Sentences with phrase «future field experiments»

Future field experiments that can manipulate all three conditions at once will lead to better models of how long - term climate changes will affect ecosystems worldwide.
One near - term step researchers could take, it says, «is defining the scale and scope of observations and modeling capabilities necessary to detect the signal of any future field experiments» of geoengineering techniques, and ways «to evaluate their consequences.

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If the experiment works, Lathrop's team will be able to study the forces that drive Earth's dynamo and determine what might happen to our magnetic field in the future.
Based on an improved understanding of the photoemission process itself this will serve in future experiments to resolve variations of light fields with sub-atomic resolution, i.e. on a scale that was not accessible up to now.
U.S. Department of Agriculture data tables provide evidence for the importance of the eight Midwest states for U.S. agricultural production.3 Evidence for the effect of future elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on crop yields is based on scores of greenhouse and field experiments that show a strong fertilization response for C3 plants such as soybeans and wheat and a positive but not as strong a response for C4 plants such as corn.
Applications are sought that utilize data from past scientific field experiments (for example, the Mt. Elbert and Iġnik Sikumi tests in Alaska; Mallik tests in Canada) to (1) provide insight into the design of future field production experiments and (2) elucidate the nature of gas - hydrate - bearing sediments and their response to induced changes in physical and / or chemical environmental conditions.
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