Sentences with phrase «for idealized»

Giving ourselves the permission to feel both poles of emotion and to let go of striving for any idealized state is the key.
Aksoy A., J. A. Zhang, B. W. Klotz, E. W. Uhlhorn and J. J. Cione (November 2017): Axisymmetric Initialization of the Atmosphere and Ocean for Idealized Coupled Hurricane Simulations.
Of course, the increases stated only work for an idealized blackbody, which doesn't exist, and other losses would further mute the effects, but you're right... the basic pricipal is sound.
Clearly as long as we consider a 2D model what is the case here, this condition can be imposed and is justified for the idealized atmosphere.
Alternatively, monkeys on typewriters are on an order of Aleph - 0 even for idealized monkeys; «every problem» exceeds Aleph - 2.
For idealized GCMs, we use the FMS dynamical core (that is, the basic numerical schemes FMS provides for the hydrostatic primitive equations), with various idealizations for the lower boundary conditions, for radiative transfer, and for moist or dry convection.
I see these elliptical forms as drawings — plan views for idealized structures.
Maybe gallery openings in Brooklyn are a little bit more intimate than the ones in Manhattan, but it is fairly obvious that many artists still long for an idealized atmosphere, where they can feel comfortable enough to express their views and opinions of art.
In Psychology Today, Jennice Vilhauer, Ph.D emphasizes that it's also important to understand if you really do want your old relationship back (complete with the flaws that broke you up in the first place), or whether you are pining for an idealized version of it that only exists as fantasy.
The goal of education as paideia was something both very public and very political: the cultivating of politically skilled citizens for an idealized «democratic» self - governing polis or city.

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Due to regulations, it is a requirement to have those systems for now, Krafcik said, although it's still wanting to make it's idealized version of the steering - wheel-less car that completed the ride in Austin.
It's a dramatic U-turn in the quest for the perfect work environment — a migration back to the cubicle from the often - idealized home office, but a cubicle reimagined for a time when the line between domestic and professional life has never been more blurred.
Talk about idealized love is for pastors, singers and sociopaths.
They take Satan as a fictional charachter who embodies certain ideals, he is the non-conformist, he is the rebel who fights for individual freedom apart from the idealized power structure put forth in the bible.
While all socialistic totem poles are vivacious, they are muted with rationalisms» «indifferentism» for religious variances and seldomly do they «habitualize» their truanted» behaviors of the busted complications away from idealized rationalisms.
Sure, there are some extra-loud voices calling for women to conform themselves to narrowly defined roles that have more to do with an idealized conception of pre-feminist America than with actual «biblical womanhood,» but I believe these cries represent the last desperate throes of a dying movement.
This idealized image functions as a substitute for real self - esteem, creates self - idolatry, demands a pattern of rigid relationships, and makes it necessary to constantly compare oneself with others.
For McGovern, Novak presents an «idealized picture of capitalism,» and McGovern tries to show throughout the volume how many injustices have been created by and amid capitalism, even though Spanish colonialism inaugurated many of the problems.
It idealized agricultural and handicraft economies but had little message for the victims of poverty who had already been displaced from that world of the preindustrial village.
While Knust does a great job deconstructing our idealized notions that the Bible unilaterally supports the nuclear family, abstinence before marriage, and women's equality, I think she takes some of her own conclusions a bit too far at times — for example, suggesting that David and Jonathan were definitely lovers.
Set in the period of the Judges, it was written after the times it describes.14 It may be an idealized picture, but it portrays in concrete, down - to - earth terms the shalom which Yahweh, the giver of shalom, intends for the people of God.
As long as he idealized the human body, his art expressed a vision that his later theology refuted — i.e., that idealized humanity can serve as an adequate symbol for communicating the Christian faith.
Most of these «Abephobes» are libertarians and neo-Confederates who blame Lincoln for a host of modern ills; some, it seems, also idealized Lincoln as youths and became permanently disillusioned after learning that he was not wholly above the usual run of human flaws.
Is it merely the idealized space of freedom — simple possibility — for which he longs?
Verse 19 apparently concludes the idealized plan for Israel's sanctuary, for the subject turns - somewhat irrelevantly but with pertinence to what follows - to the matter of keeping the (single) sanctuary lamp.
