Sentences with phrase «from standing position»

Flooring inspectors recommend inspecting the floor from a standing position in normal lighting to identify irregularities.
The display coupled with always - ready voice activation means you can watch instructional YouTube videos hands - free on a device angled to make viewing easy from a standing position.
Almost without exception, the controls are located directly under the water source and in most cases where a tub is used as a shower receptor, at a height so low as to be usable only from a sitting not from a standing position
After a moment, Mario won't begin to flash, but a press of the Jump button will see him leap into the air higher than he could from a standing position, veering backwards from where he began and performing a backflip in the process.
These cats have the ability to jump from a standing position to anything high.
The user only needs to point - and - shoot from a standing position to successfully remove the stain and odor.
They spray from a standing position, not the squatting position they use when eliminating.
But don't forget to also practice plenty of sits & downs from a standing position.
Marking is usually done from a standing position and will be directed at vertical surfaces, such as a wall or piece of furniture, whereas inappropriate elimination is usually squatting on a floor or carpet.
If your dog is anxiously (or excitedly) pacing around the exam room and doesn't know this skill, the only way for us to get a look at his undercarriage is to physically lay him down and hold him in position — we do this as gently as possible, but for many dogs it's very frightening to be forcibly placed on their side or back from a standing position.
The Cayenne E-Hybrid hits 100kmph in 5 seconds from a standing position and can reach its maximum speed of 253kmph with the combined forces of the combustion and electric engine.
It has been traditionally played from a sitting position, but now it can be played from a standing position.
This is easy to confirm from a standing position.
My favorite medicine ball core exercises are the over head soccer throw from a standing position, and the over head throw from the crunch position.
From a standing position with your feet shoulder - width apart, squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you and just outside of your feet.
Romanian deadlift on the other hand starts from a standing position with weights in your hands and bend down from your hips to a lower point where your flexibility allows you to reach.
I start the exercise for the love handles from a standing position.
From a standing position with your hands firmly on the towel spin the kettlebell to one direction and then change back to the other.
This movement requires you to start from the standing position first and from there you descend down into the squat position in order to place your hands on the ground.
We brought you above the ab wheeler from the standing position.
From a standing position, raise your arms over your head and hinge forward as you crease at the hip and move one leg back behind you.
Increased Leg Stability: You can use seated leg machines to increase the strength of your leg muscles individually, but the fastest way to improving stability in your legs is to perform leg exercises from a standing position.
But all these multi-thousand dollar machines have flaws and can't compete with all the benefits of doing leg exercises from a standing position.
Athletes in particular should spend most of their time exercising their legs from a standing position.
From a standing position, drop down into a frog position.
From a standing position simply drop to the ground and have your chest touch the ground get back up and hop when you get up.
From standing position grab your right foot with your right hand.
From standing position, lift one barbel with one or two hands behind your head.
Until I saw another teacher, going from the standing position, legs apart, stretching forward, DELIBERATELY ALLOWING HER BACK HIP TO HAVE AN ANATOMICAL ROTATION, and she put her front hand next the the outside of her front foot.
From standing position step the left leg forward and bend the left knee to 90 degrees.
Beginners should start the exercise without weight from a standing position with the shoulders pulled back and core muscles engaged.
However, the exercise can also be performed from a standing position or while leaning forward.
If you want more of a core challenge and increased work for the lower back muscles, try this exercise from a standing position — bent over dumbbell shrugs.
The glute kickback can also be performed from a standing position.
From standing position place left leg out to side keeping it straight and bend right knee going down into a side lunge, touch ground with left fingers.
From standing position, bend knees into squat and reach down touching fingers to sides of feet.
Remember that it is just as important to work your hips from a standing position.
From a standing position, squat down, bringing your hands to the floor.
Side Lunge to Side Kick (each side) From a standing position, lunge to the right, stepping your right foot out wide to the side and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straight).
From a standing position, feet shoulder width...
How to: From a standing position, step one foot behind you so you're in a high lunge.
The Dive: This can be intimidating for some because it involves basically diving into the ground from a standing position and trusting that you will be able to time your kick - up quickly.
Start from a standing position.
Burpees — From the standing position squat down and place your hands on the floor and kick both feet back until you are in a push up position.
Partial rolling out from standing position with wall help.
Step 1: From a standing position, drop your hips to the ground and roll onto your back, keeping your knees tucked to your chest.
Those with healthy spines should aim to work towards the point where they can bridge backward from a standing position to the floor and back up again.
From a standing position, step your right foot back into a reverse lunge.
From a standing position, drop down into plank position, stacking your hands below your shoulders and keeping your core engaged.
Thus, it is really important to exercise your thighs and hips from a standing position.
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