Sentences with phrase «for coal generation»

Data released May 26 by the EIA shows that March 2016 was a historically low month for coal generation in the United States.
Coal generation in March 2016 approached levels nearly one - third of the highest - ever month for coal generation, a record set back in August 2007.
A recent OECD study projects a 3 c / kWh cost for coal generation in China, a 3.6 c / kWh cost for gas, and a 3 - 3.6 c / kWh cost for nuclear, the cheapest non-emitting option (all assuming a 5 % discount rate).
But that's not a concern reflected in independent assessments from NERC and regional grid operators, who say the grid is reliable today and envision a significant, albeit diminished, role for coal generation for years to come.
Announced reforms to the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme, along with a proposal to impose CO2 limits on fossil fuel power plants that are eligible to receive capacity market payments to remain operating, will limit the ability for coal generation to regain lost market share.
For coal generation most of the fatalities are latent fatalities and these occur in the general public, not in the workers.

Not exact matches

Coal has seen significant declines in recent years, accounting for just 9 % of electricity generation in 2016, down from around 23 % the year before, as coal plants closed or switched to burning biomass such as wood pellCoal has seen significant declines in recent years, accounting for just 9 % of electricity generation in 2016, down from around 23 % the year before, as coal plants closed or switched to burning biomass such as wood pellcoal plants closed or switched to burning biomass such as wood pellets.
That does not mean that coal - fired power will resume its historically dominant position in the electricity generation mix, for several reasons.
Banks says all the coal at Shotton and Highthorn can be extracted by the government's 2025 deadline for phasing out coal - fired power generation.
The U.K. - based bank, whose operations are increasingly concentrated in Asia, said it will make up to $ 100 billion available for financing low - carbon projects, while stopping the financing of mines that produce coal for power generation.
As the Washington Post reported, natural gas is overtaking coal as the fossil fuel of choice for electricity generation — the report forecasts that by 2019, coal will provide 28 % of US electricity, whereas natural gas will make up 34 %.
«Even if it doesn't get that much cleaner, coal will still be a primary fuel source for power generation
New research from North Carolina State University and the University of Colorado Boulder finds that steep declines in the use of coal for power generation over the past decade were caused largely by less expensive natural...
Electric power generation from coal and natural gas plants is responsible for 40 % of U.S. carbon emissions.
While power generation can be shifted to other energy sources rather than coal, it's not so easy to find substitutes for liquid transportation fuels like petrol, diesel fuel, or jet fuel.
Utilities are increasingly switching over to natural gas for electricity generationcoal plant closures could reach a high watermark this year.
The package includes a plan to phase out coal - fired electricity generation by 2030, a commitment to generate 30 per cent of Alberta's electricity from renewable sources by 2030, new financing for energy efficiency, and an economy - wide price on carbon pollution.
Update: Financial Risks of Investments in Coal assesses the financial risks of continued reliance on coal for electricity generatCoal assesses the financial risks of continued reliance on coal for electricity generatcoal for electricity generation.
They find that coal accounts for 95 % of GED in this sector (though it also accounts for the largest percentage of total power generation), and coal power has the highest GED per kilowatt - hour (kWh) of electricity generated (though as noted in Table 2, petroleum has a higher GED / VA ratio).
This year, for the first time ever, natural gas has surpassed coal in use for power generation in the United States.
With appreciation for MidAmerican's recent investments in renewable generation, coal - burning plants continue to create liabilities.
But coal still accounted for something like 35 % of electricity generation in the United States and China was buying up massive amounts for its own needs.
The increase in foreign demand is being driven by industrialization and attendant demand for coal fired electricity generation in the developing world including India and China.
A sharp drop in US coal - fired power generation — and the resulting drop in steam coal production — played a more significant role in 2015, but met still accounted for 57 % of the revenue decline relative to 2011.
Despite the modestly slowing rate of cost declines for utility - scale alternative energy generation, the gap between the costs of certain alternative energy technologies (e.g., utility - scale solar and onshore wind) and conventional generation technologies continues to widen as the cost profiles of such conventional generation remain flat (e.g., coal) and, in certain instances, increase (e.g., nuclear).
