Sentences with phrase «for such cases»

For such cases of expensive continual care, Healthy Paws would be a better choice since it has no payout limits whatsoever.
There are monitoring protocols in place for such cases.
Most states allow people to file cases against employers for negligent hiring, but the standards for such cases vary from state to state.
The recommendation would shift the responsibility for such cases from the culture ministry to a council of experts.
For all such cases complicated rules are necessary in order to avoid the dangers connected with them.
I seem to recall that some other country or countries have a system allowing for judicial review of laws / bills without waiting for such a case to be brought.
It can take years for such cases to go to trial.
The volume of work for such cases increased by 25 %.
However, being given some direction to find legal assistance for such cases when the union is not protecting privacy or having more psychiatric disclosure made.
But you should keep in mind that they even have a strategy for that, and it includes getting you to accept a figure that is well below what is standard for such cases.
As for such cases as that of Ben Jonson's «conversion and reconversion,» the muddle is all in the mind of Miola.
Analyze completed cases, determine if candidate for appeal and manage appeals process for such cases.
Additional requirements for state contractors to report on settlements they've reached, as Cuomo proposed, or that they didn't use arbitration clauses for such cases, were not included.
Last January, six months after Fox News ousted its chairman amid a sexual harassment scandal, the network's top - rated host at the time, Bill O'Reilly, struck a $ 32 million agreement with a longtime network analyst to settle new sexual harassment allegations — an extraordinarily large amount for such cases.
Legislation establishing an independent monitor for such cases also failed to find legislative favor during the session, leading Cuomo to use his executive power to set up state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as a special prosecutor for one year.
Information from the region has been limited, say European virologists, and it is not clear whether efforts are being made to look for such cases.
The workaround for such cases would be for the borrower to declare bankruptcy.
You probably can apply for an ITIN for her, which replaces the SSN for such cases.
Visits to the veterinarian, medications, round - the - clock staff time, and surgeries can become increasingly costly very quickly.The Healing Paws Medical Fund was created for such cases.
Lord Nicholls in Campbell preferred to describe breach of confidence as «misuse of private information» and he acknowledged that the values enshrined in Arts 8 and 10 are part of the cause of action for such cases and they apply in disputes between individuals or between individuals and a newspaper, or an individual and a public authority.
A wrongfully convicted Quebec man granted what's believed to be the largest civil award in Canada for such cases is full of praise for the pro bono team that represented him for the last three years.
Put another way, the failure of the courts to impose deterrent sentence for such cases would send a message to those persons who may be vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, that their rights are not deserving of equal protection, and that their dignity and respect as human beings is secondary to persons without disabilities.
As the premise for such cases is that the doctor treated the patient without their consent, the doctor may be liable for the wrongful touching of the patient, regardless of whether the treatment was successful.
Will the courts allow a lower evidentiary hurdle for such cases?
If you are available for such case Kindly Advise immediately.
The Committee expressed faith in the expertise of Canadian health care professionals to develop and apply appropriate guidelines for such cases and could not see how an individual could be denied a recognized Charter right based on his or her mental health condition.
We have working relationships with experts in police pursuit cases and are very familiar with producing demonstrative aids for such cases such as helicopter views of the pursuit scene and photographs of key intersections.
To name one point: flight MH17 does not seem to have been shot down deliberately as part of a deliberate plan to wipe out a certain ethnic group or to commit acts of terrorism, but the models developed for such cases are being used as a mould.
Extension of policy is available on payment of additional premium, subject t0 a maximum of two extensions; however request for such case is to be made 7 days in advance.
The compensation for such cases shall be paid proportionally as per table below.
Generally, drivers don't hire public defenders to contest less serious moving violations, such as running a stop sign; depending on your local government policies, a public defender might not even be an option for such cases.
Also it's a good idea for such cases, if your e-mail was earlier rejected by an ATS machine.
Chambers, who says Nebraska is as good a place for such a case as any since God is omnipresent, asked the court for a summary judgment or for an injunction against God from engaging in the acts detailed in the suit.
Analyze completed cases, determine if candidate for appeal and manage appeals process for such cases.
One possible legal avenue — so far untested — would be the governor's «blanket referral» for such cases, conferred by executive order.
For such cases, you can use stationery biking.
There are some students that do not believe that they can buy research papers online, for such cases, we provide previews or examples of the work they intend us to do for them.
For such cases, tax deferral is not an additional benefit for the annuity.
For such cases, tax deferral is not an additional benefit of the annuity.
For such cases, the prosecutor's office typically provides a copy of portions of the police reports that the prosecutor believes must be disclosed under Virginia Supreme Court Rule 7C: 5 and makes incident videos available for review at the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office.
For such cases we recommend you to use the same payscale tool.
For such cases, most likely, hiring managers leave their e-mail or phone.
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