Sentences with phrase «for continued improvement»

The systemic approach to data provides vital support for continued improvement in student outcomes.
Though there have been advancements, the results still reflect the need for continued improvements to enable every child in this city to succeed.
The positive results are consistent with the 2008 evaluation and reveal even greater reach and student engagement across the state, as well as plans for continued improvement.
For continued improvement as a writer: Read books in your genre and books about writing.
The goal of the evaluations, he said, was to support teacher development and strive for continued improvement.
Important, this establishes a channel for their continued improvements in exposures.
Provide the leader with constructive feedback for continued improvement.
Common themes, questions and opportunities: Creating a context for continued improvement.
When releasing the report ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, noted that the report highlighted areas for continued improvement, including «clearer guidance for businesses on our processes for regulatory actions and investigations» and noted that a key challenge is to communicate the limits of the ACCC's role.
Heading into those two rivalry games, Hamilton had a clear message for a team still looking for continued improvement.
This bodes well for continued improvement in consumer confidence, which will be crucial to economic recovery.»
During the summer, teachers are either teaching summer school for a meager amount of money over what they earn during the school year, or they are paying money for continuing improvement courses that they can not afford on their teacher's salary.
Danny Rose — Someone who we couldn't wait to tear into for his poor performances is no a player who we laud seemingly every week for his continued improvements.
«This is an important start for continued improvements in Erie County's Child Protective Services («CPS») and related units.
The prospects for road repairs seem months away, but plans are already underway for the continued improvements to Kenmore Avenue.
Thank you in advance for the continuing improvement in our quality of lives.»
This financing package is the third time MBT, CSDC and NAF collaborated for continued improvement in the community.
According to the results of a new research study conducted by Project Tomorrow in collaboration with DreamBox Learning, «Creating a school culture that supports professional learning for teachers, both in school and out of school, can result in increased teacher confidence in their instructional practices and a mindset for continued improvement
Lisa Mannall, the regional schools commissioner for the south - west, wrote to the chair governors in February to warn that she was considering terminating the funding agreement for the academy and rebrokering it to a «strong multi-academy trust that can provide the capacity for continued improvement».
Pursuing an exciting new path in the quest for continued improvement and excellence for the 26 schools in the diocese (two high schools, three unit schools, and 21 elementary schools) was embraced by an enthusiastic committee who worked with her on developing a new instrument: Design for Growth.
Maine plans to use Title IV - A funds to strengthen existing initiatives, including determining teachers» needs and providing timely opportunities and support for continued improvement, such as using technology to improve student literacy.
During the coaching sessions, teachers and coaches review reports of teachers» instruction and assessment practices, determine areas for increased alignment to state standards, examine relevant resources from the project's online library of aligned curricular resources, and identify actionable steps for continued improvement.
Since the MY 2025 standards are over a decade away, there's considerable time for continued improvements in gasoline vehicle technology, EPA noted.
If he continuse to eat normally, doesn't have any vomiting, and seems his normal self, you should be okay monitoring his stools for continued improvement.
The college also pointed to an American Veterinary Medical Association policy «that animals have an important role in research, testing and education for continued improvement of human and animal health and welfare» and that «humane care of animals used in research, testing, and education is an integral part of those activities.»
And he underlined that IEA membership amounted to an important commitment for continued improvements to Mexico's energy policy.
Be sure to outline any procedures that you're considering for the continued improvement of your product — be it periodic reviews and updates, or hotfixes in case any complications pop up.
However, after a «prolonged winter», the Canadian life settlements sector views the beginning «thaw» in the secondary market with cautious optimism and is crossing its fingers for continued improvement.
DAICO is yet another proposal that Vitalik Buterin has made for the continued improvement of the Ethereum network.
«This is the first step in a process for the continuing improvement of our profession,» said NAR President Steve Brown.
Expectations for continued improvement in housing persist, and sentiment toward the current buying and selling environment is back on track from its dip last month,» says Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae.
Thanks for the intro to TRC and prayers for continuing improvement in emotional and physical health.
Sometimes healing can take time — my health kept improving for several years after we finalized the diet — so I would be happy and would look for continued improvement.
Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State has stated that one of the legacies we would live is the need for continued improvement in infrastructure.
Despite dissension from some groups and states, Spellings, who helped draft the law, made it clear in an interview with Education World she thinks that NCLB offers the best opportunity for continued improvement in schools across the U.S.
«Starting this school year, Louisiana will administer the ACT test series to all public school students in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 as part of the state's comprehensive plan for continued improvement... Administering the exam in middle school and throughout high school will provide an assessment of student progress that can be used to keep students on track to graduate ready for college and career.
A values - driven society of people who consciously work for continued improvement of their livelihoods and a greener, cleaner world.
When it comes to my darling Middy, whom you met your first visit here, I want you to know how grateful I am for his continued improvement.
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