Sentences with phrase «for similar reasons»

For similar reasons as above, it can be useful to include athletic activities in which you held a leadership role — such as a team captain or trainer role.
On top of this, any culture should be able to open a website for similar reasons with no backlash.
My wife reads for similar reasons, and some more of her own, I'm sure.
It seems a lot of us all started blogging for similar reasons and then time passes by really quickly!
The engineers also focused on weight reduction during the design phase for similar reasons.
My husband and I choose to work from home for similar reasons.
I don't even care to attend church anymore for similar reasons.
We don't do the traditional green bean casserole for similar reasons, and I'm so excited to find another variety that looks and sounds AMAZING.
Do you think that there are other injuries that happen to other players that might never be disclosed for similar reasons?
This is yet another funny example of the forward's arrogance and humour, with various quotes in the past also becoming famous for similar reasons.
I didn't breastfeed my older two for similar reasons because my ex and his family were against it and this is one of my biggest regrets.
It prompts questions about how many other Lib Dem ministers will now be tempted to quit the government before the next election for similar reasons.
And doctors recommend breast - feeding over the use of formula for similar reasons.
And really, you shouldn't go out of your way to see it unless you're doing so for similar reasons.
I can name at least three other books that I couldn't even complete for similar reasons.
Credit card applications ask about home ownership for similar reasons, but with a twist.
Much as buying stocks when the market is down makes sense, often buying real estate when interest rates are high makes sense for similar reasons.
Off - leash walks would be foolish for a similar reason: he can be out of sight in seconds.
I recently compromised and booked an award different from the one I wanted for similar reasons.
Other emotions ran high for similar reasons, and It's not like a narrative needs to make you cry to be good, either.
The popular perception is that governments issue bonds for similar reasons but why bother when they can just print the money?
In the past few years, other law schools have closed for the similar reasons: declining enrollment and profit, the risk of losing ABA accreditation, and poor employment outcomes.
[1] The arguments with respect to satisfaction of the requirement for competency in public law seem problematic for similar reasons.
The «larger» digital marketing companies turn to the platform for similar reasons.
Furthermore, if there is a real estate transaction as part of the estate administration, the land registry office generally requires probate for similar reasons.
Furthermore, the fact that other drivers were also speeding does not aid in your case for similar reasons.
Similarly, the coverage may apply if the scheduled military leave is cancelled for similar reasons.
Not to mention, this isn't the first deadline you've missed for similar reasons.
The assignment of a new condominium unit is also interesting for similar reasons, although the time frame may be significantly longer depending on when the assignment occurs.
It's people who decided to change it in a myriad of ways, for similar reasons as to why anyone would have a million dollar watch — for their own benefit.
Ethereum (ETH) had a similar split for a similar reason in its past.
Of course Heart Of The Swarm is on my 2012 wish list for a similar reason, even if it means losing to Blueonblue with all new multiplayer mechanics.
I mysejf am taking a break from book publicity work for similar reasons.
@Let Us Prey These «Islam» billboards appear to be recent... perhaps these are appearing for a similar reason as the atheist ones, to say... «Hey, Christians... There are other beliefs and non-beliefs out there.
Google followed the same path as well for similar reasons.
The sad thing about all of this is that Amazon does have a fake review problem, one which is compounded by Amazon deploying a fake review detection algorithm that seems about as accurate as the one from ReviewMeta, perhaps for similar reasons too.
The only thing standing in his way is that the Academy gave the award to Ang Lee last year for a similar reason, in which case, Steve McQueen could end up making history as the first African - American director to win the prize.
In fact, increasingly practices are purchasing X-Ray equipment equivalent to what human dentists use for similar reasons.
I chose the Spirit Necklace for for a similar reason, it literally goes with everything!
Endo, which has been sued by at least four other states for similar reasons, said it took offense to the statement and would defend itself in court.
actor chooses to eat vegan for similar reasons as her sister for being vegan celebrities.
(I just committed to the idea at 37 weeks for similar reasons as you - mostly fear of failure) You articulated everything I've felt but couldn't put into words.
The legacy of Magna Carta is clearly contested for many today and was for many in the past, often for similar reasons.
«Blue is the Warmest Color» divided critics for similar reasons when it premiered at Cannes, though first «Mektoub» reactions all agree Kechiche goes many steps further in his male gaze this time around.
First off I liked Cianfrance's last two films, and also I'm in the mood for a good old - fashioned sweeping romance (going to see La La Land for similar reasons).
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