Sentences with phrase «forming circles of people»

Forming circles of people around you will enhance your influence and resources, which will allow you to be able to do something for someone else.

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It's amazing to think about providing young people with the form of a lament or a prayer and then inviting them to create their own the way they do in poetry circles.
I guess pointing out that, based on the bible that these people supposedly read and follow, the jesus these people worship was a thief and liar and condoned slavery, brutality to and murder of children, animals, other tribes, and people of other beliefs is «bad form» is certain circles.
While such severe forms of ecclesial discipline are rare in Anabaptist or Catholic circles, and problematic when exercised (as in the case of the Catholic Church barring remarried persons from communion), they remain options that help define those communities.
Certainly, some of these transplanted Christians may find deeper intimacy and fellowship with God and with other believers in their new circle of friends, but unless they are also finding ways to love, serve, and become friends with people who are not Christians, all they have done is substituted one form of Christian consumerism for another.
The King of the Wire puts his faith in the King of Kings.Just before Nik Wallenda steps onto the wire tonight in an attempt to become the first person to walk a tightrope across the mouth of the Horseshoe Falls, he'll form a circle with a dozen close friends and members of his close - knit Christian family and they'll say a prayer to Jesus Christ.The cross Wallenda wears around his neck every time he walks on a wire isn't just a fashion statement, it's a message about the religious beliefs the American performer holds close to his heart.
«Many of the people who will form the new government have been outside of government policy circles for a long time, and they may have a simplistic point of view on CT [counter-terrorism] issues,» one of the cables, published in the Guardian newspaper, noted.
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, that famous sepia sketch of a nude, spread - eagled person touching a square and a circle with his extremities, asserted the eerie proportional coincidences of the ideal human form (arm span = height; height = hand length x 10) but said nothing about the face.
Among ordinary people and even in fitness and bodybuilding circles there is a myth circling, that a high protein diet can cause kidney disease, forming of kidney stones and osteoporosis.
As an adult, most people tend to form small, tight knit groups of friends with little opportunity to meet new people outside of this circle.
This combined with the social circles they move in, the difficulty they have in relating to people living outside of the public eye and their concerns over protecting wealth can make forming relationships with people in similar positions the most attractive option.
Sometimes, it can seem like nothing more than a vicious circle: people work hard for the money that they earn, then are persuaded into buying something by one form of advertisement or another; or they make an innocent - seeming impulse buy and end up suffering a great deal for spending their own money and using their own credit or department store cards.
Torres - García was friends with the most notable artists of avant - garde circles in Paris and New York during the 1920s and experimented with color, form, and mythologies on canvases that appear to be broken up into tiny cells, some of which contain simple - looking people and things.
«I don't mind when people circle around my biography or consider it, but I would encourage them to look at the form of my work and to really unpack it first,» Al Hadid told me at the time of her 2016 solo show,
(Two people's combined body weight in clay), a circular form is torn out from the middle and set aside, resulting in two pieces: a ring that used to be whole, and a circle that had once been part of something larger.
However, the greatest share is formed by portraits of people from Richter's intimate circle: artists, friends and family members.
As the cycle of life comes full circle and elderly people in Kentucky end up needing intensive, tender loving care — just as they did when they were babies — many of our loved ones are subjected to various forms of abuse in nursing homes.
They maintained huge notebooks of preferences and facts, and Cortana does the same in digital form, whether that be where you live and work, particularly important locations, topics you're curious about, and who comprises your «inner circle» of important people.
There is also a private setting for matchmaking in order to play with friends, and the ability to form «circles» of up to 50 people.
Methodology: Target the main feeling a person gets at the point of relapse, and perhaps form a circle or unit of friends that the person can call when this targeted feeling is becoming overwhelming for the person to handle.
Students form a circle of chairs, including an empty seat to symbolize that there is always room for another person, voice or opinion.
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