(For example, is all of Egypt's water affected, 7:19 [P»] or only the Nile waters, 7:17 - 18 [J']») And the roles of the major characters are drawn in idealized, typified, simplified fashion, with greater interest in theological meaning than in historical function.
It's not like it involved a wave of acceptance of the concept of free love, exploration into knew spiritualism, a reavluation of morality and ethics, and the first real key stages in recognizing that the idealized «Good Christian Family Values» of the 50's were a lie and a sham, that often enough were just a cover for a an abusive house - hold, treating women like second class citizens, and culuraly engrained and supported bigotry.
Thus he gave to the Hebrews the city which was to become not only their political capital, but idealized, the very center for the rule of God himself — not finally, or always, on the Palestinian hills, but high and lifted up in the heavens — «Zion, city of our God.»
Even today, as throughout past centuries, Jews still dream of the glories of the Davidic kingdom, and pray for its restoration, idealized, no doubt, and moralized, and spiritualized, far beyond what it actually was.
I've watched you for a while and you've mentioned that you idealized the lifestyle and now you're eating loads more vegan food and gradually incorporating veganism and I'm really proud!!!
Yes, there can be a pathology to women like Friedman who fall for an inmate; many have a «wound,» as Visiting Life: Women Doing Time on the Outside author Bridget Kinsella says or have a «need for a safe, idealized, romantic fantasy of love» that «transcends judgment» as Women Who Love Men Who Kill author Sheila Isenberg says.
Rather than struggling to conform to an idealized concept of an all - powerful, all - giving mother while under threat of causing permanent damage to their children, Dally advocated for mothers increasing their self - knowledge.
Except for occasional fleeting memories of an idealized past, none of these six people regretted having children.
I felt this extreme guilt of not responding properly to what everyone expected of me as a mother or what I idealized of myself as a mother: that, at the time I held the baby for the first time, a magic would happen and my own needs and desires would simply vanish... that I would be complete and happy straight away, only for being a mom... as if this dark part of questioning, frustrations and pains simply don't exist.
Because I idealized the perfect birth as «natural,» meaning without pain meds, I felt like I was weak when I begged for an epidural, like I had failed to do the right thing.
They made the best choice for their family — something more important than an abstract, idealized concept of infant sleep.
Historically, weak state institutions have led not to the idealized world of anarchists and libertarians, but instead to extended family tribal - like institutions and clannishness that subordinate members desire to express individual choice and freedom in the absence of a strong state, to clan needs for mutual protection and more.
«The level of muscularity and attractiveness that are idealized in the media often are not attainable for the average man,» Tantleff - Dunn notes.
Except for the first model, however, all the models aren't practical because they represent idealized situations with a perfect arrangement of pores, Niarchos said.
By accounting for the intermolecular attractions of different gases, van der Waals extended the idealized gas laws of Robert Boyle and others to the behavior of real gases.
McCulloch and Pitts pointed out that no matter how many inputs their idealized neuron might receive, it would always be in one of only two possible states — activated or at rest, depending upon whether the threshold for excitement had been passed.
The potential for brainlike machines emerged as early as 1943, when neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts proposed an idealized mathematical formulation for the way networks of neurons interact to cause one another to fire, sending messages throughout the brain.
By creating models in which an idealized trader borrowed money and bought stock, Black and Sholes derived a mathematical formula for the real value of the option.
For example, one theory holds that people post idealized versions of themselves on Facebook, and comparing those to your own real - world life is toxic if you don't take part in the online theater.
«There is a serious gap between the idealized basis upon which assisted dying for patients with psychiatric conditions is advocated and the reality of its practice, as reflected in evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands.
If I understand my physics correctly, the black body emitter case (ie the idealized S - B case) would be necessarily the lower bound for climate sensitivity.
The truth is, having idealized visions can set you up for disappointment.
Foundation: Weighing up these factors, the foundation upon which infatuation is built is the ideal, for this blissful moment in time, the way you view your object of affection is idealized perfection.
If we become aware of each other digitally, fine, but I'm not going to submit my entire physical and psychological profile into a database, nor am I interested in inputting some idealized parameters into it and hope it returns the data set that includes the right person for me to find after hours of scouring through profiles.
Waiting too long leaves ample opportunity for your date to get bored and move on or - possibly worse - to create an idealized image you can't live up to when you're finally face - to - face.
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