Sentences with phrase «further experiments»

English literature students, for example, read texts critically to form a qualitative argument or analyse the reliability of sources, while engineering students often use the quantitative results from models to further their experiments or research projects.
It would be relatively easy and cheap to do further experiments with modern instrumentation.
Further experiments will explore the influence of periodic forcings such as the quasi biennial oscillation (QBO) in equatorial winds and the cyclical variation of solar radiation.
This review would include determining how these nitrous oxide emissions from zero tillage systems compared with those from conventional tillage, and identifing gaps in knowledge requiring further experiments and studies.
Further experiments with other mediums led her to design the sets and costumes for a production by England's Royal Ballet in 1985, though she continued to focus on her painting practice during this period.
His return to the United states was followed by further experiments in painting, with the red color this time.
Springer of NCPI said the study lays a foundation for further experiments on a topic that educators have been debating «for over a century.»
Further experiments showed that this default mode is crucial for consolidating memories, reflecting on past experiences, and planning for the future — in other words, it helps shape how we make sense of our lives.
Alongside the study, further experiments in school canteens tracked the eating behaviours of children in primary and secondary schools and found that even small improvements to dining spaces can make young people eat more school food.
Further experiments showed that dipping fruits and vegetables in Aloe Vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, retained the freshness, and also extended its shelf life.
Further experiments are still needed to achieve complete clarity about the interplay between the atomic nucleus and the shell and, therefore, to verify the theoretical predictions of the nature of quantum mechanics in very strong fields».
The team's further experiments delved into what else beyond TOR was involved to evoke the suppression.
Further experiments revealed that the mice that underwent gamma stimulation had reduced amyloid - β production.
Recently, the National Science Foundation and the Israel Binational Science Foundation combined funding opportunities to ensure further experiments at Weizmann on this topic and continued collaboration with the Princeton researchers.
The lab then conducted further experiments, and discovered that multiple corrections would be necessary.
Further experiments are needed to investigate this link, as well as the relevance with respect to Alzheimer's disease pathology progression.
Further experiments are required to tease apart the relative contributions of these aspects of prestige in chimpanzees.
«I think this is going to be a very interesting tool for further experiments and analyses that can answer a lot of questions that couldn't be answered before,» Gross said.
Further experiments revealed that modulating activity of ATP synthase with J147 changes the levels of a number of other molecules — including levels of ATP itself — and leads to healthier, more stable mitochondria throughout aging and in disease.
As there were no differences in the enhanced response comparing gp33 immunization to NP396 immunization (data not shown), all further experiments focus on the gp33 immunization.
With further experiments, Gaddis and her colleagues established that Tfh cells promote atherosclerosis.
Further experiments in yeast and mice along these lines led Lindquist to propose a new, unifying hypothesis to explain the origin of the human prion disease and the mechanism of its toxicity.
Crucially, further experiments showed that the diet - driven changes to lifespan are dependent on FOXO.
Dr. Rippe and his team now plan to apply their new approach in further experiments at the BioQuant Centre of Heidelberg University and the German Cancer Research Center.
An understanding of how these noise features differentially affect signal encodings along the auditory pathway would require further experiments utilizing a broader set of background noises.
Further experiments identified new therapeutic options: Mice that are unable to produce Type - 1 interferon were protected against Listeria infection despite the migration of the gut bacteria into the liver, because their immune cells didn't produce high levels of Type - 1 interferon and IL - 10 after Listeria infection.
Further experiments eventually revealed the culprit: The water was too pure.
The group hopes to conduct further experiments at cryogenic temperatures, and plans to perform computer simulations investigating how great numbers of varied particles might clump together to form larger structures.
Further experiments suggested the different effects may be due to a unique firing pattern by inhibitory neurons in a neighboring brain region, the zona incerta, during low frequency stimulation.
«Further experiments would be needed to just test the exercise or just test the cage size or just test having a tunnel in the cage.»
In further experiments, the team found that antibodies that trigger enhancement dominate the human immune response to the live virus, so people vaccinated with whole dead virus may respond in the same way.
Further experiments revealed that cadherins, proteins that keep cells joined to each other, are required for entosis.
Further experiments showed that IL2RG inserted itself at different places in each mouse's DNA.
In further experiments, Straussman showed that antibiotics stopped bacteria with the long form from destroying gemcitabine (Science,
The young research scientist is already carrying out further experiments at the synchrotron facility's new «Petra III» beamline, which according to DESY is the world's biggest and most brilliant storage ring x-ray source.
«These experiments allowed us a first insight into the formation mechanism of these compounds and provide the basis for a series of further experiments,» as Dr. Torsten Berndt from TROPOS explains.
Further experiments in human brain cells called astrocytes, which are targeted by CMV, revealed a 100-fold decrease in the amount of virus present when they were treated with valnoctamide (Journal of Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1523 / jneurosci.0970 - 17.2017).
If the compound identified in this study successfully reduces tissue death and improves recovery in further experiments, it could lead to new approaches for preserving brain cells after an ischemic stroke,» said Francesca Bosetti, Ph.D., Pharm.D., program director at the NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
These findings have provided impetus for further experiments on the spread of such arsenic compounds — at the University of Bayreuth, such research will focus on the staple food rice.
If further experiments confirm such results, neurofeedback may offer a suite of applications.
An HFEA spokesperson says that the agency is waiting for further experiments on the safety and efficacy of mitochondrial replacement (including data from Herbert's team) before approving what could be the world's first mitochondrial replacement in humans.
The scientists are planning further experiments to shed more light on the lithium plating mechanism.
Further experiments indicated that a protein called HT - B is present in much higher levels during incompatible pollination and may help break down the compartment walls, the team reports 16 February in Nature.
Further experiments confirmed that these increases in IgT and IgT - producing B cells were specific to the gills and not the result of a systemic increase in production, showing for the first time that a non-mammalian species can locally induce a dedicated mucosal immune response.
He's running further experiments to make sure the results can't be explained by factors such as the smell of hot coffee or whether some like it hot and some like it cold.
Further experiments revealed that this part of the kinase is essential to the process that allows a bacterium to respond to its environment and change direction.
Further experiments involving real robots will be used to investigate ways that evolution could be used as a practical design tool.
The scientists are planning further experiments to find out which genes are affected when Ataxin - 7 stops working.
«Our future research includes further experiments to understand the natural conditions, beyond childbirth, under which oxytocin is released in the brain,» Dr. Froemke adds.
Further experiments with eggs from Panama showed that embryos as young as 4 days old could accomplish the same feat.
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