Sentences with phrase «for organisms»

Somewhat ironically, it's possible that this oil - eating bacteria is present in that region because of past contamination, which would have made «indigenous populations evolve to select for organisms able to grow and degrade components of crude oil.»
These studies are challenging and are more feasible for organisms with short generation times, but are possible for sea urchins, particularly tropical species.
So much for organisms being particularly sensitive to minor changes in PH.
Is fertilization the idea that at higher CO2 concentrations less energy is needed for organisms to incorporate it and therefore they can take up more?
At high latitudes where temperatures are frequently cooler, there's strong selection for organisms like caterpillars to be able to accomplish more metabolism at relatively low temperatures.»
For organisms living close to their thermal limits, this can mean big trouble.
And less plankton in the system means less food for organisms higher on the food chain.
At some times of year, acidification has already reached a critical threshold for organisms living on Alaska's continental shelves.145 Certain algae and animals that form shells (such as clams, oysters, and crab) use carbonate minerals (aragonite and calcite) that dissolve below that threshold.
The claim that increased CO2 promotes crop yields is misleading in that plants may grow larger (and that growth eventually levels out and ceases), but increased atmospheric CO2 inhibits plants» abilities to uptake other critical nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus); thus resulting in plant nutrient deficiency and a deficiency for organisms that consume those plants.
He had already devised a computer model suggesting that dispersal was a high priority for all organisms, their third objective after survival and reproduction.
Dispersal is just as important for organisms on land as it is in the sea.
``... Our experimental approach contributes biological data challenging the broadly popularized paradigm that ecosystem turnovers associated with mass extinctions result from kill mechanisms [catastrophic mortality for organisms]-- rather than termination of evolutionary lineages.
The next-most critical barrier to commercialization of cellulosic ethanol is the need for organisms capable of efficient fermentation of holocellulose, which contains up to 40 % C5 sugars.
A key issue (uncertainty) is the rate of change of habitats and for organisms adapting or moving as habitats move.
So a more acidic ocean makes life harder for those organisms.
But Arctic warming isn't just bad for the organisms living there.
Err on the side of caution, practice sustainable harvesting techniques (including breeding programs for organisms which we consume, as has been done for salmon and other organisms as well), encourage the consumption of alternative resources in the event of unexpected population declines, and all that other tree - hugging, common - sense hippie stuff we've been hearing for years.
The seasons provide an opportunity for regeneration especially for organisms such as mold, moss, and fungi.
It is possible for dogs to ingest the rabbit feces and coccidia organisms within them and for those organisms to show up in a fecal examination done on the dog's stools.
Oral medications are available to treat for these organisms.
Secondary bacterial infection is common with BPH because the normal antibacterial secretions from the prostate are diminished and red blood cells provide food for the organisms.
It provides a safe haven for organisms like Listeria, E. coli and legionella which can reproduce to levels where contamination of products passing through that water becomes inevitable.
That environment is a perfect breeding ground for organisms to grow and create the ear infection.
We vaccinate for these organisms in two ways.
To date, serology for organisms such as Borrelia has not proved helpful.
Every organism has a role to fulfill and there must be a harmonious balance between all aspects of the ecosystem in order for the organisms to flourish and evolve.
They do this by acting as a functional food for these organisms.
Green peas act as natural nitrogen fixers, converting the compound into a usable form for organisms.
So fake sugars may not be safe for all organisms.
Although that's bad for organisms that require cool conditions, «thermophiles do not even notice,» he says.
A search for organisms in any lake or puddle will very likely turn up a representative of the Cladocera.
It is widely believed that cellular senescence is a tumor suppressor mechanism; however, it has not been understood why it is advantageous for organisms to retain mutant cells is a postmitotic state rather than simply eliminating them by apoptosis.
Where we still have a lot of uncertainties is on what the biological consequences will be and since we do not know exactly the impact for some organisms, it is difficult to estimate the biogeochemical and societal impact.
While avian genetic rescue is Ben's passion and specialty, the conceptualization of biotechnology genetic rescue solutions for all organisms has been a lifelong pursuit.
You can have a differential impact on biology and chemistry, so if you really want to assess what will be the status of calcifying organisms in 2100 there is one part, the chemistry, for which the organisms have no control but for the biology they can perhaps adapt and there might be a way for the organisms to mitigate the negative impacts of ocean acidification.
A team of investigators at the University of Wisconsin — Madison and Michigan State University have created a process for making the work environment less toxic - literally - for the organisms that do the heavy lifting in the increasingly important field of bio-products derived from cellulosic biomass.
Furthermore, none of the currently available gene - finders has a universal Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that can perform gene prediction for all organisms equally well in an automatic fashion.
Hans - Otto Poertner, Ecophysiologist at Alfred - Wegener Institute, Co-Chair of United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II and deputy coordinator of BIOACID explains: «The Fifth Assessment Report AR5 of the IPCC has shown that the risks of severe impacts for some organisms and ecosystems increases strongly between 1.5 and 2 degrees.
But in sea water, the gas reacts to produce carbonic acid - a threat for organisms building their shells and skeletons from calcium carbonate.
territorial (in biology) An adjective for organisms that try to keep others of their species away from an area they control.
Together with a previous article in the same journal that calculated biomass export efficiency for these organisms for the first time, these new data allow robust estimates of global carbon export associated with gelatinous plankton.
Mean effect size is shown for all organisms combined (overall), calcifiers (orange) and noncalcifiers (green).
Sending out a spacecraft that can drill through the ice and probe for organisms will be the only way to find out if the moon in question doesn't have vaporous plumes like those that originate in the hydrothermal vents of Enceladus.
The award is part of a $ 57 - million scientific mission — the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE)-- to understand every part of the genome needed for organisms to develop and survive.
«It is well known that the organic matter is the principal source of energy for the organisms performing mercury methylation, but the strong coupling between specific organic compounds and mercury methylation rates surprised us,» says Erik Björn, associate professor at the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University.
However in the ocean, dissolved iron is very rare, since it reacts rapidly with oxygen forming iron minerals which are poorly soluble and therefore unavailable for organisms.
Leonard Hayflick, the scientist who discovered that cells have a programmed moment of death, says that there is a natural age limit for organisms, that things wear out and die.
This anthropogenic addition of nitrogen has reached a magnitude comparable to about half of global ocean nitrogen fixation (the natural process by which atmospheric nitrogen gas becomes a useful nutrient for organisms).
Our next steps will be to establish the full implications of these findings for organisms in natural habitats.»
Life on Earth originated in an intimate partnership between the nucleic acids (genetic instructions for all organisms) and small proteins called peptides, according to two new papers from biochemists and biologists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Auckland.
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