Sentences with phrase «fragment sizes»

As the exact same quantity of DNA was used from each individual, the fragment sizes were able to be directly compared between pools.
Furthermore, due to the variation in fragment sizes of sheared DNA, insert sizes add further distinction for different molecules, allowing for read depths of 1000x or more after de-duplication for paired - end reads.
BLASTN BLASTP Design Primers Restriction Fragment Map Restriction Fragment Sizes Six - Frame Translation
The DNA has fragmented in an uncontrolled fashion, creating a mix of fragment sizes — genome assemblers must use fragment lengths of specific size ranges.
To their surprise they found that the fragment sizes followed on all three continents similar frequency distributions.
Whether giants, medium - sized or dwarfs, the stars are curiously similar in mass (from one to ten times the mass of the sun), which proves, incidentally, that they must vary prodigiously in their mean density — 1.4 in the case of the Sun, but 50,000 and even 300,000 in the case of the dwarf stars (a fragment the size of a pinch of snuff, brought from one of these to Earth, would weigh a ton!)
These improvements push the boundaries of nucleic - acid detection and fragment sizing, affecting applications such as single - cell nucleic acid analysis, PCR - free preparation of NGS library preparation, bacterial artificial chromosome clone sizing, and exosome analysis.
To study fragments the size of playing die, the researchers performed neutron crystallography using the HIPPO (high - pressure / preferred orientation) instrument, tomographic proton radiography (invented at Los Alamos) and neutron time - of - flight radiography.
mRNA was prepared for sequencing using the TruSeq RNA sample preparation kit (Illumina) with a selected fragment size of 200 — 500 bp.
The polyT repeat in intron 6 of TOMM40 (rs10524523) was genotyped using fluorescence - based fragment size analysis (Supplemental Figure 1; A detailed explanation of the fluorescence - based fragment size genotyping, quality control steps, allele frequency, and linkage disequilibrium between the studied polymorphisms can be found at
Library fragment size was verified by BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Assay (Agilent).
Heterozygotes for the variant have all 3 fragments sizes (Figure 6B).

Not exact matches

The shape of that fragment is extended to a full orbit when the community, made a community by the words, the work, the living presence of Jesus, bore witness to the size of the event itself.
Before that, the fragments get worse, until the oldest of all, P52, which was discovered in an Egyptian trash heap in, is nothing more than a credit card sized piece of papyrus with a small piece of John Chapter 18 on it.
In spite of the fragments of knowledge concerning the nature and size of the universe which science is continually gathering, we need constantly to remember that our primary concern is, whether we like it or not, with the earth on which we live.
After all, your customers will often have different requirements for the finished product, not to mention for things like the size and density of bone fragments.
TOMRA sorters detect pits, pit fragments, blemishes, sizes and all types of foreign material in peach and apricot dices, slices, wedges and halves.
While overall habitat loss is a factor in these declines, research also indicates that even fields of sufficient size, if they are fragmented or interrupted by hedgerows or natural windbreaks, will be passed over by the birds, which may view the linear plantings as cover for predators.
The site provides new information about the region's sauropods, which were previously known only from fragments of a tail bone, a leg bone, and a few bits of teeth — scraps so small that researchers couldn't assign the fossils to a particular species or even estimate its size.
This wafer is then released through the progressive drop in the electric field, which also separates the fragments according to size.
TruePrime - mediated circulating tumor DNA amplification specifically selects the larger, more cancer - specific DNA fragment - size population from human plasma.
In fact, Will and colleagues often had to estimate body sizes from highly fragmented remains — in some cases from just a single toe bone.
And because the fragments would have broken off from the either side of the impactor, the groove trajectories could be used to estimate the impactor's size.
Researchers in Queensland, Australia, assessed the condition of fragmented eucalyptus forests at 10 sites using conventional measures — including the size of forest patches, vegetation characteristics and the number of bird species detected — and sound recordings.
Some lab tests have shown nano - sized plastic fragments can enter cells and cause tissue damage.
The FEMTO Pulse, an automated pulsed - field capillary electrophoresis system, accurately sizes fragments as large as 165,000 bp and measures samples at concentrations as low as 5 fg / µL.
Only fifty fragments, ranging in size from 1 - 10 cm, were collected, for a total mass of 4.5 kg.
These simulations do not, however, exclude the possibility that meter - size fragments may have survived the explosion and could have struck the ground not far from the blast.
To test the notion, the scientists examined DNA from four lung cancer patients, isolating fragments that were 20 - 50 base pairs shorter than the total average size in circulation.
The U.S. Space Surveillance Network tracks all man - made objects down to baseball - size fragments (10 centimeters wide).
By studying the distribution and features of the post-impact ocean deposits and fragmented rock that filled the crater, Andrew J. Retzler of Idaho State University and colleagues present a new map characterizing the size and shape of the Alamo crater.
DNA Nanotechnology enables the synthesis of nanometer - sized objects with programmable shapes out of many chemically produced DNA fragments.
Volcanic cones are of different types, depending upon the nature and size of the fragments ejected during the eruption.
The dark matter that outweighs visible matter by five to one should be fragmented, like the blobs in a lava lamp, into clumps with a range of sizes.
Consequently, the use of bullets that deform or fragment into particles greater than 9 mm in size, such as lead - free bullets from numerous manufacturers, may prevent metal ingestion and poisoning in avian scavengers.
The sites — including locations in the Crane Naval Surface and Warfare Center, Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, and state parks — varied in habitat size and form, ranging from small to large forest fragments with varying degrees of tree cover.
His journey through graduate school took longer than usual because he taught at several universities, traveled quite a bit and undertook extensive research in astrophysics, looking in particular at how the composition of asteroids and meteoritic fragments affects their size.
By going to 300 - meter resolution — closer to the size of fragmented forests and crop fields — FLEX should allow plant physiologists to understand how specific plants respond to different environmental stresses.
In fatal familial insomnia (FFI), the protease - resistant fragment of PrPSc after deglycosylation has a size of 19 kilodaltons, whereas that from other inherited and sporadic prion diseases is 21 kilodaltons.
The speed at which a fragment moves depends on its size — large pieces move more slowly than smaller ones.
Hurum has found fragments of pliosaurs of similar size in Spitsbergen, two of which — nicknamed «predator X» and «the monster» — could have been as much as 15 metres long.
The disk, which we see edge on, contains rock and ice fragments ranging in size from objects larger than houses to grains as small as smoke particles.
«Both thicknesses of steel - CMF stopped the blastwave, and the 16.75 mm steel - CMF stopped all of the fragments from 15 mm2 to over 150 mm2 sizes,» Rabiei says.
A French - UK - Australian team now think they have the answer, with their simulations showing the formation of «dust traps» where pebble - sized fragments collect and stick together, to grow into the building blocks of planets.
Based on the sizes of isolated fragments, though, some of the creatures probably were about 2 meters long.
The size and shape of the upper jaw fragment suggests that the creature was about 4 meters long, with some other species in the Helicoprion genus measuring almost twice that length.
The remains include several skulls, snout fragments and a number of postcranial bones representing two species of primitive whales known as pakicetids: wolf - size Pakicetus attocki and fox - size Ichthyolestes pinfoldi.
The average size of the genome fragments was 800 times larger with approximately 90 percent of all gaps in the original assembly closed.
Most of the forearm - sized fragments are roughly cylindrical and were intentionally broken to the proper length, says Sophie Verheyden, a geologist at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.
It is shown that the CMF panels were able to stop the imparted fragments of various sizes, with speeds up to 1500 m / s, and absorb the blast energy without cracking or bowing.
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