Sentences with phrase «fram means»

Fram means «forward» — lifting expectations of the voyage at hand.
She has, they say, a respect for what the framers meant by the Constitution, and therefore may turn out to be a surprise to some of her judicially activist supporters.
And repeated extensions of existing terms can not be what the framers meant by «limited times.»

Not exact matches

The framers, Gorsuch wrote last year, intended for lawmakers to make the laws, executives to execute them and judges to decipher their meaning.
The first reason merely requires the judge to discern what the framers arid ratifiers meant, not to make up new rights the judge regards as «natural.»
You speak on what is «True Doctrine», could we also point to something such as the Consti; tution and the daily court room arguments of lawyers and clerks who feel that they alone know and understand the true meaning of the what the framers when they wrote the laws of this land?
Catholic citizens have every reason — including the truth of the matter — to argue that our Constitution is much more democratic that our Court now says it is, just as they have every reason to argue that our Framers never meant «liberty» to be used as a wrecking ball deployed against our indispensable relational «intermediary» institutions — beginning with the family and the church.
The framers of the Ghana's 1992 constitution as at that time, perhaps meant well.
By THOMAS MARQUET Print this article # 52: In a special two - part episode of «The White Cube», Geoff the framer faces death and learns the true meaning of life.
Left figure: April ice extent defined as 30 % ice concentration in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea based on passive microwave data (red = April 2012, orange = mean April 1999 - 2008, purple = mean April 1980 - 1999, green = mean April 1979 - 2008).
Right figure: May ice extent defined as 30 % ice concentration in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea based on passive microwave data (red = May 2012, orange = mean May 1999 - 2008, purple = mean May 1980 - 1999, green = mean May 1979 - 2008)(Gerland et al.).
Ice extent (monthly means, April) southern border of 30 % ice concentration, in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea, based on passive microwave satellite data (red = April 2011, orange = April 2010, green = April 2009, blue = April 2008).
In terms of wind conditions, weak, southerly mean winds over the Fram Strait would presumably have reduced ice export out of the Arctic.
Ice extent (monthly means, June) southern border of 30 % ice concentration, in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea, based on passive microwave satellite data (red = June 2012, orange = mean June 1999 - 2008, purple = mean June 1980 - 1999, green = mean June 1979 - 2008)[Gerland et al.].
In the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait area, the June 2012 ice extent is larger in the south, less in the north near Svalbard, but otherwise comparable to the decadal means (Figure 4).
Updated information about ice extent in this region indicates substantial ice retreat in the eastern Barents and the Kara Seas, where ice is now well below climatological extent (Figure 5), with little change in the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait region, where the ice edge is within the decadal mean range except for the southernmost stretches shown in Figure 5.
Ice extent (monthly means, July) southern border of 30 % ice concentration, in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea, based on passive microwave satellite data (red = July 2010, orange = July 2009, green = July 2008, blue = July 2007).
Fig. 5: Ice extent (monthly means, June) southern border of 30 % ice concentration in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea, based on passive microwave satellite data (red = June 2011, orange = mean June 1999 - 2008, purple = mean June 1980 - 1999, green = mean June 1979 - 2008).
Ice extent (monthly means, July) southern border at 30 % ice concentration, in the Greenland Sea / Fram Strait and Barents Sea, based on passive microwave satellite data (red = July 2011, orange = mean July 1999 - 2008, purple = Mean July 1980 - 1999, green = mean July 1979 - 2008).
Since the framers of the Constitution could not have meant to rule from the grave this way (most conservatives would agree, thereby betraying originalism straight away), we seek a more malleable application of the right to bear arms.
Originalism, of course, is the view that constitutions mean what their framers thought they meant, as versus the view that constitutions evolve with the times.
While the original intent of section 7 as a whole is arguably irrelevant, the framer's intended meaning of «principles of fundamental justice» is surely relevant since the phrase had no «public» meaning at the time of its adoption, and, aside from its inclusion in the Canadian Bill of Rights, was not a familiar term of art.
Not only was a coach and four driven through the Statute of Uses within a short time by means of a wonderfully forced and subtle judicial construction, but it was made an engine for effecting the very opposite ends to those which were sought by its framers.
That is, the court didn't find a clear intention on the part of the Fathers and framers to prohibit non-tariff trade barriers or that the meaning of the phrase «admitted free» in the 1860's included freedom from those barriers.
Surely we can tell that, if the framers were consciously choosing between a narrower and a broader versions of a constitutional ban on barriers to trade, they chose the broader because the narrower did not capture all the barriers they meant to prohibit.
These include the enormity of the discretion available to our top judges, the wildly varying degree to which some things matter, or don't, seemingly on a whim — like the plain meaning of the text, established precedent, and framer's intent — and how politics can explain why the Court can be pathologically timid while somehow simultaneously rendering an unpopular decision.
In some cases, courts look to the meaning of constitutional provisions at the time of their enactment; in others to the intentions of their framers; and in a few, perhaps even to the exact way in which the framers would have expected these provisions to operate.
Remember, contracts / constitutions are deemd to mean legally what the «framers» intended them to mean.
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