Sentences with phrase «for lawyers per capita»

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Did you know: Washington, DC has a higher concentration of lawyers per capita than any other city in America, with one lawyer for every 19 residents.
The general practitioner is disappearing and the per capita number of lawyers in private practice has been decreasing for decades.
Too many lawyers per capita inevitably results in a driving up of demand for legal (especially litigation) services.
When there are too many lawyers per capita (an evil second only to too few lawyers per capita), then the lawyers are not busy unless they work to make themselves busy, mostly by putting too many frankly unnecessary hours into a matter (churning), and by looking under every rock for a reason to sue, sue and sue.
On a per capita measure of lawyers per state, Washington has 276.7 lawyers for every 10,000 residents.
See the US experience for the miseries caused by the shallow notion that too many lawyers per capita is a good thing.
No, if I were looking for work as a lawyer, I might head to one of the Dakotas or Arkansas, the states with the lowest numbers of lawyers per capita.
The grim realities you refer to are caused mostly by there being far too many lawyers per capita — a problem that has infected the US legal services market for decades (yet, we can not seem to learn from the petri dish next door; instead, we just blunder along copying their errors and hoping that somehow, after setting up their legal environment, we will somehow avoid their problems.
There are relatively few lawyers per capita here, and a very large set of profitable activities is reserved for lawyers to the exclusion of potential competitors.
Too few lawyers per capita is a very bad thing for a society.
Much greater bencher concern there needs to be for what CanLII's former President, Colin Lachance says, about private practice's statistics showing that the number of such lawyers per capita is shrinking; see: «Law's Reverse Musical Chair Challenge» (Slaw, June 16, 2016).
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