Sentences with phrase «ghg abatement»

One can think of a GHG abatement policy as a form of insurance: society would be paying for a guarantee that a low - probability catastrophe will not occur (or is less likely).
This leaves a potentially cost - effective source of GHG abatement on the table, one that complements and reinforces other GHG reduction efforts.
Most of the discussion at the Cleantech Forum focused on the left - hand side of the McKinsey GHG abatement curve (below), which makes perfect sense: no amount of clever business model or financial product innovation will help uneconomic businesses (like many carbon sequestration businesses today) flourish.
It is technically possible to prevent 1.5 C or 2C of warming without carbon removal, but it is much, much harder to do than if we had large - scale carbon removal solutions to complement traditional GHG abatement solutions.
Carbon removal solutions will not lead to moral hazard around reducing emissions, as carbon removal proponents will work to build carbon removal as a complement to GHG abatement solutions for mitigating climate change.
What has set solar apart from other high dollar - per - ton GHG abatement schemes is non-carbon-focused regulations (be it some combination of net - metering, renewable portfolio standards, PACE financing, etc. designed to specifically support renewables).
Assuming a 25 year book life and small opex for such a 200 MW tower, this translates into roughly a $ 100 / t CO2 - equivalent cost of GHG abatement.
If you also include the value of avoided fossil fuel use in this calculation, the total GHG abatement cost of the whole system would come out even lower (i.e. around $ 10 / t CO2 - equivalent).
From my point of view, this discussion demonstrates that urban form measures are insufficient on their own to achieve ambitious GHG abatement and other environmental targets.
However, while I recognise the current ideological and political objectives to limit GHG emissions form energy use, there does not seem to be a rational economic justification for GHG abatement.
The Investment Summary Report notes the fraction of funding that reduce carbon emissions (overall 80 %) for energy efficiency (57 %), clean & renewable energy (15 %), and GHG abatement (8 %) programs.
Take the GHG abatement curve that the consultancy McKinsey has been working on for the past decade:
Bottom line here is that carbon removal is really just a class of GHG abatement techniques.
CDR solutions will likely require special treatment in international treaties (as many CDR techniques are less economically - viable than other GHG abatement approaches today), and it is important that today's negotiations pave the way for future CDR deployments.
While international negotiations have focused on mitigation and adaptation, relatively little time has been spent discussing the appropriate role for CDR in international GHG abatement programs.
Take the following supply curve of GHG abatement options that the consultancy McKinsey has prepared.
2) Low oil prices mean difficult - to - decarbonize sectors of the economy — like long - haul trucking and aviation — get even more difficult to decarbonize on a relative basis, increasing the demand for indirect GHG abatement options (such as CDR).
Of note is that McKinsey only considered GHG abatement options that they expected would cost less than 80 Euros / tCO2 in 2030, whereas the full CDR supply curve includes a number of approaches well above that threshold.
The GHG abatement curve prepared by the consultancy McKinsey, above, shows that cost - effective CDR technologies (highlighted in orange) can help reduce the overall cost of decarbonization.
Without dedicated revenues from carbon regulations, the CDR field is left to fight an uphill battle against other GHG abatement approaches for the limited public funding available for energy / environment technology R&D.
Since there are corollary benefits to reducing energy usage, we could justify the actions based on those, rather than on the supposed benefit of GHG abatement.
Just as one example, in the recent McKinsey report on GHG abatement opportunities, McKinsey points out that a substantial number of reduction opportunities already make economic sense.
If there is some way of quantifying the difference in damages between Cat 4 and Cat 5 events this could help make the financial case for GHG abatement.
The politicization of climate science is probably the single largest impediment to substantive action on GHG abatement, and while sites like Realclimate do their best to objectivize the topic, you can't expect to convince everyone.

Not exact matches

When considering options for using CERs from registered projects, a key question for policy makers is whether the projects are likely to continue greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement even in the absence of CDM revenues or whether they are vulnerable of discontinuing abatement.
What's more, strategies to enhance carbon sinks are almost identical to related GHG emission abatement strategies.
First, this framing draws unfounded distinctions between GHG emissions abatement and carbon removal approaches, and risks painting carbon removal as an alternative to GHG emission abatement instead of the complement that it is.
As negotiators lay the groundwork for comprehensive GHG emission accounting and abatement programs, they need to ensure that the frameworks they develop appropriately incentivize CDR projects.
Based upon a 2011 analysis by ICF International, the potential GHG reductions by expanding TSE infrastructure and reducing idling presents a significant opportunity for CO2 abatement in the U.S., which could amount to nearly 4.1 million tons of reductions annually.
No, I do not assume that GHG emissions do more harm than good, nor do I assume that damages from emissions exceed abatement costs,...
About 90 % or more of the rest of the committed warming of 1.6 °C will unfold during the 21st century, determined by the rate of the unmasking of the aerosol cooling effect by air pollution abatement laws and by the rate of release of the GHGs - forcing stored in the oceans.
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