their terms for living.
In terms reminiscent of the fervor of ancient prophets, the writer proclaimed that the current epidemic of venereal herpes was a direct punishment by God for people's disobedience of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae.
The scripture was written to and written for and written by ancient people of an ancient culture living in an ancient time.
Although Whitehead's Category of the Ultimate is meant to lessen the distance, so to speak, between actual occasions and societies of actual occasions, the application of Whitehead's metaphysics to persons seems troublesome; the ancient metaphysical problem of appearance and reality seems to lurk in the background, for the philosopher who wishes to identify res vera in the system soon finds herself perplexed, asking if the subjects of experience are actual occasions, societies of occasions, or sentient beings, such as persons and animals.1
The knowledge we have today can't be compared to ancient harmful and ignorant myths, although I admit that being ignorant must feel very comfortable for some and I think people are free and have the right to be stupid, but no one has the right to make it sound as though their personal nonsense is the universal and inflexible truth.
It is impossible for that ancient culture and that ancient time to be recreated and it is impossible for us to be that ancient people or to live as did that ancient people.
The ancient Hebrews were a wicked people who were constantly killing other people, supposedly upon orders from «The Lord» yet YHWH's son Yehoshua preached a completely different message that was filled with love for other people and instruction to live peacefully with them.
@PUZZLED — well see my issus lies with the fact of how women were treated in ancient times — they were property and so allowing them to go thru all the emotionals and physicals of carrying and then giving birth only to toss it off a cliff isn't what i'd call good parenting — having an abortion for many people who should NEVER have kids is (in my opinion) good parenting!
It is therefore extremely difficult for the average person so to translate the biblical view into his own idiom that the ancient experiences become relevant to him.
A more ancient view, still apparent at many points in the Old Testament, had been that righteousness was rewarded by prosperity and long life in this world, and misfortune was a punishment for sin; but as Israel suffered more and more adversity, and the most faithful individuals and groups were the most oppressed and afflicted, it came to be felt that the humble, the meek, the devout, the poor were the righteous people of God, and the mighty and prosperous were the proud, wicked oppressors.
It is as ancient as the Christian concern for wholeness in persons.
For a person who toots his own horn about how smart he is, you certainly seem to need a lot more study on ancient history, science, and general philosophy coupled with theology.
But in ancient times as well as in the Middle Ages people were aware of the need of solitude and had respect for what it signifies.
For example, «the fresh and vivid style of Mark» has been explained as the result of Peter's vivid personal recollections — forgetting that people did not usually write that way in ancient times, but far more prosaically, far less romantically; the exploitation of literary personality is a very modern innovation.
If Dunne is reckoning correctly, the age when people take death seriously as a personal reality, a point that today occurs before midlife, was near the end of the average life span for people in the ancient world.
We can see that this might make sense to someone brought up in the ancient Jewish tradition in which an unblemished animal was sacrificed to God to make atonement for the sins of the people, and in which the iniquities of Israel were all put on the head of a goat which was then driven out into the wilderness, taking the people's sins with it.
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