The walls are of concrete block with a high content of fly ash, a waste product of coal - fired electric power generation that can be recycled as a replacement for portland cement.
The economy is primarily driven by primary industry, natural resources and secondary industry including coal mining, processing and fossil - fuel power generation [8] for the National Electricity Market.
Fracking and natural gas are better choices for power generation then burning coal and oil and until we have cleaner sources of energy will do.
According to the governor's office, coal accounts for 4 % of electricity generation in New York, a number sure to drop even more absent Dunkirk and Huntley.
His draft energy plan says we're going to switch from coal - fired to gas - fired for electric generation.
The CHPE project on its face is absolutely unnecessary since the unveiling of the Governor's Energy Highway Blueprint which will upgrade the transmission system for all sources of power generation, not just the Western New York coal fleet but also for the renewable sources who are trying to come online and be competitive.
More than 33 gigawatts of coal - fired electricity generation will be retired over the next couple decades, EIA said, pushing up demand for natural gas.
Yet John Thompson, director of the fossil transition project at the Clean Air Task Force, said Kemper still could open the door for CO2 capture with countries like Poland and India with low - rank coals, by lowering costs for the second generation of plants.
At the moment, though, coal, oil and gas account for about two - thirds of all electrical generation.
One of the biggest challenges confronting coal communities, besides the need to develop new economic opportunities, is overcoming the deeply rooted culture of coal that has defined the lives of residents and full communities for generations.
This was the first time any generating source had challenged coal for dominance since the dawn of electric power generation in the 1880s.
And given the current cost competitiveness of natural gas, there is little reason for utilities to include coal in the planning mix for new generation assets, Barnett said.
«I think coal is at a very low place right now,» Barnett said in an interview, noting that coal has lost about 10 percent of its market share for electricity generation as more utilities convert their plants to burn natural gas.
«I think that this decision represents a clear and powerful recognition of how serious the threat of global warming is and that our reliance on coal for power generation needs to be changed,» says Eric Young, spokesman on global warming at New York City — based environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council.
This risk factor pushes the «levelized» or all - in price of nuclear power from new units to 8.4 cents per kilowatt - hour, the MIT study concludes, versus 6.2 cents for coal - fired plants and 6.5 cents for natural gas generation (if gas is priced at $ 7 per million British thermal units, or roughly 1,000 cubic feet of flowing gas).
Yet, the government has launched a pilot project to address the problem by capturing and storing the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by using coal as a fuel for electricity generation at a power plant dubbed GreenGen.
To the horror of anyone concerned about climate change, modern miners want to set fire to these deep coal seams and capture the gases this creates for industry and power generation.
To get as many renewables as possible operating on the grid, these renewables are much different again in characteristic than the current generation mix in that we have primarily base - load plants that are operating over long periods of time that don't vary much, like a coal plant, for example.
For the coal system, the study estimates the toxicity associated with air pollutants emitted during power generation, as well as toxic chemical releases during the coal - mining process from acid - mine drainage and coal - ash impoundment.
Stricter emissions requirements on coal - fired power plants, together with low natural gas prices, have contributed to a recent decline in the use of coal for electricity generation in the United States, she said.
«The more generation that renewables take, the smaller the pie coal and gas are vying for
More than 100 gigawatts of geothermal power (one tenth of the current U.S. electrical generation) could be developed for $ 1 billion during the next 40 years — at the full cost of one carbon - capturing coal - fired power plant or one - third the cost of a new nuclear generator.
Priority areas of focus for this Initiative may include: energy efficiency, smart grid, second - generation biofuels, and clean coal technologies including carbon capture and storage; solar energy and energy efficient building and advanced battery technologies; and sustainable transportation, wind energy, and micro-hydro power.
Strategies for replacing light bulbs vary from place to place, depending on regional energy costs and the power - generation mix (i.e., coal, natural gas, nuclear and renewables).
Substantively, she said, the covered sectors pull their weight in terms of contributions to climate change: Cement is responsible for fully half of the country's CO2 emissions, and 85 percent of China's electricity generation is coal - fired.
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